Domoticz does report level of batteries of battery powered z-wave devices in a way that I do not find convenient for the following reasons:
- Battery levels are only shown in the “Setup/Devices” page and for zwave nodes that produce multiple devices, the same information is reported across all these devices.
- The system wide “Battery Low Level” notification system within Domoticz (in “Setup/Settings/Other”) does not allow for different levels of trigger depending on devices, while it is my experience that some devices can still operate for long with say 20% of battery level, while others will shortly stop after reporting a battery level of 50%.
- The evolution of battery level over time cannot be logged for analysis of battery life patterns per devices
- It polls at regular intervals a given Domoticz system (it can be the system on which the plugin is running, but also another one in the same local network) for z-wave nodes and creates/updates a Domoticz device for each z-wave node to show the node’s battery level
- Each of these Domoticz devices representing a battery operated z-wave node will allow:
- An easy to read display of the current battery level
- Logging over time like for any Domoticz sensor
- The definition of custom battery level notifications or events for each specific z-wave node
- as a bonus, a dynamic icon will display the battery level in 4 colors (green if >75%, yellow if 50 to 75%, orange if 25 to 50% and red if below 25%). Icons are from , many thanks to them for these public domain graphics.
Instructions can be found at
and all plugin files are available for review/download at:
EDIT 04/10/2017: Latest version 0.4.5 has been pushed to Github.
Please update your installed version to ensure known bugs are fixed...
Those who upgrade an existing install should do (on a typical Raspberry install... adjust to your platform as needed):
Code: Select all
cd ~/domoticz/plugins/BatteryLevel
git reset --hard
git pull --force
sudo chmod +x