solaredge polling interval

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solaredge polling interval

Post by akoopal »


I have solar panels with a solaredge inverter. I use the API key to pull the stats of power generation into my domoticz. However, sometimes the solaredge poller gives errors:

2019-04-22 19:32:02.708 Error: SolarEdgeAPI: Error getting http data!
2019-04-22 19:37:17.827 Error: SolarEdgeAPI: Error getting http data!
2019-04-22 19:42:32.923 Error: SolarEdgeAPI: Error getting http data!

I suspect this is due to hitting the API limits. When it happens, I disable solaredge in the hardware setttings and enable the next morning. However, you have some infomation loss each time it happens. Would it be possible to configure the poll interval? I wouldn't mind to set it to 10 or even 15 minutes, in principle you can query all the 5 minute values since the last poll, so there doesn't have to be any data loss?


André Koopal
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Re: solaredge polling interval

Post by gizmocuz »

Hello Andre,

Are you any other software that is polling your SolarEdge data ?

If you are building domoticz by hand (source), you could change the polling interval in

void SolarEdgeAPI::Do_Work


Code: Select all

if (sec_counter % 300 == 0)

Code: Select all

if (sec_counter % 600 == 0)
To poll every 10 minutes and you can check if that solves your problem.

Regarding the limitation, this is according the manual set to 300 calls / day

We poll every 5 minutes

1440 minutes a day , divided by 5, equals 288, which should be OK, and 2 startup calls

Maybe you restarted Domoticz a few extra times ?
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Re: solaredge polling interval

Post by akamming »

Some time ago I had the same issue. The 300 calls per day were exceeed because i also configured my solar panels to report to and apparently domoticz and pvoutput together exceed 300 calls per day.

i also needed a more precise measurement (i wanted to calculate my real power consumption), so i also needed to change the interval (in my case: every 10 seconds).

For me the solution was stop using the default SolarEdge API and create a script which retrieves the data using sunspec monitor / ModbusTCP (

you can find the script at the end of the following post

maybe this is a solution for you as well..
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Re: solaredge polling interval

Post by akoopal »

Although I am capable of building it by hand I prefer to use the packages. I think this should be configurable.

I do use pvoutput as well, but as I understand the specs, the limit is per polling IP, so that shouldn't conflict. But I did reduce pvoutput a bit more. pvoutput keeps working when domoticz fails, so that indeed suggests a limit per IP.

I don't really care about realtime to much, ok for me to have a less frequent polling interval.
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