dzVents script for heating control  [SOLVED]

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dzVents script for heating control  [SOLVED]

Post by Eoreh »

Me and my friend Tom would like to introduce our dzVents script to control the heating in our homes.
(26.03 KiB) Downloaded 750 times
Main goal is switch on/off device depending on the temperature in a user-friendly interface
The script requires the following objects in the domoticz:
- 1 x device to switch on / off (Central heating boiler)
- 2 x thermometers (Main and backup)
- 3 x selectors (Heating - working days with buttons for zone of hours exp: [5-22] or [5.30-22.30] or [5.30-7/14.00-22]
Heating - weekends with buttons for zone of hours exp: [5-22] or [5.30-22.30] or [5.30-7/14.00-22]
Working mode with buttons [AUTO],[MANUAL],[HOLIDAYS],[OFF]
- 4 x setpoints (Comfort temperature,Economic temperature,Temperature for manual mode,Temperature HOLIDAYS)
- 1 x text device (Current working status)
- 2 x user variables type:string (HeatStatement, HeatWorkCondition)
image1.png (113.71 KiB) Viewed 12680 times
image2.png (75.38 KiB) Viewed 12680 times
the script has rich debug logging. For example as below
Spoiler: show
2018-01-14 16:02:00.260 dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************
2018-01-14 16:02:00.260 dzVents: !Info: 1. Heating control - start debug ver -> 2.3
2018-01-14 16:02:00.260 dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************
2018-01-14 16:02:00.260 dzVents: !Info: On moment start script:
2018-01-14 16:02:00.260 dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-01-14 16:02:00.336 dzVents: !Info: > Central heating boiler -> On
2018-01-14 16:02:00.340 dzVents: !Info: > Main thermometer -> 21.5
2018-01-14 16:02:00.343 dzVents: !Info: > Current working status CO -> >AUTO< Heating temp.: 22 dg.
2018-01-14 16:02:00.346 dzVents: !Info: > Comfort temperature -> 22.00
2018-01-14 16:02:00.349 dzVents: !Info: > Economic temperature -> 19.50
2018-01-14 16:02:00.352 dzVents: !Info: > Temperature for manual mode -> 23.00
2018-01-14 16:02:00.356 dzVents: !Info: > Temperature HOLIDAYS -> 18.00
2018-01-14 16:02:00.359 dzVents: !Info: > Heating - working days -> 5.30-7/14-21.30
2018-01-14 16:02:00.363 dzVents: !Info: > Heating - weekends -> 8-22
2018-01-14 16:02:00.363 dzVents: !Info: > HISTERESIS -> 0.3
2018-01-14 16:02:00.364 dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-01-14 16:02:00.370 dzVents: !Info: Boiler operation settings for mode AUTO:
2018-01-14 16:02:00.370 dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-01-14 16:02:00.370 dzVents: !Info: > 13. I set the heating zone: Working days - heating from 5:30-07:00
2018-01-14 16:02:00.370 dzVents: !Info: > 14. I set the heating zone: Working days - heating from 14:00-21:30
2018-01-14 16:02:00.371 dzVents: !Info: > 15. I set the heating zone: Weekends - heating 08:00-22:00
2018-01-14 16:02:00.371 dzVents: !Info: > 20. Current boiler operation mode: Heating day
2018-01-14 16:02:00.372 dzVents: !Info: > 22. I turn on the oven for an even or lower temperature: 21.7 Current temp: 21.5
2018-01-14 16:02:00.372 dzVents: !Info: > 23. I turn off the furnace for an even or higher temperature: 22.3 Current temp: 21.5
2018-01-14 16:02:00.372 dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-01-14 16:02:00.374 dzVents: !Info: > 23. I set the info about the work status on: [>AUTO< Heating temp.: 22 dg.]
2018-01-14 16:02:00.374 dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************
Mode of action:
System checks the temperature, time and day of the week every 2 minutes and it compares the data it receives to all the selectors like “Heating- working days”, " Heating - weekends" and setpoints “Comfort temperature”, “Economic temperature” etc. Then it sets itself to either comfortable or reduced temperature.

