Homebridge Nest Json example with google Auth

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Homebridge Nest Json example with google Auth

Post by remko2000 »

I'm searching at a example jsonfile with good settings of my nest thermostate. I've migrated my nest to google so I have to work with a platform in my JSON with ' googleAuth'. What I don't quite understand is how i build up my json in the right way. My JSON looks now like this:

Code: Select all

    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge",
        "username": "CB:22:3D:E2:CE:31",
        "port": 51826,
        "pin": "031-45-154"
    "accessories": [],
    "googleAuth": {
        "issueToken": "xxxxxx",
        "cookies": "xxx",
        "apiKey": "xxxx"
    "platforms": [
            "name": "Config",
            "port": 9898,
            "auth": "form",
            "theme": "teal",
            "restart": "sudo -n systemctl restart homebridge",
            "tempUnits": "c",
            "sudo": true,
            "log": {
                "method": "systemd"
            "platform": "config"
            "platform": "eDomoticz",
            "name": "eDomoticz",
            "server": "",
            "port": "8080",
            "ssl": false,
            "roomid": 2,
            "mqtt": true,
            "excludedDevices": []
            "platform": "Nest",
            "token": "xxx",
            "clientId": "xxxxxxx",
            "clientSecret": "PWDydKOn2ZaApkTrE7gci11A3",
            "code": "BDJR8KLU"
Do I have to place the googlAuth part under platform "nest' and remove the old clientID, clientsecret en code? Or do I have to make these fields empty and leave the ' googleAuth' part on the place where it is? Have someone a snapshot of his/here's JSON? Or has someone any tips?
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Re: Homebridge Nest Json example with google Auth

Post by Marci »

It goes within the nest platform object... like so:

Code: Select all

    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge",
        "username": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
        "port": 51826,
        "pin": "031-45-154"
    "accessories": [],
    "platforms": [
            "name": "Config",
            "port": 9898,
            "auth": "form",
            "theme": "teal",
            "restart": "sudo -n systemctl restart homebridge",
            "tempUnits": "c",
            "sudo": true,
            "log": {
                "method": "systemd"
            "platform": "config"
            "platform": "eDomoticz",
            "name": "eDomoticz",
            "server": "",
            "port": "8080",
            "ssl": false,
            "roomid": 2,
            "mqtt": true,
            "excludedDevices": []
            "platform": "Nest",
            "googleAuth": {
                 "issueToken": "xxxxxx",
                 "cookies": "xxx",
                 "apiKey": "xxxx"
...as per the homebridge-nest README at https://github.com/chrisjshull/homebridge-nest
Extended Domoticz homebridge-plugin for latest Homebridge - adds temp/humidity/pressure sensors, power consumption sensors, DarkSkies virtual weather station support, YouLess Meter support, general % usage support & switch/lamp status checking!
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