Code: Select all
2018-04-21 15:56:24.402 (Condizionatore salotto) SET COMMAND SEND Power=true&DeviceID=107767&OperationMode=&SetTemperature=&SetFanSpeed=&VaneHorizontal=&VaneVertical=&EffectiveFlags=1&HasPendingCommand=true
2018-04-21 15:56:24.402 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Fan) Updating device from 0:'40' to have values 1:'40'.
2018-04-21 15:56:24.402 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:24.404 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Temp) Updating device from 0:'' to have values 1:''.
2018-04-21 15:56:24.405 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Vane Horizontal) Updating device from 0:'40' to have values 1:'40'.
2018-04-21 15:56:24.406 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:24.407 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Vane Vertical) Updating device from 0:'60' to have values 1:'60'.
2018-04-21 15:56:24.409 (Condizionatore salotto) SET COMMAND SEND Power=true&DeviceID=107767&OperationMode=1&SetTemperature=&SetFanSpeed=&VaneHorizontal=&VaneVertical=&EffectiveFlags=6&HasPendingCommand=true
2018-04-21 15:56:24.409 (Condizionatore salotto) Sending 432 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:24.409 (Condizionatore salotto) Sending 433 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:24.409 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:24.411 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:24.413 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:24.559 (Condizionatore salotto) Received 1012 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:24.560 (Condizionatore salotto) JSON REPLY: {'TemperatureIncrementOverride': 0, 'HideVaneControls': None, 'OperationMode': 0, 'ErrorCode': 8000, 'DefaultHeatingSetTemperature': None, 'SceneOwner': None, 'WeatherObservations': None, 'LastCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:56:05.193', 'NumberOfFanSpeeds': 5, 'DeviceID': 107767, 'Power': True, 'Offline': False, 'VaneHorizontal': 0, 'Scene': None, 'NextCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:57:05.193', 'EffectiveFlags': 1, 'DeviceType': 0, 'Name': None, 'RoomTemperature': 22.5, 'VaneVertical': 0, 'ErrorMessage': None, 'LocalIPAddress': None, 'HideDryModeControl': None, 'HasPendingCommand': True, 'InStandbyMode': False, 'DefaultCoolingSetTemperature': None, 'SetTemperature': 0.0, 'SetFanSpeed': 0, 'RoomTemperatureLabel': 0}
2018-04-21 15:56:24.560 (Condizionatore salotto) TIME OFFSSET :+1
2018-04-21 15:56:24.560 (Condizionatore salotto) Next update for command: 2018-04-21 14:57:05.193
2018-04-21 15:56:24.560 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Unit Infos) Updating device from 1:'Update for last command at 2018-04-21 14:49:04.88' to have values 1:'Update for last command at 2018-04-21 14:57:05.193'.
2018-04-21 15:56:24.563 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:24.613 (Condizionatore salotto) Received 1012 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:24.613 (Condizionatore salotto) JSON REPLY: {'TemperatureIncrementOverride': 0, 'HideVaneControls': None, 'OperationMode': 1, 'ErrorCode': 8000, 'DefaultHeatingSetTemperature': None, 'SceneOwner': None, 'WeatherObservations': None, 'LastCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:56:05.193', 'NumberOfFanSpeeds': 5, 'DeviceID': 107767, 'Power': True, 'Offline': False, 'VaneHorizontal': 0, 'Scene': None, 'NextCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:57:05.193', 'EffectiveFlags': 6, 'DeviceType': 0, 'Name': None, 'RoomTemperature': 22.5, 'VaneVertical': 0, 'ErrorMessage': None, 'LocalIPAddress': None, 'HideDryModeControl': None, 'HasPendingCommand': True, 'InStandbyMode': False, 'DefaultCoolingSetTemperature': None, 'SetTemperature': 0.0, 'SetFanSpeed': 0, 'RoomTemperatureLabel': 0}
2018-04-21 15:56:24.613 (Condizionatore salotto) TIME OFFSSET :+1
2018-04-21 15:56:24.613 (Condizionatore salotto) Next update for command: 2018-04-21 14:57:05.193
2018-04-21 15:56:24.613 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Unit Infos) Updating device from 1:'Update for last command at 2018-04-21 14:57:05.193' to have values 1:'Update for last command at 2018-04-21 14:57:05.193'.