The system takes the temperature from „Temperature for manual mode” (Temperature for manual mode) as the comparative value and according to that it controls the heating in a way it keeps the same temperature all the time- any of the day time modes don’t matter at that point. At 11PM the mode changes to AUTO on it’s own.

The system takes the temperature from „Temperature HOLIDAYS” [Temperature for the time when nobody is home for a longer time] as the comparative value and according to that it controls the heating in a way it keeps the same temperature all the time- any of the day time modes don’t matter at that point.

The system does not control the temperatures or anything else.

Current system operation status:
Is displayed live in Domoticz, in “text” type of switch.
Let me add that in my living room there’s a tablet on the wall running ImperiHome, displaying all the switches that I explained earlier and it’s really easy to control all the settings from it.

Hours are taken from the names of the buttons to operate the script. The hours must be separated by the "-" sign. There may be zones on the button separated by the '/' sign. All hours can contain minutes with separator '.'
Hide Off level in selectors is on TRUE.

Notifications are sent on a pushover in default only NOTIFY_TIME = 'at 05:00-22:00'
You can easily change this in code.

Code: Select all

--      Heat control 
        local version = '2.3'                   -- current version of script 
        local LOGGING =  true                   -- true or false LOGGING info to domoticz log. 
        -- DEVICES // name of devices in Domoticz  
		-- HEAT  
		local devHEAT = 'Central heating boiler'     -- switch that will be turned OFF and ON

		-- thermometers
		local devThermometer_main   = 'Main thermometer'       -- main thermometer to control switch
		local devThermometer_second = 'Backup thermometer'           -- backup thermometer to control switch  when main thermometer dont work  (lastUpdate > max_time_last_seen) 
        -- DUMMY DEVICES  // your name of devices create in Domoticz  for this script
        -- setpoints  
		local devSetpoint_comfort = 'Comfort temperature'        -- setpoint: comfort temperature
        local devSetpoint_night = 'Economic temperature'              -- setpoint: eco temperature for night 
        local devSetpoint_custom = 'Temperature for manual mode' -- setpoint: temperature for manual mode
        local devSetpoint_holidays = 'Temperature HOLIDAYS'           -- setpoint: eco temperature for holidays mode
        -- selectors 
		local devSelector_heat_work_day = 'Heating - working days'   -- heat work day  with buttons for zone of hours exp: [5-22] or [5.30-22.30] or [5.30-7/14.00-22]
		local devSelector_heat_weekend = 'Heating - weekends'       -- heat weekend with buttons for zone of hours exp: [5-22] or [5.30-22.30] or [5.30-7/14.00-22]
		local devSelector_mode = 'Working mode'               -- work mode with 4 buttons as below: 
		        local devSelector_mode_auto = 'AUTO'
		        local devSelector_mode_manual = 'MANUAL'
				local devSelector_mode_holidays = 'HOLIDAYS'
		        local devSelector_mode_off  = 'OFF'
        -- text 
		local devText_work_state      = 'Current working status CO'   -- text device witch displayed current status 

        -- USER VARIABLES   // name of user variables in Domoticz ( Setup > More options > User variables). 
		local usrStateWorkHEAT      = 'HeatWorkCondition'                 -- helper variable to work script 
		local usrLastStatement      = 'HeatStatement'                 -- helper variable last statemen 

        -- OTHER 
        -- conditions of TIME ZONE 
        local NOTIFY_TIME    = 'at 05:00-22:00'                                  -- matchesRule when notify will be send.  (default - PUSHOVER)
		local BACK_TO_AUTO   = 'at 23:30-23:40 on mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun'   -- matchesRule to back to 'AUTO' mode from 'MANUAL' mode. 
		-- auxiliary variables
		local HISTERESIS = 0.3              -- deviation from the set temperature
		local max_time_last_seen = 60       -- the maximum time in minutes when main thermometer have to report  (lastUpdate) or we change on backup 
		local min_time_to_change = 5        -- the minimum time in minutes to do change  of state devHEAT
		local min_time_to_notify = 60       -- the minimum time in minutes to repeat the unchanged notifycation. 
		local temp_default  = 20            -- default temperature when both  termometers dont work. 

		local description_heat ='Heating '        -- label "HEAT" to info for text device 
		local description_break ='Break '       -- label "BREAK" to info for text device 
		local descriptionPrefix = ' temp.: '     -- label "PREFIX" to info for text device  
		local descriptionSufix  = ' dg.'          -- label "SUFIX" to info for text device   

