Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
2017-07-20 15:15:00.571 LUA: Start Enigma Check
2017-07-20 15:15:00.589 Error: EventSystem: in Enigma: [string "-- This script is used in conjunction with En..."]:136: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
2017-07-20 15:15:00.589 Error: EventSystem: in Enigma: [string "-- This script is used in conjunction with En..."]:136: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Maybe a bug . Put the following characters into EnigmaStatus user variable 1|1
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! but...... the data don't change on the desktop. Still OFF (Stutus, Programs)
Restart system an BINGo!!
Thank you for the help. Everything works!!!
This is my first Lua. I'm using Python.
Restart system an BINGo!!
Thank you for the help. Everything works!!!
This is my first Lua. I'm using Python.
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Good News . The EnigmaStatus should show if the box is on or off and channel currently being Viewed. I will fix the bug . Cannot manipulate strings in LUA if they are blank !!
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Script does not see "+". For example Canal + HD, Planete+ HD, Canal+ Film HD etc...
EngmaList: CANAL+ HD
EnigmaStatus: f|CANAL HD
2017-07-20 17:47:00.607 LUA: EnigmaChannel is CANAL+ HD
2017-07-20 17:47:00.607 LUA: Channel changed to CANAL+ HD
2017-07-20 17:47:00.616 LUA: No Switch List Update
2017-07-20 17:47:00.732 LUA: Enigama Scan Start
2017-07-20 17:47:00.732 LUA: Channel CANAL HD not known
EngmaList: CANAL+ HD
EnigmaStatus: f|CANAL HD
2017-07-20 17:47:00.607 LUA: EnigmaChannel is CANAL+ HD
2017-07-20 17:47:00.607 LUA: Channel changed to CANAL+ HD
2017-07-20 17:47:00.616 LUA: No Switch List Update
2017-07-20 17:47:00.732 LUA: Enigama Scan Start
2017-07-20 17:47:00.732 LUA: Channel CANAL HD not known
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Last Beta (8197) does not update the switch status.
Next Beta 3.8199 - Works again!
Next Beta 3.8199 - Works again!
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
yes bug in adding + to user variable Cannot add + via user interface or API. Can add + via LUA looking at issue
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
I resolved the problem by removing "+" from the list of programs. Instead Canal + HD is Canal HD etc ..
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
fixed the bug its an issue with html same with spaces
Code: Select all
-- This script is used in conjuction with Enigma-Scan to maintain selector switch status with Enigma 2 settop boxes
-- This scripts scan the enigma 2 box to obtain current device state, and current current channel being views.
-- These are stored in the EnigmaStatus user variable.
-- This script relies on a least 2 virtual switches being created an on/off switch (to turn on/off the Enigma2 box) and a selector switch.
-- Each selector switch and the off/on switch must be pre-populated with the correct TV channels names and action URL.
-- ********Setup Selector Switch Instructions**********
-- Run the following HHTP call against the Enigma2 set-top box will obtain the correct information to populate the selector switch.
-- (where is IP address of the Enigma 2 Box
-- This will return a complete list of all channels the Enigma 2 box recognises.
-- Note the following information :-
-- <e2servicename>
-- <e2servicereference> that matches the <e2servicename>.
-- Note due to limitation of selector switches they can only hold 10 levels. So create as many selector switches as required.
-- Each selector switch can hold a different category of Channels Entertainment, MOvies , Music , etc.
-- The Selector level in the selector switch must match the <e2servicename> exactly.
-- The Selector action in the selector switch uses the following syntax<e2servicereference>.
-- *********Setup On/Off switch instructions **************
-- to turn the Enigma2 box :-
--on (where is the IP address of the Enigma2 box)
-- The script will also automatically populate the EnigmaList(n) user variable(s) with the selector levels in the selector switch(es) created above.
-- One EnigmaList(n) user variable for each selector switch created above.
-- The following user variables must be created before the script is run.
-- EnigmaParams Multiple values to hold IP and switch details. Each value is separated by a |.
-- The position in the parameter list determines the role of the value.
-- 1 = * This is an optional value . If present will cause the script to delete and recreate the data
-- in EnigmaList(n) user variable(s). Once updated the script will remove the "*" .
