Homekit app wont add homebridge

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Homekit app wont add homebridge

Post by Cribbe »

I have searched the forum but I have not found an answer, hopefully somebody could help me out.
I have installed homebridge on my Pi and started it. It find all of my stuff. I have followed this tutorial:

But when I try to add my homebridge in the homekit app it ask for the pin and when I enter it the homekit app works for a minute and then says that it cant add my homebridge.
Any one knows what the problem could be? I have tried to change the pin but no luck.
I assume that I have done something wrong, but I cant figure out what that is ;)
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Re: Homekit app wont add homebridge

Post by EdddieN »

Do you have lots of accessories? HomeKit struggles with over a 100, I would suggest to create a room and add just a few accessories there see if it woks. Also make sure the confit.json file is setup for that room only.

After that, try adding more or exclude accessories if you want to have all your rooms in HomeKit.
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