        -- FUNCTION: helpers

function notify(domoticz, text1, text2)
    if domoticz.variables(usrLastStatement).value ~= text2 or domoticz.variables(usrLastStatement).lastUpdate.minutesAgo > min_time_to_notify then 
 	    if domoticz.time.matchesRule(NOTIFY_TIME) then 
            domoticz.notify(text1,text2, domoticz.PRIORITY_HIGH, domoticz.SOUND_PUSHOVER, '', domoticz.NSS_PUSHOVER)    -- notify system default - PUSHOVER

function log(domoticz, text, lvlError)
     local lvlLog = domoticz.LOG_FORCE
     if lvlError ~= nil and lvlError == true then lvlLog = domoticz.LOG_ERROR end 
     if LOGGING then  domoticz.log(text , lvlLog) end 

function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
  local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
  return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

function rtrim(s)
  local n = #s
  while n > 0 and s:find("^%s", n) do n = n - 1 end
  return s:sub(1, n)

function updateTextInfoDevice(domoticz, text_content)
        if domoticz.devices(devText_work_state).state ~= text_content then domoticz.devices(devText_work_state).updateText(text_content) end
        if domoticz.variables(usrStateWorkHEAT).value ~= text_content then
 		    notify(domoticz,'Heating control - Change of mode work', 'Change of mode: '..text_content) 
        --  domoticz.log(text_content, domoticz.LOG_FORCE);
        --  domoticz.log(domoticz.variables(usrStateWorkHEAT).value, domoticz.LOG_FORCE);

function getHourFromSelector(state,nZone)
	-- separators in buttons with hours exp: [5-22] or [5.30-22.15] or [5.30-7/14.20-22]
    local hourSplit = '-'     
    local minSplit = '.'
    local zoneSplit = '/'
    local ret = ''
    local hour1 =''
    local hour2 =''
    if  minSplit == '.' then minSplit = '%.' end 
    local nZoneSplit= string.find(state, zoneSplit)    
    if nZone == 1 then nFrom = 0 end 
    if nZone == 2 and nZoneSplit ~= nil then  
        nFrom = nZoneSplit + nLenZoneSplit
       if nZone == 2 then  return nil end 
    if nFrom == nil then return nil end 
    local nHourSplit= string.find(state, hourSplit, nFrom,true)     
    if nHourSplit > 0 then  
        local hour1 = string.sub(state,nFrom,nHourSplit-1)  
        if string.len(hour1) == 0 then hour1='00' end 
        if string.len(hour1) == 1 then hour1='0'..hour1 end  
        local nMin=string.find(hour1,minSplit,1)      

        if nMin == nil then 
            hour1 = hour1..':00' 
            hour1 = string.gsub(hour1,minSplit,':')

        local nZoneSplit2 = string.find(state, zoneSplit, nHourSplit+1)           

        if nZoneSplit2 == nil then  hour2 = string.sub(state,nHourSplit+1) else  
            hour2 = string.sub(state,nHourSplit+1,nZoneSplit2-1)  

        if string.len(hour2) == 0 then hour2='00' end 
        if string.len(hour2) == 1 then hour2='0'..hour2 end  

        if nMin == nil then 
            hour2 = hour2..':00'
            hour2 = string.gsub(hour2,minSplit,':')

        ret = hour1..'-'..hour2
    return ret 

 -- MAIN dzVent's SCRIPT  

return {
    active = true,
    on = { 
	       devices = {devSetpoint_comfort, devSetpoint_night, devSetpoint_custom, devSetpoint_holidays, devSelector_heat_work_day, devSelector_heat_weekend, devSelector_mode, devThermometer_main },
		   timer = {'every 2 minutes'},
    execute = function(domoticz,device,triggerInfo)
        log(domoticz,' **************************************************************************')
        log(domoticz,'1. Heating control - start debug ver -> '.. version)
        -------------- STATE ON BEGIN RUN OF SCRIPT 
        log(domoticz,' **************************************************************************')
        log(domoticz,' On moment start script:')
        log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devHEAT).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devHEAT).state)
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devThermometer_main).name .. ' -> '.. round(domoticz.devices(devThermometer_main).temperature,1))
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devText_work_state).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devText_work_state).state)
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_comfort).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_comfort).state)
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_night).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_night).state)
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_custom).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_custom).state)
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_holidays).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_holidays).state)
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_work_day).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_work_day).state)
        log(domoticz,' > '..domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_weekend).name .. ' -> '.. domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_weekend).state)
        log(domoticz,' > HISTERESIS' .. ' -> '.. HISTERESIS)
        log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')

