Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave Topic is solved

For devices supporting the Auto Discovery feature. Like ZWaveJS2MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT.

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Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave

Post by elzorrovega »

I migrated to Z-Wave JS UI recently and I am encountering some issues with the Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave node. Mosquitto MQTT Auto Discovery Gateway is enabled and it was able to discover all the node and created node devices. Attached is it’s instruction manual as well as MQTT log files as per script mqtt_ad_record and numerous screenshots.

In the process of verifying all DzVents scripts, noticed that the switch device assigned to Keybord does not receive any data. Manual’s CONTROL section states: “After successful read, the USER_CODE_REPORT or ALARM_REPORT_V2 will be sent.”

Used badged (userId 1) to set Home = Unlock state four time
Used badge (userId 1) to set Away = Locked state three times
Used code (userId 2) to set Home = Unlock state two times
Used code (userId 2) to set Away = Locked state two times

Messages appear in log files and in MQTT Explorer
Link to MQTT log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VwwJE7 ... sp=sharing
Link to Zipato Payload https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j7Ggxv ... sp=sharing

Another community member was asking about a Benext Tag Reader node device which was not “discovered” automatically.

Is there a possibility to add manually a device? :?:

MQTT Explorer Partial Payload

Code: Select all

alarmType = {"time":1676803847174,"value":0,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
alarmLevel = {"time":1676803847184,"value":0,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
unknown = {"time":1676803847214,"value":254,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
Keypad_unlock_operation = {"time":1676803107341,"value":{"userId":2}}
Keypad_lock_operation = {"time":1676803846989,"value":{"userId":2}}

manufacturerId = {"time":1676804027502,"value":151,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productType = {"time":1676804027508,"value":24881,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productId = {"time":1676804027514,"value":17665,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}

manufacturerId = {"time":1676804027502,"value":151,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productType = {"time":1676804027508,"value":24881,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productId = {"time":1676804027514,"value":17665,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
(198.2 KiB) Downloaded 72 times
MQTT_Keypad.png (185.04 KiB) Viewed 3332 times
MQTT_Explorer.png (320.04 KiB) Viewed 3332 times
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Re: Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave

Post by cbartetzko »

I Had the same issue with my Wintop Keypad (whis identical with the Zipato device).
I could not define a switch device with an identical behaviour like before, but I found an even better solution.

I've added three new devices in ZwaveJsUI-HomeAssistand-Section

This creates 3 new General-Text-Sensors in Domoticz:
Keypad Lock Operation
Keypad Unlock Operation
Unknow User

The sensors get updated with any Keypad operation and include even the submitted RFID-User-ID's,
which makes it possible to identify Keypad users in Domoticz.

Here are the 3 HASS_Json_Device-Definitions I have used:

"type": "sensor",
"object_id": "notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation",
"discovery_payload": {
"state_topic": "zwave/EG_Flur_Keypad/113/0/Access_Control/Keypad_lock_operation",
"json_attributes_topic": "zwave/EG_Flur_Keypad/113/0/Access_Control/Keypad_lock_operation",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"manufacturer": "Wintop",
"model": "Keypad with alarm activation rfid tag (MINI KEYPAD RFID)",
"name": "EG_Flur_Keypad",
"sw_version": "0.28"
"name": "EG_Flur_Keypad_notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation",
"unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc26d12e5_42-113-0-Access_Control-Keypad_lock_operation"
"discoveryTopic": "sensor/EG_Flur_Keypad/notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation/config",
"values": [
"113-0-Access Control-Keypad_lock_operation"
"persistent": true,
"ignoreDiscovery": false,
"id": "sensor_notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation"

"type": "sensor",
"object_id": "notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation",
"discovery_payload": {
"state_topic": "zwave/EG_Flur_Keypad/113/0/Access_Control/Keypad_unlock_operation",
"json_attributes_topic": "zwave/EG_Flur_Keypad/113/0/Access_Control/Keypad_unlock_operation",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"manufacturer": "Wintop",
"model": "Keypad with alarm activation rfid tag (MINI KEYPAD RFID)",
"name": "EG_Flur_Keypad",
"sw_version": "0.28"
"name": "EG_Flur_Keypad_notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation",
"unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc26d12e5_42-113-0-Access_Control-Keypad_unlock_operation"
"discoveryTopic": "sensor/EG_Flur_Keypad/notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation/config",
"values": [
"113-0-Access Control-Keypad_unlock_operation"
"persistent": true,
"ignoreDiscovery": false,
"id": "sensor_notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation"

