shower kodi

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shower kodi

Post by markjgabb »

hi guys....
im planning on installing something and would like some input from the community

my plan is to install a RPI kodi in the bathroom, with a couple of marine speakers in the ceiling....

requirments: to be able to change between 3 set playlists, change volume, pause and skip while in the shower

im thinking that using something like mysensors node with mutiple buttoms on it would work best, and then relate each button on it with a json call to the kodi box....

obviously i would need to use all waterproof materials and seals

does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts for things i should take into account?
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Re: shower kodi

Post by CaesarPL »

The question is if you shower for long time ;)

My solution was: small amplifier + USB music card + speakers + Pi + piCorePlayer + iPeng (on iPhone) or Squeezer (On Android) on mobile. Just running it before going to the shower.
HW:Raspberry PiB+,Pi3,PiB,RFLink,FA20RF,DCS-930L,DCS-935L,Clarus switches,RF Temp sensors,Owl Micro+,Mi Flora,Kerui,Yeelight,Xiaomi,Broadlink RMM3,Alexa
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Re: shower kodi

Post by markjgabb »

I had forgotten this thread but now it's more relevant than ever

So I accepted that my original premise was flawed and not workable. So I'm falling back to a tablet on bedroom wall with removable bracket and a rpi in ceiling in bedroom...

I would like to also put speakers from this in ensuite from same source

I would like to optionally have either speakers on or off

My first idea I'd a mysensors node with some relays to simply disconnect the wires when not in use but this may give alot of crackling...
Would love a good solution to this

Any ideas?
V 2020.2 RPI 3
RFlink 334 mhz
Mirabella Genio Globes

Re: shower kodi

Post by jjnj » ... h-per-paar

These are active speaker and do not require an additional receivet or amp. I'm thinking about installing these in my bathroom ceiling and connecting a Chromecast audio to them. Now I need to find a way to intergrate spotify+Chromecast audio to domoticz

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Re: shower kodi

Post by Swifty »

Install an amazon echo dot into your ceiling with the speaker firing downwards.
Solves all input problems etc as you use your voice.. :)
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Re: shower kodi

Post by sion »

Swifty wrote:Install an amazon echo dot into your ceiling with the speaker firing downwards.
Solves all input problems etc as you use your voice.. :)
Not a crazy idea.
You could even put some Waterproof Bluetooth speakers in the ceiling, and then just use an echo dot.
I haven't used kodi on a pi yet, can that play to a Bluetooth speaker??

I currently do something similar in my kitchen. I have an Apple TV and mini amp hidden in a cupboard plugged into a remote socket. , and then wire into ceiling speakers. Then use a light wave rf mood switch to turn on/off and to trigger a playlists on the pc, which then airplays to the "kitchen Apple TV". -- and have just swapped the mood switch for an echo dot. I don't use prime music, just use the dot to turn it on, and then start the playlist on iTunes.
running domoticz 3.4834 on rpi2, with
Hue bridge / bulbs.
lightwave rf sockets, mood controlers, sensors & contacts.
Home bridge / Siri.
Ha bridge / echo Alexa.
Hard wired alarm system - setting home / away status.

Next: harmony hub.
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