        --  variables
            local Time = require('Time')
            local stateworkHEAT = ''
            local stateworkMODE = ''
    	    local temp_current = 0
            local temp_set = 0
            local temp_night = 0
            local temp_comfort = 0

        --  BLOCK OF selectors 

       if ((domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).changed) and (domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_off)) then 
			local text_content = 'SYSTEM OFF'
            updateTextInfoDevice(domoticz, text_content)                   
			log(domoticz,' > 3. SETTING MODE: [' .. text_content .. ']',true)
            log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')

        if domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_holidays then stateworkMODE = '>'..devSelector_mode_holidays..'<' end			
		if domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_auto then  stateworkMODE = '>'..devSelector_mode_auto..'<' end	
		if domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_manual then stateworkMODE = '>'..devSelector_mode_manual..'<' end				
		if domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_off then  return  end		  --- because system is OFF. 
        -- BLOCK return from MANUAL to AUTO 
        -- automatic return to AUTO mode when the time condition described in the parameters is met, the event is triggered by a thermometer (ie automatically and not manually)
        if domoticz.time.matchesRule(BACK_TO_AUTO) and domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_manual then  
		    notify(domoticz,'Heating control - back to mode '..devSelector_mode_auto, 'The condition for automatic switching into mode is met '..devSelector_mode_auto) 
    	    log(domoticz,' > 2. Auto back to mode '..devSelector_mode_auto..' -> Switch ON mode '..devSelector_mode_auto..' -> '..BACK_TO_AUTO)         
            log(domoticz,' **************************************************************************')
            return  --exit from the script, because it will trigger a second event which will enter the new service for auto mode.

        --  BLOCK OF setpoints

        -- notifications of changes in the status of important control parameters
        local llnotify=false
		if (domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_comfort).changed) then
		    notify(domoticz,'Heating control - parameter change', 'The temperature setting for the comfort zone has been changed to value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_comfort).state) 
		    log(domoticz,' > 4. Notification sent ->'..' The temperature setting for the comfort zone has been changed to value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_comfort).state)
		    llnotify = true
		if (domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_night).changed) then
    		notify(domoticz,'Heating control - parameter change', 'The night temp setting has been changed to value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_night).state) 
		    log(domoticz,' > 5. Notification sent ->'..' The night temp setting has been changed to value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_night).state)
		    llnotify = true
		if (domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_custom).changed) then
		    notify(domoticz,'Heating control - parameter change', 'User temperature setting changed to value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_custom).state) 
		    log(domoticz,' > 6. Notification sent ->'..'User temperature setting changed to value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_custom).state)
		    llnotify = true
		if (domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_holidays).changed) then
		    notify(domoticz,'Heating control - parameter change', 'The temperature setting for the mode has been changed '..devSelector_mode_holidays..' on value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_holidays).state) 
		    log(domoticz,' > 7. Notification sent ->'..'The temperature setting for the mode has been changed '..devSelector_mode_holidays..' on value: '..domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_holidays).state) 
		    llnotify = true
		if (domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_work_day).changed) then
		    notify(domoticz,'Heating control - parameter change', 'The setting of heating zones on WORK DAYS was changed on value: '..domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_work_day).state) 
		    log(domoticz,' > 8. Notification sent ->'..' The setting of heating zones on WORK DAYS was changed on value: '..domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_work_day).state)
		    llnotify = true
		if (domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_weekend).changed) then
		    notify(domoticz,'Heating control - parameter change', 'The setting of heating zones on WEEKENDS has been changed on value: '..domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_weekend).state) 
		    log(domoticz,' > 9. Notification sent ->'..'The setting of heating zones on WEEKENDS has been changed on value: '..domoticz.devices(devSelector_heat_weekend).state)
		    llnotify = true
        if llnotify  then log(domoticz,' ------------------------------------------------------------------------') end 

