Somfy tilt 50 blinds motor and RF-link, not working perfect

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Somfy tilt 50 blinds motor and RF-link, not working perfect

Post by hoeby »

I have the next devices from somfy:
2x curtains
2x blinds with rts tilt 50 motor

The curtains work perfect.
The blinds not. I can pair them. But when i gives UP, the blind only goes a little step up. Have to give 50 or more UP commands to close the blinds. The same for DOWN. The work like steppermotors. Change RTSTXLONG, but that maked it worse.
Did a google search and found out that more people have that problem, but no solutions found.

Does somebody know what is going wrong. And how i could solve it?
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Re: Somfy tilt 50 blinds motor and RF-link, not working perfect

Post by hoeby »

Just some extra information.
I have the frequentie for Somfy. That is not the issue.
Running firmware R48 from RF-link, with the PCB bought on nodo-shop
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Pi3A+ --> Google home (GAssistPi)
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