Off Delay in scenes does not work with large values

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Off Delay in scenes does not work with large values

Post by livotov »

Hello everybody,

I'm testing the fresh installation of 2020.1 on a Pi 4 and having strange issues with scene Off Delay timer.

I need to have a button to quickly preheat the house. To achieve this, I've created the scene which turns on the heater switch for 3 hours by providing a 10800 seconds value for Off Delay field. Attaching my scene config screenshot.

However, the switch is not being turned off after 3 hrs delay and remains ON until I manually turn it off.
I tried with smaller delays like from 10 seconds to 10 minutes and it works then normally and turns it off on a specified timeout. But if I set it back to 10800 seconds (3 hrs) it stops turning it off again. In the logs, I don't see anything on timeout (neither status message nor error).

Anyone knows why is this?
Is this a known bug or scene timers are not supposed to work for such timeouts?

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Re: Off Delay in scenes does not work with large values

Post by atreide »


Same issue here. Tried a 4 hrs off delay (14400) and doesn't works as expected (v 2020.1)

Maybe @gizmocuz can help ?

Thanks !
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Re: Off Delay in scenes does not work with large values

Post by atreide »

Update ! I made some test and it's working until 2 hours delay. Tried 3 hours delay but switch never went off so looks like a bug

Anyone can confirm my taught ?

Thanks ! :D
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Re: Off Delay in scenes does not work with large values

Post by atreide »

Found a workaround in LUA, put it here if it can help :

Create script_device_off_delay.lua with this :

commandArray = {}
if (devicechanged['yourswitch'] == 'On') then commandArray['yourswitch']='Off AFTER 14400'
return commandArray
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