-- 2 = Ip address of Enigma2 Box
-- 3 = On/Off switch IdX
-- 4+ = IdX(es) of selector switch(es) which hold channel list. One list for each switch value specified.
-- Example|45|47|49|50
-- Ip address,IdX of on/off switch that control Enigma2 power state,Idx of selector switches
-- Example *||45|47|49|50 as above but will cause EnigmaList(n) values to be regenerated
-- EnigmaList(n) Multiple variables to hold individual selector switch LevelNames.
-- One User variable must be created for each selector switch defined.
-- This is popuated by this script.
-- EnigmaStatus This holds the state of Enigma2 box and the current channel being viewed.Each value is seperated by a "|"
-- f = not in standby. t = is in standby
-- User variables are updated in a way other that other scripts (Enigma-Scan) can be triggered if any of the uservariables change.
-- If the EnigmaParams user variable is edited to start with a "*" this will trigger this script to update EnigmaChannel(*) with the
-- contents of the selector switches defined above.
-- The Enigma-Scan script which is trigged from this script will use the data in the user variables above to maintain the status
-- of the selector switches defined in EnigmaParams
-- Version 1.9
-- Setup Variables
commandArray = {}
Level = 0
http = require("socket.http")
json = (loadfile "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()
LevelNames = ""
-- Set functions
function lines(str)
local t = {}
local function helper(line) table.insert(t, line) return "" end
helper((str:gsub("(.-)\r?\n", helper)))
return t
function get(data,name)
return data:match("<"..name..">(.-)</"..name..">")
function split(pString, pPattern)
local Table = {}
local fpat = "(.-)" .. pPattern
local last_end = 1
local s, e, cap = pString:find(fpat, 1)
while s do
if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
last_end = e+1
s, e, cap = pString:find(fpat, last_end)
if last_end <= #pString then
cap = pString:sub(last_end)
table.insert(Table, cap)
return Table
-- Start Program
-- Use function to move all params into tables
Vars = split(uservariables["EnigmaParams"],"|")
Status = split(uservariables["EnigmaStatus"],"|")
change = 0
On = Status[1]
Channel = Status[2]
-- Work out which table value holds the IP address. All params are shifted if the "*" params is used.
if Vars[1] == "*" then
IP = Vars[2]
IP = Vars[1]
print("Start Enigma Check")
-- Obtain powerstate of Enigma2 box
HttpPart = "http://" .. IP .. "/web/powerstate"
body = http.request(HttpPart)
-- If box is Off ( not in standby) script terminates
if body == nil then
print ("Enigma is Off")
return commandArray
Power = row[4]
Power = string.sub(Power, 1, 1)
On = string.sub (On, 1, 1)
-- check powerstate
if Power == On then
print "No Power state change"
print ("Powerstate changed" )
if Power == "f" then
change = 1
if Power == "t" then
change = 1
-- Get Current TV channel
HttpPart = "http://" .. IP .. "/web/subservices"
body = http.request(HttpPart)
if body == nil then
print ("Enigma is Off")
return commandArray
TChannel = get(row[5],"e2servicename")
-- Check Current Channel with Stored channel
if TChannel == Channel then
print "Channel not Changed"
print ("Channel changed from " .. Channel .. " to " .. TChannel)
change = 1
-- If user variables different from current trigger Json to change user variable . This will trigger lua scripts
if change == 1 then
TChannel=string.gsub(TChannel, " ", "%%20")
TChannel=string.gsub(TChannel, "+", "%%2b")
print ("New Value " .. TChannel)
Param = (Power .. "|" .. TChannel)
HttpPart=("curl '" .. Param .. "' &")
-- if "*" param used get SElector switch level lists and update user variables
if Vars[1] == "*" then
for i=4,#Vars do
print ("Switch List Update Switch " .. Vars[i])
HttpPart=("curl '" .. Vars[i] .. "' &")
Sw = config:read('*all')
SwData = json:decode(Sw)
Level = SwData["result"][1]["LevelNames"]
Var = ("Variable:EnigmaList" .. (i-3))
commandArray[Var] = "*" .. (Vars[i] .. "|" .. string.sub(Level,5))
commandArray["Variable:EnigmaParams"] = string.sub(uservariables["EnigmaParams"], 3)
print ("No Switch List Update")
return commandArray
Last edited by lonebaggie on Friday 11 August 2017 18:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
When i try to update (*||31|32|........)
