If the temperature outside is under "0" everything is OK, in Domoticz values are OK also, but now at night on the normal thermometer is -2 degrees, but on Domoticz is "0" and gives in LOG Error: 1-Wire system : error reading value from /sys/bus/w1/devices/
If I check the status via command in SSH " /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0115623756ff $ cat w1_slave" it shows correct values (ie. -1222), so I think there is a problem in Domoticz...
Could you please give me some advise on this case? I will be very grateful

EDIT: after update to newest beta version of Domoticz it's working OK, but next problem occurs - this time with scripts - switches over gpio/433mhz... they doesn't work...
EDIT #2: working after adding "///" (3 slashes) before script