Domoticz as the heating controller

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Re: Domoticz as the heating controller

Post by baptist »

I built a esp8266 heating controller. Domoticz then control's the temperature setpoints ... f=2&t=1579
This has been running now over the winter without issue
I have two relays for heating and hot water, also it monitors the temperature humidity in my bathroom on turns the extract fan on off using mqtt to Domoticz server. I have 4 dallas temperature sensors, heating temp, hot water temp, shower water temp and the temp within my airing cupboard. These are logged within Domoticz
Using two thermostat dummy points in Domoticz I then use these to control the on off times.
I can set set the hot water temp lower dependant on times of day.
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Re: Domoticz as the heating controller

Post by baekmark »

Hi Baptist

many thanks for your reply :-)

Any chance that you could describe your solution a bit more detailed?
What are you using on the ESP8266 as firmware?
Is it correct that the ESP8266 reports the temperature to Domoticz, but takes action by themselve if temperature are under over the setpoints from Domoticz Thermostat?
Using Rules? Can you share?

The link you are referring to points to a page where one is creating the boks for the ESP8266. Is that the board you use?

Well I stil have 11 independent room's where I need to control the temperature, plus I want to be able to switch my pump on and off

baptist wrote:I built a esp8266 heating controller. Domoticz then control's the temperature setpoints ... f=2&t=1579
This has been running now over the winter without issue
I have two relays for heating and hot water, also it monitors the temperature humidity in my bathroom on turns the extract fan on off using mqtt to Domoticz server. I have 4 dallas temperature sensors, heating temp, hot water temp, shower water temp and the temp within my airing cupboard. These are logged within Domoticz
Using two thermostat dummy points in Domoticz I then use these to control the on off times.
I can set set the hot water temp lower dependant on times of day.
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Re: Domoticz as the heating controller

Post by blauwebuis »

Can I ask a related question?

I'm planning to use a normal thermostat device, which I disconnect using a normally-closed relais that Arduino/Domoticz keeps open by sending periodic signals. Domoticz then takes over with a second relais.

If either of these devices fail, the normal thermostat takes over again from the shadows.

The idea was that I don't have buy a smart thermostat, I can just override my own dumb thermostat.
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Re: Domoticz as the heating controller

Post by baekmark »

Hi all

I have now made a small test where I'm using a relay board with ESP8266MOD. The board has been flashed with ESPEasy R147. I'm able to control the relay using a http call!

As I want to make this a autonomous solution, I did attach one DS18b20 thermometer to GPIO16 pin (direct soldering that is ;) )
The thermometer is sending it's value to my Domoticz server but at the same time I have defined a Task/Plugin (Level Control) using thermometer as input and a constant value as set point.

That works like a charm, and I'm now determined to make a live test on just one room before buying the whole eBay store :P
My plan is to use two of this board: ... er=product

What remains is a way to change the set point via Domoticz. For that I need help!


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Re: Domoticz as the heating controller

Post by Westcott »

Hi Baekmark,

I created an ESPEasy dummy device to hold the setpoint, it's updated by a rules event from Domoticz -
'curl -m 5 "http://Cylinder/control?cmd=event,Setpo ... herdevices['Cylinder setpoint']..'"'
I could find no way to compare this value with the actual temperature.
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Re: Domoticz as the heating controller

Post by baekmark »

Hi all

I just wanted to make an update on my project

It's now running with the two panStamp boards based on the ESP8266 to controll all floor heating in my house. I had so solder wires directly on the chip in order to get GPIO0, GPIO2 and GPIO10. I did try GPIO9, but that is not working correctly. The board reboot every 45 sec. or so, if there is any activity on GPIO9. I did find info related to this port somewhere on the internet, but I forgot where. That info was basically the same as my findings. Never mind, the regulation is based on Level Control within the ESPEasy software, and there is no way to regulate it from Domoticz for the time being. But it serves my wishes and since it's now autonomous, I'm a happy camper :D I'm using Domoticz to trigger a workout of all the telestats two times per week. That is done by way of Blocky Events, a script with Pulse command.

Any ideas etc... very welcome

BR Lars
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