machinon theme Topic is solved

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Re: machinon theme

Post by MarcusFlavius »

Yes I tried this as I had seen it’s a way to fix this kind of problem, but with no success.
I can see most of the icons but not all. No webcam for instance ...
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Re: machinon theme

Post by Plantje »

What browser are you using? And these icons are not available in the drop down if you choose to change a device?
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Re: machinon theme

Post by MarcusFlavius »

I use Safari on my iPad Pro.

When I want to change an icon, I can change the « Type » : there, I can see 21 choices of devices, starting from « blinds » up to « X10 siren »
At this point everything is ok if the type of device that I select does not allow to choose a specific icon.
If i select for instance the type « blinds » , the icon is the one that is designed for the machinon theme.

But if I select the type « on/off » then I have a specific menu with a list of icons.
In this list there are icons that I had installed, before the installation of the machinon theme, to get a better look of my domoticz.
There are also a few icons that are new and come with the theme (default, amplifier, Christmas tree, computer, cooling, fan etc...)
But I can see on this forum some screenshots with some icons that I don’t have, as the outdoor camera as I told you before.

Perhaps just a problem with me...
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Re: machinon theme

Post by Plantje »

Ah ok. It seems that you're doing everything right. Perhaps the developer of the theme can/will chip in at some point.
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Re: machinon theme

Post by MarcusFlavius »

Ok thanks for your time and your answers !
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Re: machinon theme

Post by Plantje »

MarcusFlavius wrote: Saturday 29 August 2020 19:11 Hello !

I’ve just installed the theme but I have a small problem.
I can see some of the icons that come with the theme, but not all of them.
In the directory .../domoticz/www/styles/machinon/images I can see for example an outdoor camera, but this icon is not available when I wan’t to use it to customize a switch.
Do you have a clue ?

By the way great work, I use domoticz for a few years and with this them it’s completely new !


Have taken another look and indeed: the icons are there. But what on/off switch do you have connected to a camera? I would assume these icons are only available on the camera's pages
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Re: machinon theme

Post by Timmiej93 »

As somebody who goes out of their way to dark-theme everything on their PC, I feel like the script editor in this theme has been overlooked in the dark theme. Especially for scripting, a dark theme is so much nicer to look at for a prolonged period of time than a light theme.
I would really appreciate it if you guys could extend the dark theme to the script editor as well.

Other than that, the theme looks really good, much better than most themes available. Another suggestion: It would be nice if you could allow us to set a number of columns for the Dashboard, and a maximum allowable width for the dashboard (like how the original Domoticz dashboard doesn't take up the entire width of your window on a wide monitor). I run an ultrawide monitor, so each button is almost 1000 pixels wide. A bit much if you ask me.

Even better: If you could make it so that dashboard items can be arranged on a grid randomly, instead of all after each other, including horizontal lines to separate them, that would be awesome. Crude example, where an X is an element like a switch, dimmer, etc, a | is a separation to show the columns, and a blank space is blank, and a - is a horizontal line

Current situation

Code: Select all

|x|x| | |
Preferred situation

Code: Select all

| |x|x| |
|x| | |x|
| | | | |
|x|x| | |
As you can see, both contain 6 elements, but the current situation doesn't really allow you to group them to your own liking, only to put them one after another. If you could get the preferred situation working, that would finally allow for a proper dashboard. I'm not sure if this is even possible to do in a theme though, but it sure would be nice.


I just found out you can't use search (CTRL + F) with this theme, this is a ridiculous and unnecessary limitation. Especially for those trying to search through the log in the GUI, this is a major limitation, which has absolutely no benefits. Please remove this limitation.
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Re: machinon theme

Post by besix »

Hello, I'm using the beta theme and it's great.
Now after updating domoticz to the latest beta version There is no temperature history and charts.
The default theme is ok.
refresh the theme and clear the browser cache
Can you fix it because I like this theme
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Re: machinon theme

Post by Freakandel »

besix wrote: Friday 06 November 2020 22:57 Hello, I'm using the beta theme and it's great.
Now after updating domoticz to the latest beta version There is no temperature history and charts.
The default theme is ok.
refresh the theme and clear the browser cache
Can you fix it because I like this theme
Same here, all graphs from sensors are empty. Temperature, Power Usage etc.

