The dummy Weather Underground device shows the outside temperature and the outside feels like temperature (chill) together in one device. For my dashboard I want to have these values separate so I made a LUA script to fetch the values individually. I fetch the values individually and update two designated dummy devices (one for temp and one for chill). However, the temp is never updated on the dummy device, while the chill value is updated without a problem. If i look at the log i can see that both values are fetched correctly so I do not understand why it doesn't work...
I tried removing the dummy device, adding a new dummy device, swapped the device for temp and chill, but nothing seems to make a difference. For some reason it seems like the chill value can be updated without any issues, but the temp value just doesn't get put through to a dummy device.
Who has any clues? See below a part of my script and the screenshot from the log in which you can see that both values are actually fetched:
Code: Select all
commandArray['UpdateDevice']='187|0|' .. getTempa
commandArray['UpdateDevice']='188|0|' .. getChill
print("Updated outside temp (" .. getTempa .. " degrees) and feels like temp (" .. getChill .. " degrees.)")
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!