First of all, im new with domoticz. So mayby i missed something..
I want to control my Milight lamps with Domoticz. I have it working without domoticz, here for i use a nrf24l01 chip, combined with this projct: ... ilight.php.
I want to add this functionality to domoticz so i follows the GPIO guide:
Some information on the raspberry GPIO:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ gpio exports
GPIO Pins exported:
19: in 0 both
21: out 0 none
In my /etc/init.d/ i added this:
Code: Select all
#Run export GPIO Raspberry
/usr/local/bin/gpio export 19 in
/usr/local/bin/gpio edge 19 both
/usr/local/bin/gpio export 21 out
And created a new lightswitch like this: On this images you see the bash files, i created them to call the openmilight script. When i call this bash script normaly it works.
Code: Select all
cd /home/pi/openmilight_pi
sudo ./openmilight -d -q 14 -r 35 -c 52 -b 00 -k 01 -v CD -n 30
2018-01-22 20:34:12.058 User: pasibun initiated a switch command (1/Milight woonkamer/On)
It looks like it works, but if doesn't..
Can some one tell me what i did wrong here?