Error: EventSystem: in Enigma: [string "-- This script is used in conjuction with Eni..."]:183: attempt to index global 'SwData' (a nil value)
2017-08-06 18:18:00.573 LUA: Start Enigma Check
2017-08-06 18:18:00.588 LUA: No Power state change
2017-08-06 18:18:00.606 LUA: Channel changed from TNT HD to Paramount Channel HD
2017-08-06 18:18:00.606 LUA: New Value Paramount%20Channel%20HD
2017-08-06 18:18:00.611 LUA: No Switch List Update
2017-08-06 18:21:00.704 LUA: Enigama Scan Start
2017-08-06 18:21:00.705 LUA: Update Switch Paramount Channel HD With 39|02|80
Error: EventSystem: in Enigma: [string "-- This script is used in conjuction with Eni..."]:183: attempt to index global 'SwData' (a nil value)
2017-08-06 18:18:00.573 LUA: Start Enigma Check
2017-08-06 18:18:00.588 LUA: No Power state change
2017-08-06 18:18:00.606 LUA: Channel changed from TNT HD to Paramount Channel HD
2017-08-06 18:18:00.606 LUA: New Value Paramount%20Channel%20HD
2017-08-06 18:18:00.611 LUA: No Switch List Update
2017-08-06 18:21:00.704 LUA: Enigama Scan Start
2017-08-06 18:21:00.705 LUA: Update Switch Paramount Channel HD With 39|02|80
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Make sure your level names and Idx numbers match your selector switches the error is in the code that updates the enigma lists . It is only called when you have * in the enigma params variable. I suspect you need to put the + back into your selector switch names
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
I changed the IP address from to old (line 171 and 178) in the script. And it works!!!! Sees the "+" sign. I do not know why but it works !!
Thank you for your hard work in making the script.
Thank you for your hard work in making the script.
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
IM an idiot . Testing with my IP address. is a loopback address. So will work whatever you set Domoticz IP address to . Glad you worked it out. Will change the source. Thank you
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
I have two questions:
1) I want to use two lists, one for radio and one for TV. will this work?
2) within one of the programs a % sign is used and seems to block the system, is that seen before (maually entering this in variable is not allowed)
(name is 100% TV)
Hope you can help me out.
I have two questions:
1) I want to use two lists, one for radio and one for TV. will this work?
2) within one of the programs a % sign is used and seems to block the system, is that seen before (maually entering this in variable is not allowed)
(name is 100% TV)
Hope you can help me out.
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Yes you can have two lists radio and TV. As long as the selector lists match the enigma should be OK. The % in the station name is causing a bug . I will see if I can fix
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Try this the % same error as the + and the space
Have just added another string substitution to allow the % to be parsed correctly in the HTML call back to Domoticz user variable . Note the double %% as % is an escape character
Code: Select all
-- This script is used in conjuction with Enigma-Scan to maintain selector switch status with Enigma 2 settop boxes
-- This scripts scan the enigma 2 box to obtain current device state, and current current channel being views.
-- These are stored in the EnigmaStatus user variable.
-- This script relies on a least 2 virtual switches being created an on/off switch (to turn on/off the Enigma2 box) and a selector switch.
-- Each selector switch and the off/on switch must be pre-populated with the correct TV channels names and action URL.
-- ********Setup Selector Switch Instructions**********
-- Run the following HHTP call against the Enigma2 set-top box will obtain the correct information to populate the selector switch.
-- (where is IP address of the Enigma 2 Box
-- This will return a complete list of all channels the Enigma 2 box recognises.
-- Note the following information :-
-- <e2servicename>
-- <e2servicereference> that matches the <e2servicename>.
-- Note due to limitation of selector switches they can only hold 10 levels. So create as many selector switches as required.
-- Each selector switch can hold a different category of Channels Entertainment, MOvies , Music , etc.
-- The Selector level in the selector switch must match the <e2servicename> exactly.
-- The Selector action in the selector switch uses the following syntax<e2servicereference>.
