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Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by robgeerts »

lassiko wrote:Firstly, dashboard looks great, and as others, i am planning to set it for my tablet on a living room wall.
I have few devices that i could not get working, not that familiar with modifying the code.. What i would like get is Energy: "Usage" and "CounterToday" to be visible on a dashboard from this device.

Code: Select all

"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "100"
I also have several Temp + Humidity sensors that i would like use. I could not edit Temp + Humidity + Baro section for my needs, maybe some one can help to create a only Temp + Humidity? :

Code: Select all

"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "162"
Thank you!
Added in latest version in Gitlab!

HansieNL wrote:
robgeerts wrote:
EdKo66 wrote:Great. Looking forward to it.
Could you test with the latest version if the setpoint-buttons are working?
I've tested the Toon Thermostat setpoint, but don't see anything happen :(
I forgot to add a lamp item with the Toon thermostat data :oops: This one was always available in the dashboard, but after latest update, I think, it's gone.

Code: Select all

         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "idx" : "168"
Lamp is fixed in latest version.
When you click the setpoint-button, do you see any webaddress being called in Console (F12, network tab)

ddahya wrote:Great Dashboard, keep up the good work.

i've downloaded the latest version and most of my devices are working, any chance of adding blind support to the dashboard?
The blinds are showing up as on/off devices but should be On/Off/Stop, also i have some dummy setpoint devices i use to control my neohub Thermostats that are also on/off devices.

json output for rflink blinds and Setpoint device

Code: Select all

         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "86"

Code: Select all

         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "104"
Could you send me the webaddress domoticz calls when clicking the blind-buttons (all three)?
The thermostat setpoints should work now, could you test this? Because another user said the buttons doesnt do anything?
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by robgeerts »

Ierlandfan wrote: Simple and static version is http:/IP:some_port/someimage
(we can also use this for buienradar)
This is what I created, add to config.js:

Code: Select all

//column can be 1,2 or 3
var images = {}
images.buienradar = {column:3, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/RadarMapNL?w=215&h=155', url: 'http://www.weer.nl/verwachting/nederland/son/189656/'}
The url will be loaded when clicked on the image.

You can use this for your camera, but do you really need the SWF?
Isn't there a bigger image (or gif) you can load?
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by EdwinK »

robgeerts wrote:[
HansieNL wrote:
robgeerts wrote:
Could you test with the latest version if the setpoint-buttons are working?
Lamp is fixed in latest version.
When you click the setpoint-button, do you see any webaddress being called in Console (F12, network tab)
The thermostat setpoints should work now, could you test this? Because another user said the buttons doesnt do anything?

(I hope I've got the quotes right.

I can click on the Toon Setpoint button, but it will only turn it on/off. No setting temp. there.
Running latest BETA on a Pi-3 | Toon® Thermostat (rooted) | Hue | Tuya | IKEA tradfri | Dashticz V3 on Lenovo Huawei Tablet | Conbee
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by robgeerts »

In the latest version I've created this:


You can select the desierd temperature.
Tested this with my own Toon and it works.
For my, 16 C is off, so I use that temperature if I want to set it off.
Could you test if this is working?
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by Btje »

Would it be possible to see the google agenda in here?
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by Dynamic »

Btje wrote:Would it be possible to see the google agenda in here?
That would be an awesome feature....
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by robgeerts »

Well, at the moment its only possible to add a button in CONFIG.JS
First go to: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embedhelper
Select the agenda's you want to show (on the left), when you're done, select the address in the src-attribute:


Add the code below in CONFIG.JS and replace PASTE_URL_HERE with url from google:

Code: Select all

buttons.calendar = {icon: 'fa-calendar', title: 'Kalender', url: 'PASTE_URL_HERE'}
I understand it would be cooler to show the next 3 or 4 calendar-items directly on your dashboard but this will be harder because you have to work with API-keys etc.. If someone wants to create scripts for this, be my guest ;)
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by whiteduck »

Great work - really nice - shame this isn't built in to Domoticz - perhaps this could happen?

Did this supersede your Dashticz project?

