dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)  [SOLVED]

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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by Bikey »

Thanks waaren!

I couldn't stand that I was not able to get this working nicely so did some more testing and found that the crippled Json is in a part of the result that is not relevant. So I used the regex as posted earlier to only select the proper "ophaaldagen" Json object from the result.

Now - building on your latest version - this is how I got it working:

Code: Select all

--[[ getGarbageDates.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ]

this script is only useful in those  areas of the Netherlands where the household garbage collector is connected to

Enter your zipcode and housenumber in the appropriate place between the lines starting with --++++
Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device.

the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the four types of household garbage
the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollecion that will arrive first


return {
        on      =   {   timer              =  { "at 00:05","at 08:00" },    -- daily run twice
                        devices            =  { "Garbage" },               -- Only for test purposes can be ignored  
                        httpResponses      =  { "getGarbage_Response" }     -- Trigger the handle Json part
        logging =   {   level              =   domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,          
                        marker             =   "collectGarbage"      },

        data    =   {   garbage            =    { initial = {}      },       -- Keep a copy of last json just in case  
                        lastStartline      =    { initial = 1       },  
                        lastEndline        =    { initial = 1000    },  

    execute = function(dz, triggerObject)

        --++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line --------------------------------------
        local myZipcode     = "3065KA"            -- Your zipcode like "3085RA"
        local myHousenumber =  193                 -- Your housenumber like 38
        local myTextDevice  = "GarbageText"       -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device
        local myAlertDevice = "GarbageAlert"      -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device
        --++++---------------------------- Set your values and device names above this Line --------------------------------------------

        local myYear ="%Y")
        garbageTypes  = {"restafval","gft","papier","plastic"}

        local function collectGarbageDates(secondsFromNow)
            local getGarbage_url  = ""  .. 
                                    myZipcode .. "&street=&huisnummer=" .. 
                                    myHousenumber .. "&toevoeging" 
            dz.openURL  ({  url = getGarbage_url ,
                            method = "GET",
                            callback = "getGarbage_Response" }).afterSec(secondsFromNow)

        -- Add entry to log and notify to all subsystems
        local function errorMessage(message)

        local function string2Epoch(dateString) -- seconds from epoch based on stringdate (used by string2Date)
            -- Assuming a date pattern like: yyyy-mm-dd
            local pattern = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)"
            local runyear, runmonth, runday= dateString:match(pattern)
            local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = runyear, month = runmonth, day = runday})
            return convertedTimestamp

        local function string2Date(str,fmt)             -- convert string from json into datevalue
            if fmt then return,string2Epoch(str)) end
            return" %A %d %B, %Y",string2Epoch(str))

        local function alertLevel(delta)
            if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end
            if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end
            if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end
            return dz.ALERTLEVEL_GREEN

        local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText,alertDate)
            local delta = tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,"%d")) - tonumber("%d"))  -- delta in days between today and first garbage collection date
            dz.log("\nalertLevel: " .. alertLevel(delta) .. ", alertText: " .. alertText,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
            return (delta == 0)

        local function longGarbageName(str)                                        -- Use descriptive strings
            str = tostring(str)
            str = str:gsub("plastic","  Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken ")
            str = str:gsub("gft","  Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval            ")
            str = str:gsub("papier","  Papier en kartonnen verpakkingen          ")
            str = str:gsub("restafval" ,"  Restafval                                ")
            return str

       local function handleResponse()
            json = "{"'(\"ophaaldagen\":{.*),\"ophaaldagenNext\":').."}"
--          dz.log('JSON RESULT: '..json,dz.LOG_ERROR)            
            triggerObject.json = dz.utils.fromJSON(json)
            -- json is now a Lua table
            if type(triggerObject.json) == 'table' then
          =      -- Store this part in 
                rt =                      -- and in table
               errorMessage("Problem with response (no data) using data from earlier run")
               rt  =                       -- json empty. Get last valid from
               if #rt < 1 then                              -- No valid data in either
                  errorMessage("No previous data. are zipcode and housenumber ok and in afvalkalender ?")
                  return false

