Aeotec Nanomote Quad - OZW sees it but needs more Domoticz support

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Aeotec Nanomote Quad - OZW sees it but needs more Domoticz support

Post by randomdune »

I purchased one of these devices :

Its a tiny remote - with 4 buttons.
It supports short and long click for each of them.

The OZW Control panel correctly recognizes the device and passes it on to Domoticz. (See attachment zwave_device entry)
But in Domoticz under devices, it only shows up with one entry. (see attachment Domoticzdevice)

How can I help to expand this into all 4 buttons (to be recognized as 4 pushbuttons)?
If there's some way for me to contribute config/logs I would be happy to provide that information.

I'm running:
Version: 4.10429
Build Hash: 09534cd-modified
Compile Date: 2019-02-14 10:26:38
dzVents Version: 2.4.13
Python Version: 3.5.2 (default, Nov 12 2018, 13:43:14) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]
Open Zwave : Version: 1.4-3357-g1712066-dirty
DomoticzDevice.png (15.33 KiB) Viewed 578 times
Zwave_DeviceEntry.png (19.38 KiB) Viewed 578 times
Domoticz: 4.10429 on Ubuntu LTS with Zwave (Aeotech) + Zigbee (Zigbee2MQTT) and Mysensors
Posts: 6
Joined: Friday 17 March 2017 4:28
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Re: Aeotec Nanomote Quad - OZW sees it but needs more Domoticz support

Post by 98ksxj »

Under devices I am showing 6 devices\switches that are tied to this device. However only the top big\wide button works. The others dont do anything and if I try to use the button inside domoticz I get this error "Error sending switch command, check device/hardware !"
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