2018-04-21 15:56:24.616 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:28.472 (Condizionatore salotto) Current MEL Cloud Key ID:3D8575BCF48844AEA0AB1743B36E5D
2018-04-21 15:56:28.472 (Condizionatore salotto) Sending 294 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:28.622 (Condizionatore salotto) Received 2007 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:28.622 (Condizionatore salotto) JSON REPLY: {'TemperatureIncrementOverride': 0, 'HideVaneControls': False, 'OperationMode': 1, 'ErrorCode': 8000, 'DefaultHeatingSetTemperature': None, 'SceneOwner': None, 'WeatherObservations': [{'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-21T19:48:00', 'ID': 99776263, 'Humidity': 67, 'Date': '2018-04-21T15:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 0, 'Day': 6, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-21T06:22:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals', 'Temperature': 20}, {'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-22T19:49:00', 'ID': 99939027, 'Humidity': 72, 'Date': '2018-04-22T03:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 2, 'Day': 6, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-22T06:21:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night', 'Temperature': 15}, {'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-22T19:49:00', 'ID': 99939031, 'Humidity': 57, 'Date': '2018-04-22T15:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 1, 'Day': 0, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-22T06:21:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals', 'Temperature': 21}, {'Condition': 113, 'Sunset': '2018-04-23T19:49:00', 'ID': 100100219, 'Humidity': 62, 'Date': '2018-04-23T03:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Clear/Sunny', 'WeatherType': 2, 'Day': 0, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-23T06:20:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night', 'Temperature': 15}], 'LastCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:56:05.193', 'NumberOfFanSpeeds': 5, 'DeviceID': 107767, 'Power': True, 'Offline': False, 'VaneHorizontal': 0, 'Scene': None, 'NextCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:57:05.193', 'EffectiveFlags': 0, 'DeviceType': 0, 'Name': None, 'RoomTemperature': 22.5, 'VaneVertical': 0, 'ErrorMessage': None, 'LocalIPAddress': None, 'HideDryModeControl': False, 'HasPendingCommand': True, 'InStandbyMode': False, 'DefaultCoolingSetTemperature': None, 'SetTemperature': 0.0, 'SetFanSpeed': 0, 'RoomTemperatureLabel': 0}
2018-04-21 15:56:28.622 (Condizionatore salotto) Update unit Mitsu-salotto information.
2018-04-21 15:56:28.622 (Condizionatore salotto) Heartbeat unit info: {'sn': '1710063033', 'power': True, 'macaddr': 'b8:d7:af:4c:88:7a', 'op_mode': 1, 'room_temp': 22.5, 'idoffset': 0, 'name': 'Mitsu-salotto', 'set_temp': 0.0, 'id': 107767, 'building_id': 53422, 'vaneH': 0, 'next_comm': False, 'vaneV': 0, 'set_fan': 0}
2018-04-21 15:56:28.622 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Mode) Updating device from 1:'10' to have values 1:'10'.
2018-04-21 15:56:28.629 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Fan) Updating device from 1:'40' to have values 1:'50'.
2018-04-21 15:56:28.631 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:28.632 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) 'onMessage' failed 'UnboundLocalError':'local variable 'setDomTemp' referenced before assignment'.
2018-04-21 15:56:28.632 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 420 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function onMessage
2018-04-21 15:56:28.632 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 185 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function onMessage
2018-04-21 15:56:28.632 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 398 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function domoticz_sync_switchs
2018-04-21 15:56:28.635 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:53.473 (Condizionatore salotto) Current MEL Cloud Key ID:3D8575BCF48844AEA0AB1743B36E5D
2018-04-21 15:56:53.473 (Condizionatore salotto) Sending 294 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:53.623 (Condizionatore salotto) Received 2007 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:56:53.624 (Condizionatore salotto) JSON REPLY: {'TemperatureIncrementOverride': 0, 'HideVaneControls': False, 'OperationMode': 1, 'ErrorCode': 8000, 'DefaultHeatingSetTemperature': None, 'SceneOwner': None, 'WeatherObservations': [{'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-21T19:48:00', 'ID': 99776263, 'Humidity': 67, 'Date': '2018-04-21T15:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 0, 'Day': 6, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-21T06:22:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals', 'Temperature': 20}, {'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-22T19:49:00', 'ID': 99939027, 'Humidity': 72, 'Date': '2018-04-22T03:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 2, 'Day': 6, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-22T06:21:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night', 'Temperature': 15}, {'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-22T19:49:00', 'ID': 99939031, 'Humidity': 57, 'Date': '2018-04-22T15:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 1, 'Day': 0, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-22T06:21:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals', 'Temperature': 21}, {'Condition': 113, 'Sunset': '2018-04-23T19:49:00', 'ID': 100100219, 'Humidity': 62, 'Date': '2018-04-23T03:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Clear/Sunny', 'WeatherType': 2, 'Day': 0, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-23T06:20:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night', 'Temperature': 15}], 'LastCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:56:05.193', 'NumberOfFanSpeeds': 5, 'DeviceID': 107767, 'Power': True, 'Offline': False, 'VaneHorizontal': 0, 'Scene': None, 'NextCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:57:05.193', 'EffectiveFlags': 0, 'DeviceType': 0, 'Name': None, 'RoomTemperature': 22.5, 'VaneVertical': 0, 'ErrorMessage': None, 'LocalIPAddress': None, 'HideDryModeControl': False, 'HasPendingCommand': True, 'InStandbyMode': False, 'DefaultCoolingSetTemperature': None, 'SetTemperature': 0.0, 'SetFanSpeed': 0, 'RoomTemperatureLabel': 0}
2018-04-21 15:56:53.624 (Condizionatore salotto) Update unit Mitsu-salotto information.