--            dz.utils.dumpTable(rt)
            local garbageLines = ""
            local typeEarliestDate
            local overallEarliestDate   = "2999-12-31"       -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then
            local garbageToday = false
            local today ="%Y-%m-%d")
            local garbage = {}
            for i = 1,#garbageTypes do --walk the the type Table
                typeEarliestDate      = "2999-12-31"
                for j = 1, math.min(#rt, do                                 -- walk the response table
                   if  rt[j].date >= today and rt[j].date < typeEarliestDate and  rt[j].type == garbageTypes[i] then -- Keep date closest to today per type
                        typeEarliestDate =  rt[j].date
                        if  typeEarliestDate < overallEarliestDate then     -- date closest to today overall ?
                            overallEarliestDate = typeEarliestDate          -- keep date
                            overallEarliestType =  garbageTypes[i]          -- keep type
                   = j 
                        garbage[string2Epoch(typeEarliestDate,"%a %e %b" )] = string2Date(typeEarliestDate,"%a %e %b" ) .. longGarbageName(rt[j].type)
                        typeEarliestDate = rt[j].date  -- Keep date closest to today
            -- Order the lines based on dates
            local keyTable = {}
            local garbageLines = ''
            for key in pairs(garbage) do 
                table.insert(keyTable, key) 
            for _, key in ipairs(keyTable) do 
                garbageLines = garbageLines .. garbage[key] ..  '\n' 
            -- Update the devices
            if myAlertDevice then   -- Update AlertDevice with nearby date / type
                garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice(  myAlertDevice,
                                                        longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "\n" ..

            if myTextDevice then       -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types
                dz.log("\n" .. garbageLines,dz.LOG_DEBUG)

            if dz.time.matchesRule("at 08:00-17:00") and garbageToday then
                dz.notify(longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. " will be collected today")

        -- Main
        if triggerObject.isHTTPResponse then
            if triggerObject.ok then
                errorMessage("Problem with response from hvcgroep (not ok)")
                --collectGarbageDates(600)                            -- response not OK, try again after 10 minutes
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by jvdz »

I don't think that this line will work at the end of the year:

Code: Select all

 json = "{"'(\"ophaaldagen\":{.*),\"ophaaldagenNext\":').."}"
.. because towards the end of December the "ophaaldagenNext" table will be filled with the collection dates for January and the "ophaaldagen" tabel will be "empty". I found that out the hard way too at the end of a year. ;)
So what I do is process the ophaaldagenNext table as well when the found future waste events are below 10.

New Garbage collection scripts:
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

jvdz wrote: Sunday 14 June 2020 14:14 I don't think that this line will work at the end of the year:
Thx ! Your warning is much appreciated.

I will set a reminder for myself towards the end of the year to look at the script again. To harden the script now without proper testdata is probably not going to deliver the best results.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by HansieNL »

@waaren Many thanks for fixing the script :D
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by Bikey »

jvdz wrote: Sunday 14 June 2020 14:14 I don't think that this line will work at the end of the year:

Code: Select all

 json = "{"'(\"ophaaldagen\":{.*),\"ophaaldagenNext\":').."}"
.. because towards the end of December the "ophaaldagenNext" table will be filled with the collection dates for January and the "ophaaldagen" tabel will be "empty". I found that out the hard way too at the end of a year. ;)
So what I do is process the ophaaldagenNext table as well when the found future waste events are below 10.

Thanks for the tip! Then I will already change the regex to include ophaaldagenNext as well, like this:

Code: Select all

            json = "{"'(\"ophaaldagen\":{.*),\"mededelingen\":').."}"
However the logic in the script then also need to be adapted to look in both the ophaaldagen en the ophaaldagenNext object.
As waaren mentioned, that is probably best to do if we have some real data.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

Bikey wrote: Sunday 14 June 2020 21:26 I will already change the regex to include ophaaldagenNext as well, like this:

Code: Select all

            json = "{"'(\"ophaaldagen\":{.*),\"mededelingen\":').."}"
This will probably work for you but is not needed for addresses where the initial conversion already worked. There is also a risk that the order in the JSON change.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

Code cleanup and prepared for period close to end of year (ophaaldagenNext)

Code: Select all

--[[ getGarbageDates.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ]

this script is only useful in those  areas of the Netherlands where the household garbage collector is connected to

Enter your zipcode and housenumber in the appropriate place between the lines starting with --++++
Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device.

the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the four types of household garbage
the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollecion that will arrive first