A few requests if possible please and of course I will buy you a beer for your efforts :) .

1. Any chance of an FAQ/Readme/in-line comments that shows us how/where to modify the main.js and CONFIG.js in such a way as it is re-usable by others - I took a look but I wasn't entirely clear what section to change to get the desired result but I managed to get it to display Temp from Oregon Temp + Humidy (via RFXCOM) with some trial and error - of course would be nice to combine the temp and humidity in a single block to make it better... here is the json from that device for your reference:

Code: Select all

         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 100,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "13.9 C, 58 %",
         "Description" : "",
         "DewPoint" : "5.77",
         "Favorite" : 1,
         "HardwareID" : 6,
         "HardwareName" : "RFXCOM",
         "HardwareType" : "RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 1,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "Humidity" : 58,
         "HumidityStatus" : "Normal",
         "ID" : "4A02",
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-04-04 13:18:39",
         "Name" : "Outside",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "0",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : 4,
         "SubType" : "THGN122/123, THGN132, THGR122/228/238/268",
         "Temp" : 13.90,
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "Temp + Humidity",
         "TypeImg" : "temperature",
         "Unit" : 2,
         "Used" : 1,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "189"
I also got an Owl current meter "usage" included - here are the device details:

Code: Select all

         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 100,
         "CounterToday" : "4.369 kWh",
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "8947.761 kWh",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 1,
         "HardwareID" : 6,
         "HardwareName" : "RFXCOM",
         "HardwareType" : "RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 1,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "00008A82",
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-04-04 13:19:02",
         "Name" : "Owl-energy",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "Options" : "",
         "PlanID" : "0",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : 5,
         "SubType" : "kWh",
         "SwitchTypeVal" : 0,
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "General",
         "TypeImg" : "current",
         "Unit" : 1,
         "Usage" : "486.3 Watt",
         "Used" : 1,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "46"

2. Could we have a PIR icon as currently these "switches" appear as light bulbs. Perhaps a red one to indicate activated

Code: Select all

   "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 255,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "Off",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 1,
         "HardwareID" : 6,
         "HardwareName" : "RFXCOM",
         "HardwareType" : "RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 1,
         "HaveDimmer" : true,
         "HaveGroupCmd" : true,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "00911C8",
         "Image" : "Light",
         "IsSubDevice" : false,
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-04-04 12:56:42",
         "Level" : 0,
         "LevelInt" : 0,
         "MaxDimLevel" : 15,
         "Name" : "Upstairs PIR",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "0",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : 4,
         "Status" : "Off",
         "StrParam1" : "",
         "StrParam2" : "",
         "SubType" : "AC",
         "SwitchType" : "Motion Sensor",
         "SwitchTypeVal" : 8,
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "Lighting 2",
         "TypeImg" : "motion",
         "Unit" : 10,
         "Used" : 1,
         "UsedByCamera" : false,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "55"

Code: Select all

         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 100,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "Off",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 1,
         "HardwareID" : 2,
         "HardwareName" : "AeonZW",
         "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 21,
         "HaveDimmer" : true,
         "HaveGroupCmd" : true,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "00000400",
         "Image" : "Light",
         "IsSubDevice" : false,
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-04-04 10:28:35",
         "Level" : 0,
         "LevelInt" : 0,
         "MaxDimLevel" : 100,
         "Name" : "Fibaro-PIR",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "0",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : "-",
         "Status" : "Off",
         "StrParam1" : "",
         "StrParam2" : "",
         "SubType" : "Switch",
         "SwitchType" : "Motion Sensor",
         "SwitchTypeVal" : 8,
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "Light/Switch",
         "TypeImg" : "motion",
         "Unit" : 1,
         "Used" : 1,
         "UsedByCamera" : false,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "5"
3. Is it possible to list power usage against plugs (appearing as switches currently) - that have a power consumption feature

Code: Select all

   "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 255,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "7.0 Watt",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 1,
         "HardwareID" : 2,
         "HardwareName" : "AeonZW",
         "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 21,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "0000601",
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-04-04 13:16:37",
         "Name" : "Pumps-Watts",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "0",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : "-",
         "SubType" : "Electric",
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "Usage",
         "TypeImg" : "current",
         "Unit" : 2,
         "Used" : 1,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "12"
4. Would be great to have a language / location section which brings different options for Wunderground settings, radio, traffic (www.trafficengland.com) etc.

