How to check presence of Beacon ?

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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by roblom »

I have this working but it only works for a few seconds. After that no updates are made. When I do a reset then it works for a few seconds again.
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by honselbonsel »

Hi jimieglise,
i installed your script and it is running as a service. All is fine Thanks for the Great Work.
But there is one thing which makes me crazy.
Example: i sit nearby the Bluetooth dongle location (with the beacon laying down on the desk) the Presence should be ok but on each checking of the script it returns the beacon Away then a value then Away then a Value and so on...
The Beacon is not Moving. But the status is flapping

any ideas? :-)

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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by nizaga »

Hi! I just got a Mini Nut 2. Is it possible to call mi nut from domoticz like I can do from the iOS app? I want to be able to search my keys currently attached to the Nut. So, can I get my Nut to beep via domoticz? Thanks

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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by guantolento »

hi, i have reinstall all bluez with fw 5.46.
in the folder attribute i can't find the file gatttool,so i can't take the command
sudo cp attrib/gatttool /usr/local/bin/ as in the wiki.
any info for me ?
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by emme »

mine gets at 30% after almost a year

battery check will drain the battery, so do not check it too much... once a week should be enough.
I use to check it every time the nut will appear back in the network... soon I'll move this to once a day as soon as it is back availble

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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by TheCondor »

Hello, i'm using this script since 6 month ago circa with my PI3 internal BT. All is working fine but the signal is so strong that the variable "home/away" changes also when i'm out of the building and i go from my car to my garage :lol:

Any trick for set in the script an RSSI max value for the discovery?
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by emme »

RSSI is gather once the beacon is discovered as available in the network...

this means that if your beacon bumps off and on it means that is not seen during the scan... this is possible for a wide range of reasons:

- BT atenna is shielded by walls, metals or other stuff
- BT interface is not availble by the time of scan (do you have other services that runs at the same time that use hci0?)
- Scan time is too short (specially when there are a lot of LE devices available)

my old script used to check 3 times in 10 seconds before setting off a device due to those bumps (my pi is inside a closet), than I placed a CRS bt4 dongle which was more efficient.. and did not get this issue anymore.

Sometimes the BLE itself won't beacon as it is supposed to do ;)
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by solidum90 »

Hello to everyone,
this script works great.. but I have two questions:

I have a nut 3 Beacon, when the Beacon is associated iphone's app this script doesn't see beacon, is it correct?
There's no way to works both ?

Otherwise, can not you run this script even to detect iphone?
(I try to add my iphone on TAG_DATA but it doesn't work)

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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by guantolento »

solidum90 wrote: Tuesday 05 September 2017 22:40 Hello to everyone,
this script works great.. but I have two questions:

I have a nut 3 Beacon, when the Beacon is associated iphone's app this script doesn't see beacon, is it correct?
There's no way to works both ?

Otherwise, can not you run this script even to detect iphone?
(I try to add my iphone on TAG_DATA but it doesn't work)

Thanks to everyone and congratulations for this project! :)
Hi, i think the nut can't work in 2 system. Actually i have 5 nut and all work ok, but no nut is connected to the app.
But i'm waiting a response from Mr. Emme.
Bye Bye.
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by emme »

solidum90 wrote: Tuesday 05 September 2017 22:40 when the Beacon is associated iphone's app this script doesn't see beacon, is it correct?
unfortunately yes :(
if the BLE is paired than it disappear from the scan, unfortunately there is no workaround to have it works either way

presence of iOS devices is quite wired...
since they do NOT reply to WLAN ping, it looks they do on Bluetooth...
so you could use hcitool scan (instead of lescan) to identify it, of course you cannot use gatttool for battery, but you could only discover its presence

just remember to leave bt On on the device ;)
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by solidum90 »

emme wrote: Wednesday 06 September 2017 8:35
solidum90 wrote: Tuesday 05 September 2017 22:40 when the Beacon is associated iphone's app this script doesn't see beacon, is it correct?
unfortunately yes :(
if the BLE is paired than it disappear from the scan, unfortunately there is no workaround to have it works either way

presence of iOS devices is quite wired...
since they do NOT reply to WLAN ping, it looks they do on Bluetooth...
so you could use hcitool scan (instead of lescan) to identify it, of course you cannot use gatttool for battery, but you could only discover its presence

just remember to leave bt On on the device ;)
Thanks for reply (sei italiano? ;) )

I found a "workaround", I use l2ping on inside an ula script that they already use to detect presence with ping, but with iphone has no sense because when it is locked it does not respond to ping.
Then I use your script to query the nut.
In this way if the nut is connected to the ap I ping iphone via l2ping, otherwise I query the nut directly.
Every minute runs an ula script that verifies if at least one device responds to determining the presence.
Is it a good way?

