Cant find devices in IOS homekitt (http 401 issue?)

Client tools or tools that can connect with Domoticz. Tools for Windows, iOS, Android, Linux etc.

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Cant find devices in IOS homekitt (http 401 issue?)

Post by steffo »

I have installed Domoticz on a raspberry pi just a few days ago.
I am using the Razberry pi Z-wave controller.

I added three devices in my system.Image

I created a room called 'test' like this:

The switches are working fine in Domoticz.

I installed Homebridge / homekit on my raspberry based o this:

When starting up homebridge I get this:

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/.homebridge $ homebridge
*** WARNING *** The program 'nodejs' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
*** WARNING *** The program 'nodejs' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
[1/5/2018, 11:05:51 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-edomoticz
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-edomoticz.eDomoticz'
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] ---
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms.
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] ---
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] Loading 1 platforms...
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] [eDomoticz] Initializing eDomoticz platform...
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] Loading 0 accessories...
Setup Payload:
Scan this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

"QR code for scanning"

Or enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 031-45-154 │

[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] Homebridge is running on port 51826.
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] [eDomoticz] There was a problem connecting to Domoticz. (HTTP Status code 401)

<html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>
[1/5/2018, 11:05:52 AM] [eDomoticz] There was an error while getting the MQTT Hardware Device from Domoticz.
Please verify that you have added the MQTT Hardware Device and that the hardware device is enabled.

I cant see the devices in the Ipad 'home' app.

this is the config.json file:

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/.homebridge $ cat config.json
    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge",
        "username": "CC:21:3E:E4:DE:34",
        "port": 51826,
        "pin": "031-45-154"
    "description": "Configuration file for (e)xtended Domoticz platform.",
    "platforms": [
            "platform": "eDomoticz",
            "name": "eDomoticz",
            "server": "",
            "port": "8080",
            "ssl": 0,
            "roomid": "2",
            "mqtt": 1
    "accessories": []
I expected to see "Swtich Idx " that is associated to roomid "Idx 2" as of above.

Please help in what I am doing wrong.
I am stuck :(
Posts: 66
Joined: Saturday 02 May 2015 21:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Bexleyheath, SE London, UK

Re: Cant find devices in IOS homekitt (http 401 issue?)

Post by Jem101 »

Firstly the warning messages are normal and can be ignored
Secondly it looks as if Homebridge is bailing out because the config file has a line MQTT:1 which enables the Mosqitto system but it's complaining that this has not been configured in Domoticz.

Have you installed the MQTT system in Domoticz? It's listed as a hardware device, so Hardware, add a new MQTT from the drop down menu - from memory I think you can keep the defaults settings.

Probably best to restart Domoticz afterwards

Then see if that fixes Homebridge. The other thing you could try is to change the line in the Homebridge config file to MQTT:0 which disables MQTT listener and see if Homebridge then will start ok. If it does then you know the issue is with a misconfiguration on the MQTT side.

I'm a great believer in the divide and conquer approach.

The rest of the setup appears to be OK.
I firmly believe in having an open mind - although not so open that your brain falls out!

- sometimes attributed to Carl Sagan, but the original quote is much older than that
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