I'm using the function below to turn recording on for my three camera's when I activate my alarm.
Perhaps some other people are looking for the same solution and that is why I'm sharing this with you all.
The variables:
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Device_UVC_IP = "" -- NVR IP for example
Device_UVC_Port = "7080" -- NVR port, default is 7080
Device_UVC_API = "API12345678" -- API key get this from the NVR (Listed as a tab under the user account)
Device_UVC_UVCG3Dome = "UVC G3 Dome" -- Camera name
Device_UVC_UVCG3Dome_ID = "3284710471094891084" -- Camera _id (You can get this from this url: . Fill in your own IP address and apiKey
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-- Device is the virtual switch with for example the camera attached
-- Camera is the camera name
-- ID is the camera ID
-- Status is to turn recording Always, Motion or Off
function CameraSetRecordingMode(Device,Camera,ID,Status)
if (Status == "Always")
url = 'curl -X PUT --data \'{"name":"' .. Camera .. '","recordingSettings":{"motionRecordEnabled":"false","fullTimeRecordEnabled":"true","channel":"0"}}\' http://' .. Device_UVC_IP .. ':' .. Device_UVC_Port .. '/api/2.0/camera/' .. ID .. '?apiKey=' .. Device_UVC_API .. ' --header "Content-Type:application/json"'
io.popen(url .. ' &')
commandArray[#commandArray +1]={[Device] = 'On'}
elseif (Status == "Motion")
url = 'curl -X PUT --data \'{"name":"' .. Camera .. '","recordingSettings":{"motionRecordEnabled":"true","fullTimeRecordEnabled":"false","channel":"0"}}\' http://' .. Device_UVC_IP .. ':' .. Device_UVC_Port .. '/api/2.0/camera/' .. ID .. '?apiKey=' .. Device_UVC_API .. ' --header "Content-Type:application/json"'
io.popen(url .. ' &')
commandArray[#commandArray +1]={[Device] = 'On'}
elseif (Status == "Off")
url = 'curl -X PUT --data \'{"name":"' .. Camera .. '","recordingSettings":{"motionRecordEnabled":"false","fullTimeRecordEnabled":"false"}}\' http://' .. Device_UVC_IP .. ':' .. Device_UVC_Port .. '/api/2.0/camera/' .. ID .. '?apiKey=' .. Device_UVC_API .. ' --header "Content-Type:application/json"'
io.popen(url .. ' &')
commandArray[#commandArray +1]={[Device] = 'Off'}
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--This will turn on recording on the Unifi NVR/Camera and set a virtual switch to On. Use "Off" to turn this off again