Solar data from Domoticz to Toon

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Solar data from Domoticz to Toon

Post by Duggel »

For several months I have solar cells and a Toon thermostat.
In Domoticz I can view the solar cell data, and I can control the Toon thermostat.

I would like to view the solar-data on the Toon thermostat. I know this is possible via 'Zon op Toon', but I don't feel like paying Eneco €100,- to install a meter to collect the solar-data which I allready have available.

Technically, it should certainly be possible, but Eneco only supports the 'payed option', so discussing alternative methods on their forum is a no-go.
Hacking the Toon seems to be the only option, or is there an other way to view the solar-data via Toon?

Thanks for the tips.
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Re: Solar data from Domoticz to Toon

Post by tne7laa »

I don’t have a solution for you but yesterday we have also solar panels and looking for the answer to this.
Just curious if you have an answer.
I’m seeing solar values (terug levering) in the toon api in Domoticz.
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Re: Solar data from Domoticz to Toon

Post by FireWizard »


Will Node Red be an option?

See: ... 219cddc5e4

Dependent on the Solar inverter, you can connect NR directly to the inverter or to use the MQTT output node to collect your solar data to NR and send it to Toon. I don't know if the offered solution for Toon is for filled by this flow.

See a picture at: ... 02&t=12291

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