I want to toggle lights configuration using wall switch

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I want to toggle lights configuration using wall switch

Post by pybypl »

I have a button on my wall and few lights.
Which type of switch should I create to be able to toggle the lights like:
1st press: ceiling lamp on
2nd press: ceiling lamp and floor lamp on
3rd press: all lights off
4th press: ceiling lamp on
and so on ...

For now I have the toggling logic written and controlled on arduino.
But I want to move it to domoticz.

I've thought about selector switch but still - I need to program the scenes in arduino like:
selector level 1: http://arduinoIP/nolight
selector level 2: http://arduinoIP/lightCeiling
selector level 3: http://arduinoIP/allLights

so it's quite the same that I have for now.
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