            20180705: Start Coding
            20180725: First public release
            20180819: Changed target URL to mijnafvalwijzer
            20181108: use curl because of badly formatted json return
            20200614: sort lines before posting them to text device
            20200614: code cleanup
            20200614: Prepared for period close to end of year (ophaaldagenNext)
            20200615: Fixed notification bug
            20200615: Add choice for notification subsystem(s)

      tbc   20201210: interpret dates in next year ??


        on =
            timer =
                'at 00:05',
                'at 08:00'

            devices =
                'Garbage'                -- Only for test purposes can be ignored

            httpResponses =
                'getGarbage_Response' -- Trigger the handle Json part

        logging =
            level = domoticz.LOG_ERROR, -- set to LOG_DEBUG when something does not work as expected
            marker = 'collectGarbage',

        data =
            garbage =
                initial = {},              -- Keep a copy of last json just in case

    execute = function(dz, item)

        --++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line --------------------------------------
        local myZipcode     = '3085RA'          -- Your zipcode like '3085RA'
        local myHousenumber = 38                -- Your housenumber like 38
        local myTextDevice  = 'GarbageText'     -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device
        local myAlertDevice = 'GarbageAlert'    -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device

        local myNotificationTable =
             -- table with one or more notification systems.
             -- uncomment the notification systems that you want to be used
             -- Can be one or more of

             -- dz.NSS_PUSHOVER,
             -- dz.NSS_HTTP,
             -- dz.NSS_KODI,
             -- dz.NSS_LOGITECH_MEDIASERVER,
             -- dz.NSS_NMA,
             -- dz.NSS_PROWL,
             -- dz.NSS_PUSHALOT,
             -- dz.NSS_PUSHBULLET,
             -- dz.NSS_PUSHOVER,
             -- dz.NSS_PUSHSAFER,
        --++++---------------------------- No changes required below this line --------------------------------------------

        local debug = ( dz.utils.LOG_MODULE_EXEC_INFO == dz.LOG_DEBUG )
        local garbageTypes  = {'restafval','gft','papier','plastic','batterijen'}

        local function collectGarbageDates(secondsFromNow)
            local getGarbage_url  = ''  ..
                                    myZipcode .. '&street=&huisnummer=' ..
                                    myHousenumber .. '&toevoeging'
            dz.openURL  ({  url = getGarbage_url ,
                            method = 'GET',
                            callback = 'getGarbage_Response' }).afterSec(secondsFromNow)

        -- Add entry to log and notify to set subsystems
        local function errorMessage(message)
            dz.notify('Garbage',message, dz.PRIORITY_HIGH, dz.SOUND_DEFAULT, "" , myNotificationTable)

        local function string2Epoch(dateString, pattern) -- seconds from epoch based on stringdate (used by string2Date)
            local pattern = pattern or '(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)'
            local runyear, runmonth, runday= dateString:match(pattern)
            local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = runyear, month = runmonth, day = runday})
            return convertedTimestamp

        local function string2Date(str,fmt)             -- convert string from json into datevalue
            if fmt then return,string2Epoch(str)) end
            return' %A %d %B, %Y',string2Epoch(str))

        local function alertLevel(delta)
            if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end
            if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end
            if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end
            return dz.ALERTLEVEL_GREEN

        local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText,alertDate)
            local delta = tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,'%d')) - tonumber('%d'))  -- delta in days between today and first garbage collection date
            dz.log('\nalertLevel: ' .. alertLevel(delta) .. ', alertText: ' .. alertText,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
            return (delta == 0)

        local function longGarbageName(str) -- Use descriptive strings
            str = tostring(str)
            str = str:gsub('plastic','Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken')
            str = str:gsub('gft','Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval')
            str = str:gsub('papier','Papier en kartonnen verpakkingen')
            str = str:gsub('restafval' ,'Restafval')
            str = str:gsub('batterijen' ,'Baterijen en klein chemisch afval')
            return str

        local function getSortedKeys(t)
            local keyTable = {}
            for key, _ in pairs(t) do
                table.insert(keyTable, key)
            return keyTable

        function table.merge (t1, t2)
            for k,v in ipairs(t2) do
                table.insert(t1, v)
            return t1

       local function handleResponse()

             if not item.json then
                item.json = dz.utils.fromJSON('"ophaaldagen:','"ophaaldagen":'))  -- Some responses are even crippled in this part