"type": "sensor",
"object_id": "notification_Unknown_User",
"discovery_payload": {
"state_topic": "zwave/EG_Flur_Keypad/99/0/userCode/0",
"json_attributes_topic": "zwave/EG_Flur_Keypad/99/0/userCode/0",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"manufacturer": "Wintop",
"model": "Keypad with alarm activation rfid tag (MINI KEYPAD RFID)",
"name": "EG_Flur_Keypad",
"sw_version": "0.28"
"name": "zwave/EG_Flur_Keypad/99/0/userCode/0",
"unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc26d12e5_5-99-0-Unknown_User"
"discoveryTopic": "sensor/EG_Flur_Keypad/Unknown_User/config",
"values": [
"persistent": true,
"ignoreDiscovery": false,
"id": "sensor_notification_Unknown_User"
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Re: Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave

Post by elzorrovega »

Hello Cbartetzko,

I should have looked to your response earlier.

Thanks for the tip I will try your approach first!

I was about to embark in a DzVents /Bash scripts to read parameter Alarm Level.

Code: Select all

[7-113-0-alarmLevel] Alarm Level
Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad node 7 Home State
mosquitto_sub -h $dhost -p 1883 -t zwave/7/113/0/alarmLevel -C 1 -W 1
Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad node 7 Away State
mosquitto_sub -h $dhost  -t zwave/7/113/0/alarmLevel -C 1 -W 1
I been honing my skills with mosquitto_sub & mosquitto_pub calls. If it can be of service to you let me know.

Thanks a lot. :D El Zorro
The solution to the problem changes the problem!

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B; Bullseye -64 bit OS 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
Domoticz Version: 2024.7
zwave-js: 12.4.4 home id: 3714679688 home hex: 0xdd698388
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Re: Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave

Post by elzorrovega »


Thanks again cbartetzko for your help!

With a little tinkering to adapt your JSON calls to those already existing and activating rediscover command, I started to receive updates whenever Home or Away button were activated. I fought with DzVents to get a simple method to set Home or Away State once new text message was received. After trying to extract time stamps from text messages and comparing it to current time stamp without any success, I simply used the device change state to determine which of the two had actually changed. All this a very simple script.

One of my old DzVents scripts used JSON command to change motion detector parameters. I had seen some new JSON calls but because MQTT is new I decided to directly use Mosquitto_sub and Mosquitto_pub commands in combined DzVents/Bash scripts. Thus, I now read battery levels and change parameters directly from nodes.

Which brings me to my next question. Is this new “device" configuration stored in a Z-Wave JS UI configuration file/directory or must it be rewritten after each rebooting. Since MQTT is a new beastie, at least for me, I probably misunderstood a posting where is was said to send feedback to integrate new nodes devices where auto discovery had missed node attributes. Now, each node now has a myriad of devices. What happens to this Customization when there is a new version of either Domoticz or Z-Wave JS UI? :D
The solution to the problem changes the problem!

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B; Bullseye -64 bit OS 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
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zwave-js: 12.4.4 home id: 3714679688 home hex: 0xdd698388
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Re: Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave

Post by dartflag »

I read your posts, and tried the configuration as you explained but infortunatly impossible with my small skills to use my keypad after ZWAVE JS UI Migration.
I configured successfully all the others nodes (blinds, sensors) but nothing with keypad.

Can you help me?

I don't understand how to add a new configuration in Zwave JS UI/control panel/home assistant.
The node 50 has been added
Capture d’écran 2024-07-31 à 20.27.16.png
Capture d’écran 2024-07-31 à 20.27.16.png (16.87 KiB) Viewed 2330 times
but in MQTT explorer I see only
Capture d’écran 2024-07-31 à 20.23.31.png
Capture d’écran 2024-07-31 à 20.23.31.png (83.7 KiB) Viewed 2330 times
is it normal if I don't see nodeID_50 but only KeyPad?
do I miss something?

thanks a lot for help
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Re: Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave

Post by elzorrovega »

Hello Dartflag,

I saw your message and will get back to you soon. There are still a few things to do before going back to work.

Can you post messages from MQTT explorer under KeyPad topic. It strange that you do not have Node50.


The solution to the problem changes the problem!

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B; Bullseye -64 bit OS 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
Domoticz Version: 2024.7
zwave-js: 12.4.4 home id: 3714679688 home hex: 0xdd698388
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Re: Migrating to Z-Wave JS : Zipato Mini Keyboard RFID/Z-Wave

Post by elzorrovega »

Hello Dartflag,

My configuration on RaspberryPi 4 is as follows:

Code: Select all

Domoticz Version: 2024.7
Build Hash: b317cfab1
Compile Date: 2024-07-13 16:59:31
dzVents Version: 3.1.8
Python Version: 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110]
zwave-js: 12.4.4
home id: 3714679688
home hex: 0xdd698388
Home and Away button on Keyboard give the following results on MQTT explorer.

