Smart Home with Domoticz + BroadLink + Synology + Amazon Echo

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Smart Home with Domoticz + BroadLink + Synology + Amazon Echo

Post by zhougy »

I'm a starter in smart home recently when I bought an Amazon Echo from US. I locate in Shanghai and Alexa is a big surprise to me that it works so well in Chinese network. The only defect is it doesn't support Chinese locations and doesn't have Chinese web services. But that's not a real issue to me. I asked her to bring me some music. Ask her about the weather. Play with her and my boys can learn English from her. That's really good to me.

And when I recently try to set up my smart home solution with a Broadlink universal remote controller - RM pro, the forum and the wiki page help me a lot to get through all the issues. So I would like to share you all my experience. And now Alexa can control all the devices that can be controlled by Broadlink RM pro.

I have a blog consolidating everything, so I don't want to type all the characters again. Please follow on my blog. Send me email or follow this thread if I can help on anything.

The link is: ... on%20Echo/
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Re: Smart Home with Domoticz + BroadLink + Synology + Amazon Echo

Post by blindlight »

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Re: Smart Home with Domoticz + BroadLink + Synology + Amazon Echo

Post by Madgeni »

Thanks for the mention of Controlicz zhougy :)
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Re: Smart Home with Domoticz + BroadLink + Synology + Amazon Echo

Post by zhougy »

Madgeni wrote:Thanks for the mention of Controlicz zhougy :)
Hi Madgeni:
Controlicz need the exposed Domoticz service, which makes me not so comfortable. Is there a way to protect the home Domoticz service from the whole Internet?
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Re: Smart Home with Domoticz + BroadLink + Synology + Amazon Echo

Post by Madgeni »

not really - i enforce ssl, Controlicz uses oauth2, and itself uses a public ssl cert. You could accept connections solely from the Controlicz IP address if your router/fw is good enough?
Native Alexa skill and Google app - register at -
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