            if type(item.json) == 'table' then
                rt = table.merge(,
       = rt
               errorMessage('Problem with response (no data). Try using data from earlier run')
               rt  =                           -- json empty. Get last valid from
               if #rt < 1 then                              -- No valid data in either
                  errorMessage('No previous data. Are zipcode and housenumber ok and available in afvalkalender?')
                  return false

            if debug then dz.utils.dumpTable(rt) end

            local garbageToday = false
            local today ='%Y-%m-%d')
            local garbage = {}

            for _, garbageType in ipairs(garbageTypes) do -- walk the the type Table
                local earliestDate = '2999-12-31'

                for _, garbageCollectRecord in ipairs(rt) do -- walk the response table
                    if  garbageCollectRecord.type == garbageType and >= today and < earliestDate  then -- Keep date closest to today per type
                        earliestDate =
                        garbage[string2Epoch(earliestDate)] = { , garbageCollectRecord.type }

            -- sort the keys of the garbage table
            local sortedKeys = getSortedKeys(garbage)

            -- Update alert device
            if myAlertDevice then
                local alertLines = longGarbageName(garbage[sortedKeys[1]][2]) .. '\n' .. string2Date(garbage[sortedKeys[1]][1])
                garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice(  myAlertDevice, alertLines, garbage[sortedKeys[1]][1])

            -- Update text device
            if myTextDevice then
                local garbageLines = ''
                for _, key in ipairs(sortedKeys) do
                    garbageLines = garbageLines .. string2Date(garbage[key][1], '%a %e %b' ) .. ':  '  .. longGarbageName(garbage[key][2]) .. '\n'

            if dz.time.matchesRule('at 08:00-17:00') and garbageToday then
                dz.notify('Huisafval',longGarbageName(garbage[sortedKeys[1]][2]) .. " will be collected today", dz.PRIORITY_NORMAL,dz.SOUND_DEFAULT, "" , myNotificationTable)

        -- Main
        if item.isHTTPResponse then
            if item.ok then
                errorMessage('Problem with response (not ok)')
                collectGarbageDates(600)                                           -- response not OK, try again after 10 minutes
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by Bikey »

waaren wrote: Sunday 14 June 2020 21:52
Bikey wrote: Sunday 14 June 2020 21:26 I will already change the regex to include ophaaldagenNext as well, like this:

Code: Select all

            json = "{"'(\"ophaaldagen\":{.*),\"mededelingen\":').."}"
This will probably work for you but is not needed for addresses where the initial conversion already worked. There is also a risk that the order in the JSON change.
Mmm, yeah you are right changing the order would brake things. So I will stick to your new script ;-)
That works excellent, thanks again!
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by Bikey »

Found a small bug, the notification returned an empty message today.

So line 194:

Code: Select all

dz.notify(longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. ' will be collected today')
needs to be changed to:

Code: Select all

dz.notify(longGarbageName(garbage[sortedKeys[1]][2]) .. ' will be collected today')
Or this, if you would like to select which notification channel to use (e.g. Telegram)

Code: Select all

dz.notify('Huisafval',longGarbageName(garbage[sortedKeys[1]][2]) .. " will be collected today", dz.PRIORITY_NORMAL,dz.SOUND_DEFAULT, "" , dz.NSS_TELEGRAM)
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)  [SOLVED]

Post by waaren »

Bikey wrote: Monday 15 June 2020 9:29 Found a small bug, the notification returned an empty message today.
Thx. I changed it in my posted version. Also added the option to select notification subsystem(s)
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by ronaldbro »

Hi waaren,

Found a functional mistake in the script. At the alert sensor colors yellow and orange are switched.
In the script the order is green - orange - yellow - red, should be green - yellow - orange - red.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

ronaldbro wrote: Saturday 20 June 2020 21:17 Found a functional mistake in the script. At the alert sensor colors yellow and orange are switched.
In the script the order is green - orange - yellow - red, should be green - yellow - orange - red.
Sorry, I was not aware that there is an official color warning system for the amount of days before a certain garbage type will be collected :D
If it is too confusing for you please feel free to change it to the colors you consider right.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by ronaldbro »

Lol. Yep, it’s defined by the NPGCAW...
The National Department of Garbage Collector Alert Widgets. So it’s pretty official. But don’t worry, I already changed it in my version.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

ronaldbro wrote: Saturday 20 June 2020 23:15 Lol. Yep, it’s defined by the NPGCAW...
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by DickNi »

Hi there,

I followed you post with interest.

