Domoticz App for Windows Phone

Moderator: leecollings

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Re: Domoticz App for Windows Phone

Post by DavidM84 »

OK I think I understand the problem, it's because into the domoticz serveur there is a file with traduction for NL but in reality you can't choose NL in language so no one had validate this traduction and it seem to not be perfect OK I will take your remark for the future version and perhaps I will change the default language to English but in reality that don't change anything If the traduction are wrong....
so for the Domicile (Home) that enabled geofencing on your phone for activate a switch when your are at home without other system of ping but you have to authorize usage of position for domoticz app.
Thanks for your interest
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows Phone

Post by skippy711 »

Hi all (David),

In the recent month I've been using the app on a WP 8.1 (can't upgrade to WP10 :oops: because of cheap phone). I have about 10 switches in the Domoticz setup. 3 weeks ago I included SBFspot for monitoring powerproduction of the solar panels. Then 2 days ago I included a P1 module for monitoring the power consumption from the P1 electricity and gas consumption. In Domoticz this all works fine but in the app all screens are empty. I unistalled and re-installed the app and checked the 'connexion' various times. Connexion is fine but no onformation on any of the screens.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows Phone

Post by Marcomp3 »

Hello, I am using the app on my W10-phone, but I don't see any device... Nothing.
Can anyone tell me what might be wrong?

Kind regards,
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows Phone

Post by niki_lauda »

Marcomp3 wrote:Hello, I am using the app on my W10-phone, but I don't see any device... Nothing.
Can anyone tell me what might be wrong?

Kind regards,
I'm using Ticz for quite a while now. this app didn't work for me.
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