Loading scenes in HomeKit

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Loading scenes in HomeKit

Post by vespino »

I have domoticz running on my synology nas and setup homebridge on a Ubuntu vm. I went through this manual which works fine: https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Homekit_Siri

The manual refers to ”loadscenes” which I would like to apply (and already did) but the scenes I added to my “room” do not appear in HomeKit or eve (the app I’m using to bridge domoticz with HomeKit). My question: can scenes from domoticz be loaded in HomeKit via this way or is this something that does simply not work? I have read about virtual switches used as a work around, but I prefer a more direct method if possible.

Second question: I have homebridge running on a seperate vm, but should it be able to run directly on my nas, without Docker?
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Re: Loading scenes in HomeKit

Post by Marci »

Loadscenes refers to an ancient homebridge domoticz plugin - wiki is out of date. Scenes are no longer implemented in homebridge-edomoticz, so as you've read, a virtual switch set to trigger the scene is required.
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