I'm trying to use the code also, but I get some errors:

2020-07-09 15:37:08.175 Error: Error opening url: ... toevoeging
2020-07-09 15:37:08.319 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: HTTP/1.1 response: 7 ==>> Couldn't connect to server
2020-07-09 15:37:08.319 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: Problem with response from hvcgroep (not ok)

When i use ... toevoeging in a browser i get a lot of data shown, which seems to be oke

Can you tell me what is going wrong and where i have to look for
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

DickNi wrote: Thursday 09 July 2020 15:39 2020-07-09 15:37:08.319 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: Problem with response from hvcgroep (not ok)
Can you tell me what is going wrong and where i have to look for
From the error you posted, I understand you are not using the latest version . Can you try with the latest version (June 14th) I posted ?
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by DickNi »

Thanks Waaren,

I tried your latest version but now I get the following errors:
Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: Error parsing json to LUA table: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/../lua/JSON.lua: 1234: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/../lua/JSON.lua:808: can't parse JSON at byte 1 of: NOK
2020-07-10 21:08:33.098
2020-07-10 21:08:33.098 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: Problem with response (no data). Try using data from earlier run
2020-07-10 21:08:33.098 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: No previous data. Are zipcode and housenumber ok and available in afvalkalender?

Raspberry Pi 3B with Buster. Domoticz :version: 2020.2 dzVents Version: 3.0.2
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

DickNi wrote: Friday 10 July 2020 21:13 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: Error parsing json to LUA table: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/../lua/JSON.lua: 1234: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/../lua/JSON.lua:808: can't parse JSON at byte 1 of: NOK
If you send me a PM with the zipcode / housenumber you use I will have a look.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by DickNi »

Oops sorry
Wrong housenumber,

But now I get the error:
Error: EventSystem: Warning!, lua script /home/pi/domoticz/dzVents/runtime/dzVents.lua has been running for more than 10 seconds
which I had also in some other scripts which use an URL-call.

After a while the errors:
2020-07-11 21:18:56.191 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: Error parsing json to LUA table: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/../lua/JSON.lua:1234: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/../lua/JSON.lua:1027: Lua script execution exceeds maximum number of lines
2020-07-11 21:18:56.191 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: Problem with response (no data). Try using data from earlier run
2020-07-11 21:18:56.191 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: No previous data. Are zipcode and housenumber ok and available in afvalkalender?
2020-07-11 21:18:56.217 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.2) collectGarbage: ------ Finished ButtonTest after >342 seconds. (using 349.6 seconds CPU time !)
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Joined: Saturday 22 August 2020 13:36
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by riko »

Great script, thanks a lot. As mentioned in this threat before twice I'm also looking to customize the notification timing. I would like to have a notification the night before the garbage collection day. I've tried to add a notification myself by changing the 'on timer' to 20:00 and adding the following line:

Code: Select all

if (tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,"%d")) - tonumber("%d")) == 1) and dz.time.matchesRule("at 18:00-22:00") then
dz.notify(longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "wordt morgen opgehaald")
Does anyone already have this implemented, or could you help me with the code above?
delcara wrote: Saturday 10 November 2018 12:48 Already usesd the script from Waaren. So far it's working nice, adjusted the run times and notifications a little bit. I now receive a notification the evening before collection day and some nice notifications through google TTS on my Sonos speakers :D .

Strange thing is that i can't save the script when copy/paste in the domoticz web editor, checked it for weird characters or empty spaces. No problem with other scripts. And it runs fine when i copy it to the scripts folder. Didn't bother to look further for the cause of this issue. Running domoticz beta 4.10171.
imdos wrote: Thursday 14 February 2019 18:11
imdos wrote: Tuesday 05 February 2019 10:00 Never mind. It worked without an additional notification.

Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk
I would like to extend the notification to once around 18:30 on the day before the actual pick-up of the garbage. However I don't see where (actually to which) to compare a variable like garbareTomorrow and do a simple check.

Or would it make more sense to compare it in a seperate script and against the alertdevice for example?
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