Does MySensors Inclusion Mode work in Domoticz?

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Does MySensors Inclusion Mode work in Domoticz?

Post by Doler »

Since stable version 4.9700 Domoticz supports inclusion mode messages (Implemented: MySensors: handling of I_INCLUSION_MODE message.). But it is not clear to me if Domoticz acts upon this message.

I have following setup in my USB serial gateway (MySensors 2.3.1):

Code: Select all

// Enable inclusion mode
// Enable Inclusion mode button on gateway

// Inverses behavior of inclusion button (if using external pullup)

// Set inclusion mode duration (in seconds)
// Digital pin used for inclusion mode button
After toggling the inclusion button I get the following in the Domoticz log:

Code: Select all

2019-02-16 14:29:31.520 MySensors: Inclusion mode=1
2019-02-16 14:30:31.566 MySensors: Inclusion mode=0
So the inclusion messages arrive and are 'handled'. But there is no difference in the way new nodes/childs are handled when Inclusion mode=1 or when Inclusion mode=0.
From (older) discussions in the MySensors forum I conclude that it is up to the controller (i.e. Domoticz) to handle upon Inclusion mode signal by accepting or blocking new nodes/childs dependent on the state (0/1) of the Inclusion mode.
Since I see no difference I think this is not implemeted.

Has anyone else experience with this?

Thanks, Mark
Mark: Domoticz Beta on Raspberry Pi 4 running Debian Bookworm - Z-Stick 7 - RFXCom - P1 - MySensors - SolarEdge - Dahua - Philips Hue - Docker - Zigbee2mqtt (plugin) - Zwave-js-ui - dzVents - Nodered
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