        -- BLOCK OF CHECKS termometers :
        local devHeatMinAgo = domoticz.devices(devHEAT).lastUpdate.minutesAgo
        --- its time event so user dont click any push button, below we check condition to not offen change state of devHEAT. 
        if (triggerInfo.type ==  domoticz.EVENT_TYPE_TIMER or == devThermometer_main)  and devHeatMinAgo <  min_time_to_change  then 
    	    log(domoticz,' > 10. Nothing to change, last change -> '.. tostring(devHeatMinAgo) .. '  minutes ago. QUIT')
            log(domoticz,' **************************************************************************')
            return  --exit from the script, because it will trigger a second event which will enter the new service for auto mode.

        -- Determining the current temperature in the living room [this is a reference point for heating control] but if the thermometer does not work, we assume the temperature of the spare thermometer
        if domoticz.devices(devThermometer_main).lastUpdate.minutesAgo < max_time_last_seen then temp_current = round(domoticz.devices(devThermometer_main).temperature,2) end 

        if (domoticz.devices(devThermometer_main).lastUpdate.minutesAgo >= max_time_last_seen) then
            notify(domoticz,'Heating control - ALERT!!!', 'The thermometer does not report from '..tostring(max_time_last_seen)..' minutes, the system gets the temperature from an alternative thermometer!')
            log(domoticz,'10a. The thermometer does not report from '..tostring(max_time_last_seen)..' minutes, the system gets the temperature from an alternative thermometer!') 
            if (domoticz.devices(devThermometer_second).lastUpdate.minutesAgo < max_time_last_seen) then
                temp_current = round(domoticz.devices(devThermometer_second).temperature,2)
                temp_current =  temp_default
		        notify(domoticz,'Heating control - ALERT!!!', 'Alternative thermometer also does not work, I accept as temp_current '..tostring(temp_default)..' dg') 
		        log(domoticz,'10b. Alternative thermometer also does not work, I accept as temp_current '..tostring(temp_default)..' dg') 

        -- BLOCK CONTROL:  <holidays> i <MANUAL>
        if ((domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_holidays) or (domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_manual)) then 
            if domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_holidays  then 
                temp_set =  tonumber(domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_holidays).state) 
                log(domoticz,' > Operating mode selected >'..devSelector_mode_holidays..'<, checking if boiler operation is needed ')
            if domoticz.devices(devSelector_mode).state == devSelector_mode_manual then 
                temp_set =  tonumber(domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_custom).state) 
                log(domoticz,' >  Operating mode selected  >'..devSelector_mode_manual..'<, checking if boiler operation is needed ')
            log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')
            log(domoticz,' Boiler response to new settings: ')
            log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')
            if temp_set > temp_current then
                log(domoticz,' >11. ' .. devHEAT .. ' On because the current temperature '.. tostring(temp_current)..' lower than required '..tostring(temp_set),true)
                log(domoticz,' > 11a. '.. devHEAT .. ' OFF because the current temperature '..tostring(temp_current)..' it is not lower than required '..tostring(temp_set),true)
             -- contentet of text info 
            local text_content = stateworkMODE ..' '..stateworkHEAT..descriptionPrefix..temp_set..descriptionSufix
            updateTextInfoDevice(domoticz, text_content)     
            log(domoticz,' > 11b. I set the info about the work status on: [' .. text_content .. ']')
            log(domoticz,' **************************************************************************')

        -- BLOCK CONTROL: <AUTO>
        --  determination of heating zones: on what days in which times the comfort temperature should be maintained, and when it should be lowered
        --- WORK DAY 
        log(domoticz,' Boiler operation settings for mode '..devSelector_mode_auto..': ')
        log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')

    	local HEAT_MORNING   = ''      
		local HEAT_AFTERNOON = '' 
		local HEAT_WEEKEND   = '' 

