Blockly not working

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Blockly not working


Looking for some guidance... I've recently added a bunch of door and motion sensors to my smart home... Now I'm trying to set basic rules for true automation via Blockly.

But no matter what I cannot seem to get Blockly to work..

Even condensing to a simple rule:


The rule is enabled (Black), and the sensors (in the above the door sensor) reacts in the status page (switches) but the Bar lights never turn on.

I'm at a loss... and ideas?

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Re: Blockly not working

Post by Domosapiens »

For this Blockly you need the IF without the blue star, because there is no Else.

Use the blue button "Show current states" in the Event editor and look for the "Bedroom Door Sensor" to check if Open is correct (it could be On or Off)

Further more: avoid spaces, use underscores (I never use spaces, so I'm not sure if this is the cause)
Win Vista&7; 1#Aeon Z-Stick S2; 1#Aeotec Z-Sick Gen5, 6#Fib.FGBS001; 24#DS18B20; 8#Everspr.AN158-2; 3#Philio PAN04; 1#Philio PAN06, 1#YouLess El; 1#Fib.FGWPE; 1#ZME_RC2; 2#FAK_ZWS230, 2#Quib.ZMNHCDx, 1#Quib.ZMNHDD1, 7#EM6555
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Re: Blockly not working


Changed the IF, worked right away... thank you!
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