No kodi device

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Calzor Suzay
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No kodi device

Post by Calzor Suzay »

I've recently moved by Domoticz setup to a new device.
I had Kodi setup a while back but never really 'dabbled' it with so removed it.
I went to re add it today but I don't seem to 'see' a device under 'switches', is this where it's supposed to appear?

I added the hardware, then set it up along with the node, in the log I see...

2020-05-19 16:14:38.783 Kodi: (Vero4k_Kodi) Connected to ''.
2020-05-19 16:14:57.308 Kodi: Restarting I/O service thread.
2020-05-19 16:14:57.310 Kodi: (Vero4k_Kodi) Event: 'On'.
2020-05-19 16:14:57.310 Error: EventSystem: Could not find device in system: ((ID=19980408: Vero4k_Kodi)

I see no further errors after this, if I change the port as a test it flags in the logs as an error
Any ideas?
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Re: No kodi device

Post by Thorgal789 »

Yep it will appear in "switches", have you take a look in Setting/Device, if it wasn't hidden ?
Have you tried to "play" with the "setting" configuration for this hardware ?
Calzor Suzay
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Re: No kodi device

Post by Calzor Suzay »

in setup/hardware the idx given does not appear in the setup/devices list.
Neither does the name of the hardware or the node appear in the setup/devices list.

I noticed in the logs these entries as below, I believe this was me playing a video and it can't update something...

2020-05-19 21:31:42.299 Error: EventSystem: Could not find device in system: ((ID=19980408: Vero4k_Kodi)
2020-05-19 21:31:49.694 Error: EventSystem: Could not find device in system: ((ID=19980408: Vero4k_Kodi)
2020-05-19 21:31:51.607 Error: EventSystem: Could not find device in system: ((ID=19980408: Vero4k_Kodi)
2020-05-19 22:30:43.152 Error: EventSystem: Could not find device in system: ((ID=19980408: Vero4k_Kodi)
2020-05-19 23:37:30.242 Error: EventSystem: Could not find device in system: ((ID=19980408: Vero4k_Kodi)
2020-05-19 23:37:31.249 Error: EventSystem: Could not find device in system: ((ID=19980408: Vero4k_Kodi)
Calzor Suzay
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Re: No kodi device

Post by Calzor Suzay »

Have removed it again as non functional
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