Thanks again!
Domoticz on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS VM
RFXCom USB transceiver
Aeon Labs V2 USB (Zwave)
Various HomeEasy, Oregon devices and sensors. Now using Z-Wave Fibaro FGMS-001, TKB TZ88Es
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by robgeerts »

whiteduck wrote: Great work - really nice - shame this isn't built in to Domoticz - perhaps this could happen?
If the developer of Domoticz wants to do this, he can contact me ;)
whiteduck wrote: Did this supersede your Dashticz project?
That was not my idea at first but it's beginning to look like it :)
whiteduck wrote: 1. Any chance of an FAQ/Readme/in-line comments that shows us how/where to modify the main.js and CONFIG.js in such a way as it is re-usable by others
Will try to do this
whiteduck wrote:

Code: Select all

         "Data" : "13.9 C, 58 %",
         "HardwareType" : "RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver",
         "idx" : "189"
Works in latest version, but still in 2 separate blocks.
whiteduck wrote: I also got an Owl current meter "usage" included - here are the device details:
Works in latest version, but in 2 separate blocks.
whiteduck wrote: 2. Could we have a PIR icon as currently these "switches" appear as light bulbs. Perhaps a red one to indicate activated
3. Is it possible to list power usage against plugs (appearing as switches currently) - that have a power consumption feature
Both are working now in latest version, see:
whiteduck wrote: 4. Would be great to have a language / location section which brings different options for Wunderground settings, radio, traffic (http://www.trafficengland.com) etc.
Well, the wunderground settings you can define in CONFIG.JS. You can also edit the default radio-button in that file.
About traffic, you can currently enter this as a button too.
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by EdwinK »

robgeerts wrote: You can select the desierd temperature.
Tested this with my own Toon and it works.
For my, 16 C is off, so I use that temperature if I want to set it off.
Could you test if this is working?
Seems to work for me too. :)
Running latest BETA on a Pi-3 | Toon® Thermostat (rooted) | Hue | Tuya | IKEA tradfri | Dashticz V3 on Lenovo Huawei Tablet | Conbee
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by heggink »

Hey Rob,

Gave this a go yesterday and absolutely love it. Great work.

One question/request though: you seem to test the hardware type to check what device you're dealing with. Isn't a Toon thermostat effectively the same (in domoticz) as a Nest thermostat? If so, then wouldn't it be easier/better/more maintainable to test on device type/subtype? As an example, I use the p1 smart meter device but, in my case, I use a dummy device in Domoticz and update values using another (remote) raspberry pi. When selecting based on hardware type, I cannot get my devices to work other than when I change it from P1 Smartmeter to 'Dummy (Does nothing bla bla bla'. Then I can select on type.

That way, I can add all my dummy hardware devices in a breeze :-).

btw, I use an old ipad2 (stuck to the wall) which is rather small in terms of display and removed the seconds. If that can be a parameter as well :-).

Many thanks. Now my front page of choice.

Docker in Truenas scale, close to latest beta
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by robgeerts »

You are absolutely right. I was already changing some things to make it easier to accept more devices. Thanks for your suggestions! Could you send me a photo of your tablet mounted on the wall (with screen on ;)
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by heggink »

As requested ImageImage

Verstuurd vanaf mijn HUAWEI NXT-L29 met Tapatalk
Docker in Truenas scale, close to latest beta
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by EdwinK »

Great :)

Those sliders are for Hue lights?

(Anyone has some spare Ipad2's)
Last edited by EdwinK on Tuesday 04 April 2017 17:02, edited 1 time in total.
Running latest BETA on a Pi-3 | Toon® Thermostat (rooted) | Hue | Tuya | IKEA tradfri | Dashticz V3 on Lenovo Huawei Tablet | Conbee
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by heggink »

Nope, zwave dimmers.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn HUAWEI NXT-L29 met Tapatalk
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by robgeerts »

Thanks, will look into it @heggink!