-- *********Setup On/Off switch instructions **************
-- to turn the Enigma2 box :-
--on (where is the IP address of the Enigma2 box)
-- The script will also automatically populate the EnigmaList(n) user variable(s) with the selector levels in the selector switch(es) created above.
-- One EnigmaList(n) user variable for each selector switch created above.
-- The following user variables must be created before the script is run.
-- EnigmaParams Multiple values to hold IP and switch details. Each value is separated by a |.
-- The position in the parameter list determines the role of the value.
-- 1 = * This is an optional value . If present will cause the script to delete and recreate the data
-- in EnigmaList(n) user variable(s). Once updated the script will remove the "*" .
-- 2 = Ip address of Enigma2 Box
-- 3 = On/Off switch IdX
-- 4+ = IdX(es) of selector switch(es) which hold channel list. One list for each switch value specified.
-- Example|45|47|49|50
-- Ip address,IdX of on/off switch that control Enigma2 power state,Idx of selector switches
-- Example *||45|47|49|50 as above but will cause EnigmaList(n) values to be regenerated
-- EnigmaList(n) Multiple variables to hold individual selector switch LevelNames.
-- One User variable must be created for each selector switch defined.
-- This is popuated by this script.
-- EnigmaStatus This holds the state of Enigma2 box and the current channel being viewed.Each value is seperated by a "|"
-- f = not in standby. t = is in standby
-- User variables are updated in a way other that other scripts (Enigma-Scan) can be triggered if any of the uservariables change.
-- If the EnigmaParams user variable is edited to start with a "*" this will trigger this script to update EnigmaChannel(*) with the
-- contents of the selector switches defined above.
-- The Enigma-Scan script which is trigged from this script will use the data in the user variables above to maintain the status
-- of the selector switches defined in EnigmaParams
-- Version 1.9
-- Setup Variables
commandArray = {}
Level = 0
http = require("socket.http")
json = (loadfile "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()
LevelNames = ""
-- Set functions
function lines(str)
local t = {}
local function helper(line) table.insert(t, line) return "" end
helper((str:gsub("(.-)\r?\n", helper)))
return t
function get(data,name)
return data:match("<"..name..">(.-)</"..name..">")
function split(pString, pPattern)
local Table = {}
local fpat = "(.-)" .. pPattern
local last_end = 1
local s, e, cap = pString:find(fpat, 1)
while s do
if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
last_end = e+1
s, e, cap = pString:find(fpat, last_end)
if last_end <= #pString then
cap = pString:sub(last_end)
table.insert(Table, cap)
return Table
-- Start Program
-- Use function to move all params into tables
Vars = split(uservariables["EnigmaParams"],"|")
Status = split(uservariables["EnigmaStatus"],"|")
change = 0
On = Status[1]
Channel = Status[2]
-- Work out which table value holds the IP address. All params are shifted if the "*" params is used.
if Vars[1] == "*" then
IP = Vars[2]
IP = Vars[1]
print("Start Enigma Check")
-- Obtain powerstate of Enigma2 box
HttpPart = "http://" .. IP .. "/web/powerstate"
body = http.request(HttpPart)
-- If box is Off ( not in standby) script terminates
if body == nil then
print ("Enigma is Off")
return commandArray
Power = row[4]
Power = string.sub(Power, 1, 1)
On = string.sub (On, 1, 1)
-- check powerstate
if Power == On then
print "No Power state change"
print ("Powerstate changed" )
if Power == "f" then
change = 1
if Power == "t" then
change = 1
-- Get Current TV channel
HttpPart = "http://" .. IP .. "/web/subservices"
body = http.request(HttpPart)
if body == nil then
print ("Enigma is Off")
return commandArray
TChannel = get(row[5],"e2servicename")
-- Check Current Channel with Stored channel
if TChannel == Channel then
print "Channel not Changed"
print ("Channel changed from " .. Channel .. " to " .. TChannel)
change = 1
-- If user variables different from current trigger Json to change user variable . This will trigger lua scripts
if change == 1 then
TChannel=string.gsub(TChannel, " ", "%%20")
TChannel=string.gsub(TChannel, "+", "%%2b")
TChannel=string.gsub(TChannel, "%%", "%%25")
print ("New Value " .. TChannel)
Param = (Power .. "|" .. TChannel)
HttpPart=("curl '" .. Param .. "' &")
-- if "*" param used get SElector switch level lists and update user variables
if Vars[1] == "*" then
for i=4,#Vars do
print ("Switch List Update Switch " .. Vars[i])
HttpPart=("curl '" .. Vars[i] .. "' &")
Sw = config:read('*all')
SwData = json:decode(Sw)
Level = SwData["result"][1]["LevelNames"]
Var = ("Variable:EnigmaList" .. (i-3))
commandArray[Var] = "*" .. (Vars[i] .. "|" .. string.sub(Level,5))
commandArray["Variable:EnigmaParams"] = string.sub(uservariables["EnigmaParams"], 3)
print ("No Switch List Update")
return commandArray
- Spoiler: show
Last edited by lonebaggie on Monday 06 November 2017 20:21, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
The problem is that Domoticz doesnot accept % in the UserVariables so I replaced the % by _ and using:
TChannel = get(row[5],"e2servicename")
TChannel=string.gsub(TChannel, "%%", "_")
in the Enigma lua script. I need to change the script so it fill the UserVariables without %...