This is a part of my ula script:

Code: Select all

DisposiviPresenza = {};
DisposiviPresenza[1] = {nome="iPhoneLorenzo", ip = "", bluetooth="mac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"}

-- ping dispositivi di presenza
for i, v in pairs(DisposiviPresenza) do
    local ping = false;
    local string;
    if v.bluetooth  ~= nil then
        string = 'l2ping -c1 -s32 -t1 '..v.bluetooth
        TraceLog ("l2ping : " .. string)
        ping = os.execute(string); 
        if (ping) then 
            TraceLog ("==> "..v.nome.." ping OK")
            TraceLog ("==> "..v.nome.." ping NOK")
    if not ping and v.ip  ~= nil then
        string = 'ping -c 1 -w 1 '..v.ip
        TraceLog (">ping : " .. string)
        ping = os.execute(string); 
        if (ping) then 
            TraceLog ("==> "..v.nome.." ping OK")
            TraceLog ("==> "..v.nome.." ping NOK")
    ping_success = ping_success or ping

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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by emme »

solidum90 wrote: Wednesday 06 September 2017 10:28 Thanks for reply (sei italiano? )
..abbastanza :lol: (Milano ;) )

I think your script is GREAT solution
I did not knew the iOS device does not reply in standby mode (thanks Apple! :( ) and your way to seek for the device and then the nut is good!

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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by solidum90 »

emme wrote: Wednesday 06 September 2017 10:51
solidum90 wrote: Wednesday 06 September 2017 10:28 Thanks for reply (sei italiano? )
..abbastanza :lol: (Milano ;) )

I think your script is GREAT solution
I did not knew the iOS device does not reply in standby mode (thanks Apple! :( ) and your way to seek for the device and then the nut is good!

Allora siamo anche vicini di casa (io Monza :p)
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by PABben »

I do have problems understanding the concept of user variables and thus getting the script to work with domoticz.

I've installed the script and manually running the script gives me a log file without errors:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

2017-10-15 00:59:48,085 - root - DEBUG - Tag Mi_band is still there with an RSSI of -84  : update presence with RSSI
2017-10-15 00:59:48,091 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost
2017-10-15 00:59:48,095 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - http://localhost:8080 "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=1226&vname=Mi_band&vtype=2&vvalue=-84 HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2017-10-15 00:59:48,098 - root - DEBUG -  <Thread(Thread-312, started 140169388463872)> -> <Response [200]>
2017-10-15 00:59:48,633 - root - DEBUG - Tag Mi_band Detected e4:26:0a:74:c3:50 - RSSI (-87,) - DATA unknown (80,)
2017-10-15 00:59:50,851 - root - DEBUG - Tag Mi_band Detected e4:26:0a:74:c3:50 - RSSI (-90,) - DATA unknown (80,)
2017-10-15 00:59:54,149 - root - DEBUG - Tag Mi_band Detected e4:26:0a:74:c3:50 - RSSI (-86,) - DATA unknown (80,)
2017-10-15 00:59:54,153 - root - DEBUG - Tag Mi_band is still there with an RSSI of -86  : update presence with RSSI
2017-10-15 00:59:54,156 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost
2017-10-15 00:59:54,160 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - http://localhost:8080 "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=1226&vname=Mi_band&vtype=2&vvalue=-86 HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2017-10-15 00:59:54,163 - root - DEBUG -  <Thread(Thread-313, started 140169388463872)> -> <Response [200]>
2017-10-15 00:59:56,356 - root - DEBUG - Tag Mi_band Detected e4:26:0a:74:c3:50 - RSSI (-64,) - DATA unknown (80,)
I have made a virtual/dummy switch with idx 1226 and "tag_data" from the script is as following:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

TAG_DATA = [  
I did expect the script to update my virtual switch, but i assume this is where the user variable comes in. In my head the variable name is the name of the script, but what should the script contain and how can i get this lua(?) script/variable to update the dummy switch?

