Dashticz Graphs - Rename Device

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Dashticz Graphs - Rename Device

Post by clinkadink »

I have raised this as a feature request. I will let you know how I get on.
https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopi ... 60#p242280
Minglarn wrote: Saturday 04 April 2020 9:53 Question...
Realy like the GRAP funktion.. Smooth and nice...

Is there an option to rename the devices as they show up in the graph, I want them to show as there are named in Domoticz.
Graph block:

Code: Select all

blocks['all_zones'] = {	
   title: 'Room Temperatures',
   devices: [1831,2358,3016,1115,2887,2396],
   groupByDevice: 'horizontal',
   graphTypes: ['te']

Code: Select all

blocks[1831] 	= {title: 'Groventre', width:3};
As you can seem the 1831device is named "Groventre" in Dashticz but shows up as "Groventre (HUE)" in the graph..
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