Case study using Domoticz

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Case study using Domoticz

Post by lazyoldjack »

Don't know if anyone is interested in this kind of stuff, but I have just used Domoticz as the centre of a system to control the central heating in a number of rooms in our community building.

It runs on a Raspberry Pi and uses a Python program to read the booking schedule from a website and heats each room separately just in time for each booking to start and turns it off when the booking finishes. It controls the equipment in the rooms via Domoticz which allows Domoticz to be a powerful debug and manual control in addition to facilitating simple a simple control protocol for Python to access.

If you are interested in it, there is a case study based on it on Vesternet's site:
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Re: Case study using Domoticz

Post by StanHD »

@ lazyoldjack,

That is very interesting and an excellent application of Domoticz and great ingenuity, thanks for sharing. :)
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Re: Case study using Domoticz

Post by lazyoldjack »


Thanks, my pleasure. :)

I picked up a lot from other people's posts and wanted to give a little something back, both to Vesternet who were very helpful and to the Domoticz community, because Domoticz was key to my success.
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Re: Case study using Domoticz

Post by elmortero »

Nice project indeed!

How did you define the heat-up rate, and how did you implement that in scripting?
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