Added additional code between (bold)
Level = SwData["result"][1]["LevelNames"]
Level = string.gsub(Level, "%%", "_") --Replace % by _
Var = ("Variable:EnigmaList" .. (i-3))
This solved the % problem for domoticz
The problem is that Domoticz doesnot accept % in the UserVariables so I replaced the % by _ and using:
TChannel = get(row[5],"e2servicename")
TChannel=string.gsub(TChannel, "%%", "_")
in the Enigma lua script. I need to change the script so it fill the UserVariables without %...
Added additional code between (bold)
Level = SwData["result"][1]["LevelNames"]
Level = string.gsub(Level, "%%", "_") --Replace % by _
Var = ("Variable:EnigmaList" .. (i-3))
This solved the % problem for domoticz
- lonebaggie
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Glad you got it working. I also had issues with the User-variable interface in Domoticz not accepting certain escape chars.
Im looking at converting these scripts to DzVents .As DzVents has it own Global variables.
Im looking at converting these scripts to DzVents .As DzVents has it own Global variables.
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
If some want. Ihave created python plugin for Domoticz. Any comment are welcome.
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Re: Enigma 2 Set top Box Integration
Tried to install https://github.com/kofec/Domoticz-Enigma2, but Domoticz-Enigma2 is not present in the list of hardware??? Installed Python-3 (both) and tested with latest beta....3.8775.
Any idea's?? The log doesn't show any errors or warnings.
Its now visible as Enigma2 with kodi remote?? is this correct?
the following errors are noted:
2017-12-10 20:54:26.838 Error: (Enigma2) failed to load 'plugin.py', Python Path used was '......domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Enigma2/:/usr/lib/python3.4/:/usr/lib/python3.4/plat-arm-linux-gnueabihf:/usr/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload'.
2017-12-10 20:54:26.838 Error: (VuPlus) Module Import failed, exception: 'ImportError'
2017-12-10 20:54:26.839 Error: (VuPlus) Module Import failed: ' Name: xmltodict'
2017-12-10 20:54:26.839 Error: (VuPlus) Error Line details not available.
Tried to install https://github.com/kofec/Domoticz-Enigma2, but Domoticz-Enigma2 is not present in the list of hardware??? Installed Python-3 (both) and tested with latest beta....3.8775.
Any idea's?? The log doesn't show any errors or warnings.
Its now visible as Enigma2 with kodi remote?? is this correct?
the following errors are noted:
2017-12-10 20:54:26.838 Error: (Enigma2) failed to load 'plugin.py', Python Path used was '......domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Enigma2/:/usr/lib/python3.4/:/usr/lib/python3.4/plat-arm-linux-gnueabihf:/usr/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload'.
2017-12-10 20:54:26.838 Error: (VuPlus) Module Import failed, exception: 'ImportError'
2017-12-10 20:54:26.839 Error: (VuPlus) Module Import failed: ' Name: xmltodict'
2017-12-10 20:54:26.839 Error: (VuPlus) Error Line details not available.
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