RGB LED strip and json Topic is solved

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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by franzelare »

did you already figure out how to do this?
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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by gizmocuz »

Something like

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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by gizmocuz »

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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by franzelare »

The hex value didn't work, I get an error back
I checked the topic and tested a bit, only had to convert the values from HUE lights before I could feed them back in to domoticz, but now I can set the led strip using json commands and a bash script.

only on a synology I get a timeout when I try to directly execute the command
so I have a work around now by calling a bash script from the lua script to change the led strip
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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by franzelare »

you can also add &saturation= to complete the command set
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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by franzelare »

hmmm, when looking into detail, I don't get the same color on the LED strip when I put in the hue/sat/bri as when I use the rgb values in domoticz
but when I send the same values to the hue lamp, the colors stay the same, so there is no color conversion mistake before i put the data in
and the hex command doesn't seem to work
gizmocuz: is the hex command supported in all versions? since my nas is still running an older version..
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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by gizmocuz »

I think it is supported in the last 300 versions.... for sure from the latest stable version
Maybe i got the command wrong.. do you get an error when you enter the json url in the browser ?
It should work, it converts internally the hex to hue again...
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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by franzelare »

Ah, that's the trick, from a new release that I run on a Pi I can send hex code
but there is a mistake in the hex string send

when I send FF00FF in the hex string, the string recieved by the device is FF00FBrsion
String hexstring = message.getString();

so Blue is not correct al the time due to the string send
like FF000F will end up as FF0011rsion

now I also see why I get the wrong values when I send hue sat and bri to the RGB strip
(this is now in release 3.4834)
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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by Inso80 »

As the last post is around two years old, and it seems the "bug" is not fixed - is something else wrong with "setcolbrightnessvalue"?

No matter if send through browser or Domoticz script, f.e.

Code: Select all
results in

Code: Select all

only FFFFFF is transmitted fine, every other hex value is somehow converted. Also tried brightness and so on, does not seem to make a difference.

EDIT: as it is all about JSON:

Code: Select all{"m":3,"t":0,"r":0,"g":0,"b":50,"cw":0,"ww":0}&brightness=100
f.e results in status "ERR" - it is an exact copy of the JSON example on the Domotics wiki

EDIT 2 :

Also, choosing a value from the color table in Domoticz results in false hex value received by the node -.-
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Re: RGB LED strip and json

Post by kimot »

One question.
How you send this "http" call from MySensors for example radionode ???
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