double day + time trigger not working  [SOLVED]

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double day + time trigger not working

Post by TheCondor »

Hi, i've a very basic script which at 8.00 change the content of a string value according of the garbage calendar, and the second at 21.00 send a notification to my phone as reminder.
The first (at 8:00 on.... ) is triggered, the second totally ignored. Thre content of the script works fine, if i invert the two 'at....' all is working. Seems that only the first row is readed!

Code: Select all

	on = {
            timer = {
                        'at 8:00 on mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun',
                        'at 21:00 on mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sun'

	execute = function(dz, item)
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Re: double day + time trigger not working

Post by waaren »

TheCondor wrote: Sunday 09 February 2020 21:55 Hi, i've a very basic script which at 8.00 change the content of a string value according of the garbage calendar, and the second at 21.00 send a notification to my phone as reminder.
The first (at 8:00 on.... ) is triggered, the second totally ignored.
I cannot replicate this on domoticz V4.11671 / dzVents 2.5.7. All rows are read and processed
What is your version ?
Can you try again with different times / days and see if you find a pattern ?
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
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Re: double day + time trigger not working  [SOLVED]

Post by TheCondor »

Hi, i'm on V 4.11337 / dzVents Version: 2.4.29
I try to update.
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