This is an older thread in the meantime, but did cost me a lot of time to find out.
So I share my information here, it might be usefull for others.
(on a Synology DSM with webserver Apache/PHP7 active):
I got the info and files here:, but some minor adjustments were needed for me.
Logged in with WinSCP (for me the easiest way)
Moved the content of the /domoticz/www/Dashticz folder to a webfolder (for my webserver) in this case /web/DasticzV2.
Delete the compete Dashticz folder from /domoticz/www/
right-click on the file /<your web dashticz folder>/custom/CONFIG.js and give permissions to other users to write
Logged in with SSH (putty) to my synology, changed to user "root".
Make a simlink with the command
ln -s /volume1/web/DashticzV2/ /volume1/@appstore/domoticz/www/Dashticz
(ln -s <your webfolder> <a new Dashticzfolder for Domoticz to create>)
Now I can change the settings from the Dashticz webpage, with the link
You can access the Dashticz page like this, but the settings will not be saved then:
http://<MY DOMOTICZ IP>:<DomoticzPORT>/Dashticz/index.html
Anyway, as the settings from the menu will work, the position for the e.g. icons still does not work - the icons jump all over the screen. At the bottom of the screen a remark "save to see the results" (or similar) but no way to save it. The shown red "edit button" gives a code that is almost empty with "undefined" buttons, so there has still to be done some work here