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Re: machinon theme

Post by Plantje »

For what it's worth: no issues with this version
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Re: machinon theme

Post by Plantje »

Where can I post feature requests? :)

I noticed that in the devices overview the nodeid of the Z-Wave node is highlighted. Would it also be possible to add a column with ONLY the nodeid? That would help a lot in searching and sorting this kind of data!
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Re: machinon theme

Post by waaren »

Freakandel wrote: Wednesday 11 November 2020 11:16 Same here, all graphs from sensors are empty. Temperature, Power Usage etc.
Check this solution
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Re: machinon theme

Post by madpatrick »


The last update by git pull broke my Machinon theme
After upgrade it changed to default settings.
I’m missing in the configuration the “theme” page to change my settings
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Re: machinon theme

Post by waaren »

madpatrick wrote: Saturday 21 November 2020 19:12 The last update by git pull broke my Machinon theme
After upgrade it changed to default settings.
I’m missing in the configuration the “theme” page to change my settings
If you already tried clearing your browsercache and appcache (different things) and your domoticz version is indeed 2020.1 (like it is stated in your profile) and you don't want to update to latest Beta you may need to go back to an earlier version of the theme.

you can do that with the commands

Code: Select all

cd <domoticz dir>/www/styles/Machinon
sudo git checkout  83e6be5b998e86fe99d4c79e68f9eecafb2f5cf4
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Re: machinon theme

Post by besix »

waaren wrote: Saturday 21 November 2020 8:45
Freakandel wrote: Wednesday 11 November 2020 11:16 Same here, all graphs from sensors are empty. Temperature, Power Usage etc.
Check this solution
Thank you for this message. Everything is ok the charts are visible
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Re: machinon theme

Post by madpatrick »

waaren wrote: Saturday 21 November 2020 20:06
madpatrick wrote: Saturday 21 November 2020 19:12 The last update by git pull broke my Machinon theme
After upgrade it changed to default settings.
I’m missing in the configuration the “theme” page to change my settings
If you already tried clearing your browsercache and appcache (different things) and your domoticz version is indeed 2020.1 (like it is stated in your profile) and you don't want to update to latest Beta you may need to go back to an earlier version of the theme.

you can do that with the commands

Code: Select all

cd <domoticz dir>/www/styles/Machinon
sudo git checkout  83e6be5b998e86fe99d4c79e68f9eecafb2f5cf4
Hi Waaren,
I'd indeed tries to clear cache etc... but did not work.
I was running the latest beta and not return to the an earlier version as per your advise.
Everything is now working again

Code: Select all

Note: checking out '83e6be5b998e86fe99d4c79e68f9eecafb2f5cf4'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 83e6be5... Merge pull request #42 from domoticz/beta
When i go back to the latest beta by " git checkout beta" it breaks again
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Re: machinon theme

Post by madpatrick »


I think i've found the problem :roll: :roll:

I've check a previous copy of the theme with the lastest version and i'm missing a piece in custom.js

In line 25:

Code: Select all

    url: "acttheme/js/moment.js",	
    async: false,	
    dataType: "script",	
When i copy this back, the theme is working again
Last edited by madpatrick on Sunday 22 November 2020 14:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: machinon theme

Post by Freakandel »

waaren wrote: Saturday 21 November 2020 8:45
Freakandel wrote: Wednesday 11 November 2020 11:16 Same here, all graphs from sensors are empty. Temperature, Power Usage etc.
Check this solution
Yes, it is working again! Thanks Waaren for your tip!
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Re: machinon theme

Post by waaren »

madpatrick wrote: Sunday 22 November 2020 11:02 When i copies this back, the theme is working again
Good catch!

Please note that this should only be needed on the Beta version of the theme. These lines are already/stil in the master version of Machinon
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Re: machinon theme

Post by DewGew »

Last beta should work with both domoticz stable and beta. I just need some feedback on this.
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