So i've run into a bit of a roadblock and i dont even know where to go from here. For security reasons we need to update our Python 2.7.15 to use the latest OpenSSL(1.1.1a). This is proving to be impossible.
A quick bit of info on what i've done.
Downloaded the CPython 2.7.15 source, with VS2008 and 2010 i am able to compile several of the modules. _hashlib, _ssl, and _sqlite3 fail because of OpenSSL(libeay and ssleay projects).
The projects in the pcbuild.sln file for these items point to files that dont exist in OpenSSL 1.1.1a. tech news free netflix
I was able to fix the ssleay project by replacing the files with their equivilent(all in 1 folder so it was easy), but looking at something like Libeay it has dozens of folders and hundreds of files its trying to point too, many of them dont seem to exist anymore.
One example being it is looking for a /internal/cryptlib.h file, which does not exist, but there is now a /internal/cryptlib_int.h file. It seems like there was some massive restructuring and obviously the Python build solution isnt up to date.
I have successfully built/tested/installed OpenSSL from source, so i know i have everything it needs, but im at a total loss how to fix libeay and ssleay so that i can properly recompile the _ssl, _hashlib modules.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Dont bother with the upgrade to Python 3.x posts, we're working on it but have more pressing matters that require us to get what we have working. That is, unless its the only way to fix this issue.
Is it possible to compile Python 2.7.15 with latest OpenSSL(1.1.1a)?
Moderator: leecollings
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