2018-04-21 15:56:53.624 (Condizionatore salotto) Heartbeat unit info: {'sn': '1710063033', 'power': True, 'macaddr': 'b8:d7:af:4c:88:7a', 'op_mode': 1, 'room_temp': 22.5, 'idoffset': 0, 'name': 'Mitsu-salotto', 'set_temp': 0.0, 'id': 107767, 'building_id': 53422, 'vaneH': 0, 'next_comm': False, 'vaneV': 0, 'set_fan': 0}
2018-04-21 15:56:53.624 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Mode) Updating device from 1:'10' to have values 1:'10'.
2018-04-21 15:56:53.628 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Fan) Updating device from 1:'50' to have values 1:'50'.
2018-04-21 15:56:53.630 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:56:53.631 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) 'onMessage' failed 'UnboundLocalError':'local variable 'setDomTemp' referenced before assignment'.
2018-04-21 15:56:53.631 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 420 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function onMessage
2018-04-21 15:56:53.631 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 185 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function onMessage
2018-04-21 15:56:53.631 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 398 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function domoticz_sync_switchs
2018-04-21 15:56:53.633 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:01.340 User: Admin initiated a switch command (23/NWDScriptRunning/On)
2018-04-21 15:57:01.343 (Hardware) Lighting 1 (NWDScriptRunning)
2018-04-21 15:57:01.344 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:15.117 User: Admin initiated a switch command (30/Temperatura/umidità/On)
2018-04-21 15:57:15.153 User: Admin initiated a switch command (24/Iphone di Silvia/On)
2018-04-21 15:57:15.155 (Hardware) Lighting 1 (Iphone di Silvia)
2018-04-21 15:57:15.156 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:15.156 EventSystem: Script event triggered: /home/xavier/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_device_presence.lua
2018-04-21 15:57:15.174 (Presenza in casa) Lighting 1 (Presenza in casa)
2018-04-21 15:57:15.175 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:15.178 User: Admin initiated a switch command (23/NWDScriptRunning/On)
2018-04-21 15:57:15.180 (Hardware) Lighting 1 (NWDScriptRunning)
2018-04-21 15:57:15.180 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:18.471 (Condizionatore salotto) Current MEL Cloud Key ID:3D8575BCF48844AEA0AB1743B36E5D
2018-04-21 15:57:18.471 (Condizionatore salotto) Sending 294 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:57:18.572 (Condizionatore salotto) Received 2008 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:57:18.572 (Condizionatore salotto) JSON REPLY: {'TemperatureIncrementOverride': 0, 'HideVaneControls': False, 'OperationMode': 1, 'ErrorCode': 8000, 'DefaultHeatingSetTemperature': None, 'SceneOwner': None, 'WeatherObservations': [{'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-21T19:48:00', 'ID': 99776263, 'Humidity': 67, 'Date': '2018-04-21T15:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 0, 'Day': 6, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-21T06:22:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals', 'Temperature': 20}, {'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-22T19:49:00', 'ID': 99939027, 'Humidity': 72, 'Date': '2018-04-22T03:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 2, 'Day': 6, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-22T06:21:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night', 'Temperature': 15}, {'Condition': 116, 'Sunset': '2018-04-22T19:49:00', 'ID': 99939031, 'Humidity': 57, 'Date': '2018-04-22T15:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Partly Cloudy', 'WeatherType': 1, 'Day': 0, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-22T06:21:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals', 'Temperature': 21}, {'Condition': 113, 'Sunset': '2018-04-23T19:49:00', 'ID': 100100219, 'Humidity': 62, 'Date': '2018-04-23T03:00:00', 'ConditionName': 'Clear/Sunny', 'WeatherType': 2, 'Day': 0, 'Sunrise': '2018-04-23T06:20:00', 'Icon': 'wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night', 'Temperature': 15}], 'LastCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:57:05.253', 'NumberOfFanSpeeds': 5, 'DeviceID': 107767, 'Power': True, 'Offline': False, 'VaneHorizontal': 3, 'Scene': None, 'NextCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:58:05.253', 'EffectiveFlags': 0, 'DeviceType': 0, 'Name': None, 'RoomTemperature': 22.5, 'VaneVertical': 4, 'ErrorMessage': None, 'LocalIPAddress': None, 'HideDryModeControl': False, 'HasPendingCommand': False, 'InStandbyMode': False, 'DefaultCoolingSetTemperature': None, 'SetTemperature': 0.0, 'SetFanSpeed': 5, 'RoomTemperatureLabel': 0}
2018-04-21 15:57:18.572 (Condizionatore salotto) Update unit Mitsu-salotto information.