PS! Running the script as a service fails. I don't know if this is relevant as the script seems to work by manually starting the script.
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

pabben@linux-pab:~/domoticz/scripts$ sudo /etc/init.d/check_beacon_presence start
[sudo] passord for pabben: 
[ ok ] Starting check_beacon_presence (via systemctl): check_beacon_presence.service.
pabben@linux-pab:~/domoticz/scripts$ sudo systemctl status check_beacon_presence.service -l
● check_beacon_presence.service - check_beacon_presence Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/check_beacon_presence.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since sø. 2017-10-15 13:54:39 CEST; 6s ago
  Process: 29551 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 29551 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab systemd[1]: Started check_beacon_presence Service.
okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab[29551]: Traceback (most recent call last):
okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab[29551]:   File "/usr/local/bin/", line 77, in <module>
okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab[29551]:     import requests
okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab[29551]: ImportError: No module named requests
okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab systemd[1]: check_beacon_presence.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab systemd[1]: check_beacon_presence.service: Unit entered failed state.
okt. 15 13:54:39 linux-pab systemd[1]: check_beacon_presence.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
pabben@linux-pab:~/domoticz/scripts$ sudo pip install requests
The directory '/home/pabben/.cache/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
The directory '/home/pabben/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /home/pabben/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by emme »

The external script does update a user variable, if you want to act a device istead you have 2 ways:

1) change the script in order to
  • replace HOME/AWAY with On/Off
  • do not use REPEAT_MODE but only SWITCH_MODE
  • change the http request to update the variable with the request to update a switch
use a UserVariable event in domoticz by which you switch a device based on the variable...
for my needs I used this way and here is the portion of my script that apply a device..
note that both user variable and switch have the same name and same prefix (NUT_*)

Code: Select all

return {
	active = true,
	on = {	variables = { 'NUT_*' }	},
	logging = {
        level = domoticz.LOG_FORCE,
        marker = "[NUT Script] ==> "
        execute = function(dz, nVar)
            if nVar.value == 'AWAY' then
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by Ascari »

Any Solution with Synology ?
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by mrinner »

Python plugin for Beacon detection with multi-scanners:
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by rockyt »

emme wrote: Monday 04 September 2017 17:00 mine gets at 30% after almost a year

battery check will drain the battery, so do not check it too much... once a week should be enough.
I use to check it every time the nut will appear back in the network... soon I'll move this to once a day as soon as it is back availble

Hi I apologize for bothering but would it be a trouble for you to provide the script for checking the battery level of the NUT3?
I mean a script integrated with the one which scans or one to be added to events. I have been using your script for a while which works great but I would rather prefer not to spend time to learn how to write python scripts (I already had to learn dzvents)...
Thank you very much in advance

I have modified the script for Mini Nut
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by Frucoboti »


I have followed the wiki to install the script in my RPi3, with internal BT, to use with 2 Nut Mini.
I have added 2 virtual switch to simulate presence detection. It works ok, since by any reason, Domoticz stops detecting any of them, while it seems that the check_beacon_presence.service script is active and running.
Spoiler: show
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status check_beacon_presence.service
* check_beacon_presence.service - check_beacon_presence Service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/check_beacon_presence.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-07-18 22:01:11 CEST; 1h 49min ago
Main PID: 15785 (check_beacon_pr)
CGroup: /system.slice/check_beacon_presence.service
`-15785 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/

jul 18 22:01:11 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started check_beacon_presence Service.
jul 18 22:01:12 raspberrypi sudo[15792]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/hciconfig hci0 down
jul 18 22:01:12 raspberrypi sudo[15792]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
jul 18 22:01:12 raspberrypi sudo[15792]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
jul 18 22:01:12 raspberrypi sudo[15801]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/hciconfig hci0 up
jul 18 22:01:12 raspberrypi sudo[15801]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
jul 18 22:01:12 raspberrypi sudo[15801]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
jul 18 22:01:13 raspberrypi sudo[15810]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/hciconfig
jul 18 22:01:13 raspberrypi sudo[15810]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
jul 18 22:01:13 raspberrypi sudo[15810]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Checking log file it seems that nothing is being registered. I configured log part of file with 'critical'
Spoiler: show

import logging

# choose between DEBUG (log every information) or warning (change of state) or CRITICAL (only error)

logOutFilename='/var/log/check_beacon_presence.log' # output LOG : File or console (comment this line to console output)
ABSENCE_FREQUENCY=5 # frequency of the test of absence. in seconde. (without detection, switch "AWAY".
Restarting the service with systemic restart the scripts starts again to acquire data, but around 2 hours later it stops again (but service still active and running).

Any idea how to check what is happening?


EDIT: I have just changed critical to debug to see what's is doing...

