Migrate from Vera to Domoticz

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Migrate from Vera to Domoticz

Post by sanderl »

Ok, very simple question, probaly hard answer. I can eleborate a lot, but the 1st question...

What is the best way to migrate Zwave from Vera to Domoticz without breaking the current functionality in Vera. So I can benefit from the Zwave devices in Vera and switfly move over all my logic (scenes, PLEG, Apps, etc.) to create a working situtatation on Domoticz.

What is the best approach?
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Re: Migrate from Vera to Domoticz

Post by sanderl »

Nothing? No one? Too hard?

Would there ever be a "hardware" device contacting Vera from Domoticz to start with using Domoticz and be able to swiftly move over?
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Re: Migrate from Vera to Domoticz

Post by pvm »

The tough thing is moving the zwave network. Can only be done at once as far as I know.
Guess this make other questions irrelevant?
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Re: Migrate from Vera to Domoticz

Post by sanderl »

Zwave migration is easiest. Just move house id (shift controller).
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