2018-04-21 15:57:18.572 (Condizionatore salotto) Heartbeat unit info: {'sn': '1710063033', 'power': True, 'macaddr': 'b8:d7:af:4c:88:7a', 'op_mode': 1, 'room_temp': 22.5, 'idoffset': 0, 'name': 'Mitsu-salotto', 'set_temp': 0.0, 'id': 107767, 'building_id': 53422, 'vaneH': 3, 'next_comm': False, 'vaneV': 4, 'set_fan': 5}
2018-04-21 15:57:18.572 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Mode) Updating device from 1:'10' to have values 1:'10'.
2018-04-21 15:57:18.575 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) 'onMessage' failed 'UnboundLocalError':'local variable 'setDomFan' referenced before assignment'.
2018-04-21 15:57:18.575 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 420 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function onMessage
2018-04-21 15:57:18.575 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 185 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function onMessage
2018-04-21 15:57:18.575 Error: (Condizionatore salotto) ----> Line 397 in /home/xavier/domoticz/plugins/Melcloud/, function domoticz_sync_switchs
2018-04-21 15:57:18.575 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:25.123 Error: WUnderground: Error: No cities match your search query
2018-04-21 15:57:27.818 User: Admin initiated a switch command (35/Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Mode/Set Level)
2018-04-21 15:57:27.840 (Condizionatore salotto) onCommand called for Unit 1: Parameter 'Off', Level: 0
2018-04-21 15:57:27.840 (Condizionatore salotto) Switch Off the unit Mitsu-salottowith ID offset 0
2018-04-21 15:57:27.840 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Mode) Updating device from 1:'10' to have values 0:'0'.
2018-04-21 15:57:27.842 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Fan) Updating device from 1:'50' to have values 0:'50'.
2018-04-21 15:57:27.843 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:27.843 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Temp) Updating device from 1:'' to have values 0:''.
2018-04-21 15:57:27.845 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Vane Horizontal) Updating device from 1:'40' to have values 0:'40'.
2018-04-21 15:57:27.847 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Vane Vertical) Updating device from 1:'60' to have values 0:'60'.
2018-04-21 15:57:27.848 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:27.850 (Condizionatore salotto) SET COMMAND SEND Power=false&DeviceID=107767&OperationMode=1&SetTemperature=0.0&SetFanSpeed=5&VaneHorizontal=3&VaneVertical=4&EffectiveFlags=1&HasPendingCommand=true
2018-04-21 15:57:27.850 (Condizionatore salotto) Sending 440 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:57:27.852 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:27.854 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:27.857 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:28.000 (Condizionatore salotto) Received 1013 bytes of data
2018-04-21 15:57:28.001 (Condizionatore salotto) JSON REPLY: {'TemperatureIncrementOverride': 0, 'HideVaneControls': None, 'OperationMode': 1, 'ErrorCode': 8000, 'DefaultHeatingSetTemperature': None, 'SceneOwner': None, 'WeatherObservations': None, 'LastCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:57:05.253', 'NumberOfFanSpeeds': 5, 'DeviceID': 107767, 'Power': False, 'Offline': False, 'VaneHorizontal': 3, 'Scene': None, 'NextCommunication': '2018-04-21T13:58:05.253', 'EffectiveFlags': 1, 'DeviceType': 0, 'Name': None, 'RoomTemperature': 22.5, 'VaneVertical': 4, 'ErrorMessage': None, 'LocalIPAddress': None, 'HideDryModeControl': None, 'HasPendingCommand': True, 'InStandbyMode': False, 'DefaultCoolingSetTemperature': None, 'SetTemperature': 0.0, 'SetFanSpeed': 5, 'RoomTemperatureLabel': 0}
2018-04-21 15:57:28.001 (Condizionatore salotto) TIME OFFSSET :+1
2018-04-21 15:57:28.001 (Condizionatore salotto) Next update for command: 2018-04-21 14:58:05.253
2018-04-21 15:57:28.001 (Condizionatore salotto - Mitsu-salotto - Unit Infos) Updating device from 1:'Update for last command at 2018-04-21 14:57:05.193' to have values 1:'Update for last command at 2018-04-21 14:58:05.253'.
2018-04-21 15:57:28.004 LUA: Time set to Afternoon
2018-04-21 15:57:43.479 (Condizionatore salotto) Current MEL Cloud Key ID:3D8575BCF48844AEA0AB1743B36E5D
2018-04-21 15:57:43.479 (Condizionatore salotto) Sending 294 bytes of data