@EdKo66, I'm using those sliders voor Hue, wich are connected throught Domoticz

I'm also searching for a cheap tablet, only using it for this dashboard, for mounting on my wall. (I have one but the screen is broken) Tips anyone?
Last edited by robgeerts on Tuesday 04 April 2017 17:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by EdwinK »

O, thanks.
Running latest BETA on a Pi-3 | Toon® Thermostat (rooted) | Hue | Tuya | IKEA tradfri | Dashticz V3 on Lenovo Huawei Tablet | Conbee
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by heggink »

@robgeerts: Konig & Meyer 19732 iPad 2 muurbeugel. just under 17 euros at Bax shop and elsewhere. Probably not the cheapest.
and a second hand ipad2.
Docker in Truenas scale, close to latest beta
RFXCOM, zwavejs2mqtt, zigbee2mqtt,
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by Dynamic »

heggink wrote:One question/request though: you seem to test the hardware type to check what device you're dealing with. Isn't a Toon thermostat effectively the same (in domoticz) as a Nest thermostat? If so, then wouldn't it be easier/better/more maintainable to test on device type/subtype? As an example, I use the p1 smart meter device but, in my case, I use a dummy device in Domoticz and update values using another (remote) raspberry pi. When selecting based on hardware type, I cannot get my devices to work other than when I change it from P1 Smartmeter to 'Dummy (Does nothing bla bla bla'. Then I can select on type.
That way, I can add all my dummy hardware devices in a breeze :-).
I totally agree on this. I really love this new design, but 'easy' customizing is a bit difficult. You added support for the RFXmeter-devices (so I can show my temperatures from the cityheating), but there are other RFXmeter-devices in my environment that I don't want to show on the dashboard.

I'm not a programmer, but a better approach could be something like this. That way it is easy to add support for other devices and we can add manual extra devices to the dashboard.

Code: Select all

	<div class="wrapper">
		<div class="column-1">
		<div class="column-2">
			<!-- manual added devices below.
				first parameter is IDX, second the type of device, then the custom icons (if nothing specified, the default icon is used), then a custom text is appended behind the value (for example, if a RFX-meter is device is used but the value is in GJ
		<div class="column-3">
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Re: New Dashboard Design

Post by whiteduck »

@robgeerts - thanks a lot for the quick update. I will make a PayPal donation for a coffee or two!

A few observations

The lamp socket which has power usage appears as two blocks but they are out of step (one is ON the other OFF) and you cannot switch the lamp on/off with the energy one because of course the name doesn't match the device - it matches the device-watts.
1.png (15.35 KiB) Viewed 2693 times
The Energy needs to be watts but is m3 like Gas.
2.png (35.38 KiB) Viewed 2693 times
My proposed code fix snippet is here

Code: Select all

else if(data.result[r]['Type']=='General' && data.result[r]['SubType']=='kWh'){
                                                        var html = getStateBlock(data.result[r]['idx']+'a','fa fa-plug',lang.energy_usage,number_format(data.result[r]['Usage'],2,',','.')+' watts');
                                                        var html = getStateBlock(data.result[r]['idx']+'b','fa fa-plug',lang.energy_usagetoday,number_format(data.result[r]['CounterToday'],2,',','.')+' kWh');
                                                        var html = getStateBlock(data.result[r]['idx']+'c','fa fa-plug',lang.energy_totals,number_format(data.result[r]['Data'],2,',','.')+' kWh');
In this one the pump appears as a light in the energy block
3.png (32.15 KiB) Viewed 2693 times
Thanks - right off to Paypal I go...
Last edited by whiteduck on Tuesday 04 April 2017 21:38, edited 2 times in total.
Domoticz on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS VM
RFXCom USB transceiver
Aeon Labs V2 USB (Zwave)
Various HomeEasy, Oregon devices and sensors. Now using Z-Wave Fibaro FGMS-001, TKB TZ88Es
TP-Link IP310 Cameras

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