os.execute('http...') not working

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os.execute('http...') not working

Post by CCL54 »


I'm trying to use Domoticz on windows 7. I have to send an http request to a remote server and retrieve a temperature. I try to do this with a LUA script.
The command below doesn't send anything on ethernet (verified with wireshark):

temperature=os.execute(' forms.htm')

When i try this :

temperature=os.execute('start iexplore.exe ""')

the explorer open and I see the html page of the remote server so it's working but I want to retrieve the temperature without opening an explorer.

I've also tried to send "" on a switch action and I see with wireshark that the command is sent! but I cannot get the temperature from this action that's why I want to use a script.

I also try (and many other variant....):
os.execute('curl ""&')

but it doesn't work.

I've tried a lot of things but it does not work.

Please I somebody have a simple solution.

Thanks a lot

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Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Post by Egregius »

Did you install curl?
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Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Post by CCL54 »

Hello Egregius,

Thank you very much for your reply.

No I haven't install curl.

So I've install curl on my PC following some forum on web site. I've put curl.exe and ca-bundle.crt in window path folder: C\windows\system32.
I test directly by putting curl "" directly in command prompt and that's working: I see the GET command with wireshark.
But, when I try the same command in domoticz script : os.execute('curl..') it doesn't work.

I've also tried with a LUA editor and I've the same problem : I don't see any GET on Wireshark.

Where am I wrong?

Thanks you very much for your help.

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Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Post by Egregius »

Don't know why it works in command prompt and not in lua. Maybe add complete paths?
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Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Post by CCL54 »


it's working now! thank you. The problem was lua doesn't find curl.exe as I didn't put the directory in the windows environment variables...

So thanks for your help.

May I ask you other question?

Because Domoticz send a get, I see it with Wireshark and the remote server answer with the temperature, but I could not find a mean to retrieve the value sent by the remote server: I try:

- temperature=os.execute('curl ""')-> no sucess

I see on the web the there exist the os.capture command that could help me so I try

local cmd='curl..""'
os.capture(cmd, true)

but it doesn't work, lua editor answer:

tack traceback:
[string "script_device_temperature.lua*"]:50: in main chunk

Is there a way (simple way) to get the temperature from os.execute('curl ""') ?

and I also try to update virtual sensor on domoticz with the command:

thank you very much.

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Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Post by Egregius »

With php: yes, of course.
With lua: I have no clue at all.
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Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Post by CCL54 »

Finally thanks to forums I found a solution that I summarise below:

The function capture must be created in the script because it's not native in lua (copy from one forum):

function os.capture(cmd, raw)
local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, 'r'))
local s = assert(f:read('*a'))
if raw then return s end
s = string.gsub(s, '^%s+', '')
s = string.gsub(s, '%s+$', '')
s = string.gsub(s, '[\n\r]+', ' ')
return s

Then when we put :

temperature=os.capture(cmd, true)

Temperature get the result with the tags, so it is necessary to remove the tags from the result, this is done via the following lua code from another forum (Hobbe & zzdomi):

local function extractElement1(tag, xml, default)
local pattern = "<"..tag..">(.-)</"..tag..">"
local result = (xml:match(pattern) or default)
return result
This function extract only the value between the tags.

And then it is necessary to update the virtual sensor with the following code:


This is a bit complicated but domoticz get the result and display the temperature,

hope this summary be useful for others....

Thanks to Egregius, Hobbe, Alcor and zzdomi

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Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Post by robatbentley »

Sorry for a late posting...

But, when I try the same command in domoticz script : os.execute('curl..') it doesn't work.
I have exactly the same problem!
I've placed my curl folder here c:\curl\bin\curl.exe, and added this folder to system variables for both user and system PATH.
I can also see the GET command using Wireshark when using a windows 10 cmd window with...
and it does work with the ESPEasy E12 device as I can see the PWM change on my scope on pin 4 (GPI04/D2)
...but using folowing LUA code doesn't!

Code: Select all

   	runcommand = "curl 'http://" .. IP .. "/control?cmd=PWM,"  ..PIN.. "," .. CalcValue .. "'";
--   	runcommand = "http://" .. IP .. "/control?cmd=PWM,"  ..PIN.. "," .. CalcValue .. "";
Anything else I need to check? Tried rebooting but think it's something to do with security, system variables etc.
wireshark20180329.JPG (134.21 KiB) Viewed 1648 times
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