Domoboard won't install (Rasp PI 3 with Jessie image)

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Domoboard won't install (Rasp PI 3 with Jessie image)

Post by CaptainSlow »


I want to try domoboard but it won't even install on my rasp pi 3 withe jessie image and beta domoticz.
There isn't even a directory created.....
From the commandline I've followed all the instructions from github....
Is there something I should know?

thx for any help

Raspberry PI 3 Model B with USB stick, Domoticz Stable, OTGW LAN with ESP wifi-bridge and Isense Thermostat using the Outside Temp from Buienradar via Domoticz, Milight Ibox-2(V6)
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Re: Domoboard won't install (Rasp PI 3 with Jessie image)

Post by CaptainSlow »

Update: Ok I got to the point where i get this:

Code: Select all

root@domoticz:/home/pi/domoboard# python -c config.conf
Device and/or scene with IDX 13 is not available in Domoticz
root@domoticz:/home/pi/domoboard# sudo nano config.conf
root@domoticz:/home/pi/domoboard# python -c config.conf
Device and/or scene with IDX 13 is not available in Domoticz
In the browserI go to the filled out IP address but nothing happens. Page won't load. Domoticz itself is running fine.

any advise?

Raspberry PI 3 Model B with USB stick, Domoticz Stable, OTGW LAN with ESP wifi-bridge and Isense Thermostat using the Outside Temp from Buienradar via Domoticz, Milight Ibox-2(V6)
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Re: Domoboard won't install (Rasp PI 3 with Jessie image)

Post by CaptainSlow » for some more info on the topic and if I got it right you have to specify the exact IDX numbers from your devices list in domoticz and specify them in the config file of Domo?

Raspberry PI 3 Model B with USB stick, Domoticz Stable, OTGW LAN with ESP wifi-bridge and Isense Thermostat using the Outside Temp from Buienradar via Domoticz, Milight Ibox-2(V6)
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Re: Domoboard won't install (Rasp PI 3 with Jessie image)

Post by CaptainSlow »

Ok...1 step further. Cleaned up the config file and only added known IDX's from domoticz. No I get this:

Code: Select all

pi@domoticz:~/domoboard $ python -c config.conf
Error when starting the Flask server: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
any advice?

Raspberry PI 3 Model B with USB stick, Domoticz Stable, OTGW LAN with ESP wifi-bridge and Isense Thermostat using the Outside Temp from Buienradar via Domoticz, Milight Ibox-2(V6)
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Re: Domoboard won't install (Rasp PI 3 with Jessie image)

Post by CaptainSlow »

ok........forget the above...I got it up and running. Typo in the local mistake :| :| :| :|
Raspberry PI 3 Model B with USB stick, Domoticz Stable, OTGW LAN with ESP wifi-bridge and Isense Thermostat using the Outside Temp from Buienradar via Domoticz, Milight Ibox-2(V6)
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Re: Domoboard won't install (Rasp PI 3 with Jessie image)

Post by wez3 »

When having trouble installing Domoboard, use a virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
virtualenv /home/pi/domoboard/
cd /home/pi/domoboard/bin
source activate
cd ..
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -c config.conf
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