However this doesnot work for thermostat timers. What command modification is needed?
From following timers listing is clear, that thermostats have own timerIDs and the command should somehow mark, that dealing with thermostat timers and not standard switch timers
Code: Select all
Active "true"
Date ""
Days 128
DevName "Cirkulace"
DeviceRowID 113
Hue 0
IsThermostat "false"
Level 100
MDay 0
Month 0
Occurence 0
Randomness "false"
ScheduleDate "2018-01-12 07:30:00"
Time "07:30"
TimerCmd 0
TimerID 1
TimerType 2
TimerTypeStr "On Time"
Type "Device"
1 {…}
Active "true"
Date ""
Days 128
DevName "Nastaveni Hostovsky Ventil"
DeviceRowID 107
IsThermostat "true"
MDay 0
Month 0
Occurence 0
ScheduleDate "2018-01-12 07:25:00"
Temperature "22.5"
Time "07:25"
TimerID 1
TimerType 2
TimerTypeStr "On Time"
Type "Device"
3 {…}
status "OK"
title "Schedules"