Code: Select all

lastActive = {"time":1724239906765,"value":1724239906646}
status = {"time":1724239906927,"value":true,"status":"Asleep","nodeId":7}
▶switch_binary (2 topics, 2 messages)
▶user_code (283 topics, 283 messages)
alarmType = {"time":1724239906519,"value":0}
alarmLevel = {"time":1724239906522,"value":255}
Keypad_unlock_operation = {"time":1724239848852,"value":{"userId":1}}
Keypad_lock_operation = {"time":1724239906527,"value":{"userId":1}}
Before any tinkering please backup your system so that you may return to starting point if needed.
There are other many posts with guidelines. Here is my own blurb.

Currently, I am running Domotiz and Mosquitto as local applications while ZWaveJS and MQTT Explorer are in docker containers. ZWaveJS replaces Open Zwave and should be integrating all Zwave compatible devices. As in our particular case, ZIPATO Keyboard is still missing some functionalities. Thus, the need to add customized devices.

Before adding any customized devices, you must verify that all your nodes are communicating with Domoticz server. If you activate Keyboard binary switch via Z-WaveJS UI do you see any activity in MQTT explorer?
Keypad.png (173.11 KiB) Viewed 2160 times
I must confess that I only adapted cbartetzko’s commands as per his post. Verify node id which in your case is 50 and configuration Z-WaveJS UI/Settings/Gateway/Topic Names/Named Topics

https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopi ... 78#p301578

Then you need to add devices in the Keypad home assistant page via Z-WaveJS UI with Hass Device JSON. Add one sensor at a time. Clear previous sensor before adding the next one.
HAAdd.png (214.7 KiB) Viewed 2160 times
Hall Keyboard Configuration
Away Sensor

Code: Select all

  "type": "sensor",
  "object_id": "notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation",
  "discovery_payload": {
    "state_topic": "zwave/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/notification/endpoint_0/Access_Control/Keypad_lock_operation",
    "json_attributes_topic": "zwave/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/notification/endpoint_0/Access_Control/Keypad_lock_operation",
    "device": {
      "identifiers": [
      "manufacturer": "Wintop",
      "model": "Keypad with alarm activation rfid tag (MINI KEYPAD RFID)",
      "name": "Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad",
      "sw_version": "0.28"
    "name": "Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad_notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation",
    "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xdd698388_7-113-0-Access_Control-Keypad_lock_operation"
  "discoveryTopic": "sensor/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation/config",
  "values": [
    "113-0-Access Control-Keypad_lock_operation"
  "persistent": false,
  "ignoreDiscovery": false,
  "id": "sensor_notification_access_control_Keypad_lock_operation"
Home Sensor

Code: Select all

  "type": "sensor",
  "object_id": "notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation",
  "discovery_payload": {
    "state_topic": "zwave/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/notification/endpoint_0/Access_Control/Keypad_unlock_operation",
    "json_attributes_topic": "zwave/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/notification/endpoint_0/Access_Control/Keypad_unlock_operation",
    "device": {
      "identifiers": [
      "manufacturer": "Wintop",
      "model": "Keypad with alarm activation rfid tag (MINI KEYPAD RFID)",
      "name": "Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad",
      "sw_version": "0.28"
    "name": "Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad_notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation",
    "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xdd698388_7-113-0-Access_Control-Keypad_unlock_operation"
  "discoveryTopic": "sensor/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation/config",
  "values": [
    "113-0-Access Control-Keypad_unlock_operation"
  "persistent": false,
  "ignoreDiscovery": false,
  "id": "sensor_notification_access_control_Keypad_unlock_operation"

Code: Select all

  "type": "sensor",
  "object_id": "notification_Unknown_User",
  "discovery_payload": {
    "state_topic": "zwave/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/user_code/endpoint_0/userCode/0",
    "json_attributes_topic": "zwave/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/user_code/endpoint_0/userCode/0",
    "device": {
      "identifiers": [
      "manufacturer": "Wintop",
      "model": "Keypad with alarm activation rfid tag (MINI KEYPAD RFID)",
      "name": "Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad",
      "sw_version": "0.28"
    "name": "zwave/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/user_code/endpoint_0/userCode/0",
    "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xdd698388_7_5-99-0-Unknown_User"
  "discoveryTopic": "sensor/Hall_Keyboard_Mini_Keypad/Unknown_User/config",
  "values": [
  "persistent": false,
  "ignoreDiscovery": false,
  "id": "sensor_notification_Unknown_User"
HAAdd.png (214.7 KiB) Viewed 2160 times
The solution to the problem changes the problem!

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B; Bullseye -64 bit OS 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
Domoticz Version: 2024.7
zwave-js: 12.4.4 home id: 3714679688 home hex: 0xdd698388
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