EDIT 2: Just has stopped 6 minutes ago, at 01:00. Here is the stopped log. Nothing else:
Spoiler: show
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tail -f /var/log/check_beacon_presence.log
2018-07-19 01:00:01,289 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=4&vname=Tag_Papi&vtype=2&vvalue=-82 HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2018-07-19 01:00:01,292 - root - DEBUG - <Thread(Thread-1343, started 1950348400)> -> <Response [200]>
2018-07-19 01:00:21,118 - root - WARNING - Tag Tag_Mami not seen since 21 sec => update absence
2018-07-19 01:00:21,124 - root - WARNING - Tag Tag_Papi not seen since 20 sec => update absence
2018-07-19 01:00:21,126 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2018-07-19 01:00:21,133 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2018-07-19 01:00:21,136 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=3&vname=Tag_Mami&vtype=2&vvalue=AWAY HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2018-07-19 01:00:21,140 - root - DEBUG - <Thread(Thread-1344, started daemon 1950348400)> -> <Response [200]>
2018-07-19 01:00:21,142 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=4&vname=Tag_Papi&vtype=2&vvalue=AWAY HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2018-07-19 01:00:21,146 - root - DEBUG - <Thread(Thread-1345, started daemon 1959785584)> -> <Response [200]>
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Re: How to check presence of Beacon ?

Post by Frucoboti »

Hello again,

Today I have restarted again the script, in SWITCH_MODE.
Here is the result of start the script, and how it stops around 30 min later:
Spoiler: show
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tail -f /var/log/check_beacon_presence.log
2018-07-19 02:00:20,149 - root - WARNING - Tag Tag_Papi not seen since 22 sec => update absence
2018-07-19 02:00:20,161 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2018-07-19 02:00:20,169 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=4&vname=Tag_Papi&vtype=2&vvalue=AWAY HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2018-07-19 02:00:20,177 - root - DEBUG - <Thread(Thread-6, started daemon 1958737008)> -> <Response [200]>
2018-07-19 02:00:25,153 - root - WARNING - Tag Tag_Mami not seen since 24 sec => update absence
2018-07-19 02:00:25,165 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2018-07-19 02:00:25,172 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=3&vname=Tag_Mami&vtype=2&vvalue=AWAY HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2018-07-19 02:00:25,179 - root - DEBUG - <Thread(Thread-7, started daemon 1958737008)> -> <Response [200]>
2018-07-19 22:27:41,601 - root - DEBUG - Ok hci0 interface Up n running !
2018-07-19 22:27:41,602 - root - DEBUG - Connect to bluetooth device 0
2018-07-19 22:27:46,564 - root - DEBUG - Tag Tag_Papi Detected d2:17:6c:57:a8:4e - RSSI (-93,) - DATA unknown (78,)
2018-07-19 22:27:46,565 - root - WARNING - Tag Tag_Papi seen after an absence of 24 sec : update presence
2018-07-19 22:27:46,602 - root - DEBUG - Tag Tag_Mami Detected d6:19:04:59:11:d6 - RSSI (-69,) - DATA unknown (-42,)
Spoiler: show
018-07-19 22:59:52,777 - root - DEBUG - Tag Tag_Papi Detected d2:17:6c:57:a8:4e - RSSI (-90,) - DATA unknown (78,)
2018-07-19 22:59:56,510 - root - DEBUG - Tag Tag_Mami Detected d6:19:04:59:11:d6 - RSSI (-84,) - DATA unknown (-42,)
2018-07-19 23:00:00,370 - root - DEBUG - Tag Tag_Mami Detected d6:19:04:59:11:d6 - RSSI (-85,) - DATA unknown (-42,)
2018-07-19 23:00:00,493 - root - DEBUG - Tag Tag_Papi Detected d2:17:6c:57:a8:4e - RSSI (-92,) - DATA unknown (78,)
2018-07-19 23:00:23,155 - root - WARNING - Tag Tag_Mami not seen since 22 sec => update absence
2018-07-19 23:00:23,157 - root - WARNING - Tag Tag_Papi not seen since 22 sec => update absence
2018-07-19 23:00:23,177 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2018-07-19 23:00:23,179 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2018-07-19 23:00:23,188 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=3&vname=Tag_Mami&vtype=2&vvalue=AWAY HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2018-07-19 23:00:23,190 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /json.htm?type=command&param=updateuservariable&idx=4&vname=Tag_Papi&vtype=2&vvalue=AWAY HTTP/1.1" 200 58
2018-07-19 23:00:23,199 - root - DEBUG - <Thread(Thread-12, started daemon 1939862640)> -> <Response [200]>
2018-07-19 23:00:23,205 - root - DEBUG - <Thread(Thread-13, started daemon 1958737008)> -> <Response [200]>
It seems that Nut Minis are stoping sending signals, but I don't think so.
If I restarted the service, both comes alive.

Any help?
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