        -- devSelector_heat_work_day
        strHEAT_morning = getHourFromSelector(stateDevSelector_heat_work_day, 1)
        if strHEAT_morning ~= nil then 
            HEAT_MORNING = 'at '..  strHEAT_morning  ..' on mon,tue,wed,thu,fri'
            log(domoticz,' > 13. I set the heating zone: Working days - heating from '.. strHEAT_morning)
             -- contentet of text info 
            local text_content = ' SYSTEM OFF !!!'
            updateTextInfoDevice(domoticz, text_content)                     
            log(domoticz,' **************************************************************************')

        strHEAT_afternoon = getHourFromSelector(stateDevSelector_heat_work_day, 2)
        if strHEAT_afternoon ~= nil then 
            HEAT_AFTERNOON = 'at '..  strHEAT_afternoon  ..' on mon,tue,wed,thu,fri'
            log(domoticz,' > 14.I set the heating zone: Working days - heating from '.. strHEAT_afternoon)
        --- WEEKEND; 
        strHEAT_weekend = getHourFromSelector(stateDevSelector_heat_work_weekend, 1)
        if strHEAT_weekend ~= nil then 
           HEAT_WEEKEND = 'at ' .. strHEAT_weekend .. ' on sat, sun'
           log(domoticz,' > 15. I set the heating zone: Weekends - heating '..strHEAT_weekend)
            local text_content = ' SYSTEM OFF !!!'
            updateTextInfoDevice(domoticz, text_content)                     

            log(domoticz,' **************************************************************************')
       -- log(domoticz,' > 16. Aktualne reguły : ')
       -- log(domoticz,' > 17. ...HEAT_MORNING   -> '.. HEAT_MORNING )
       -- log(domoticz,' > 18. ...HEAT_AFTERNOON -> '.. HEAT_AFTERNOON )
       -- log(domoticz,' > 19. ...HEAT_WEEKEND   -> '.. HEAT_WEEKEND )

        -- determination of comfortable and overnight temperature
        if (domoticz.time.matchesRule(HEAT_MORNING) or domoticz.time.matchesRule(HEAT_AFTERNOON) or domoticz.time.matchesRule(HEAT_WEEKEND)) then 
              temp_comfort =  tonumber(domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_comfort).state)
	          temp_set = temp_comfort
	          stateworkHEAT = description_heat
              log(domoticz,' > 20. Current boiler operation mode: Heating day')
              temp_night = domoticz.devices(devSetpoint_night).state
              temp_set = tonumber(temp_night)
              stateworkHEAT = description_break
              log(domoticz,' > 21. Current boiler operation mode: Cold zone')
            -- switching the boiler on or off if the set temperature has been reached
        local temp_to_compare = domoticz.devices(devHEAT).state 
		local switchOnTemp = temp_set - HISTERESIS
		local switchOffTemp = temp_set + HISTERESIS

        log(domoticz,' > 22. I turn on the oven for an even or lower temperature: ' .. switchOnTemp ..'  Current temp: '..tostring(temp_current))
        log(domoticz,' > 23. I turn off the furnace for an even or higher temperature: ' .. switchOffTemp ..'  Current temp: '..tostring(temp_current))
        log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')
    	if (temp_current >= switchOffTemp and domoticz.devices(devHEAT).state == 'On') then
            log(domoticz,' The boilers reaction to new settings (or calling the conservator by a temp.): ')
            log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')
			log(domoticz,' > 24. Target temperature reached, Status => off',true)
		if (temp_current <= switchOnTemp and  domoticz.devices(devHEAT).state == 'Off') then
            log(domoticz,'Boiler response to new settings (or calling the sensor by the temperature sensor): ')
            log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------')
			log(domoticz,' > 25. Heating is needed, Status => on',true) 

       -- contentet of text info 
        local text_content = stateworkMODE ..' '..stateworkHEAT..descriptionPrefix..temp_set..descriptionSufix
        updateTextInfoDevice(domoticz, text_content)
        log(domoticz,' > 23. I set the info about the work status on: [' .. text_content .. ']')
        log(domoticz,' ************************************************************************** ')
 -- end of script 
We hope that someone will use this script or wil be inspire it.
We are also curious about what you think about it.
Last edited by Eoreh on Sunday 14 January 2018 18:51, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by dannybloe »

Nice. On tip for better readability (shorter lines) is to rename domoticz with dz.
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by Eoreh »

dannybloe wrote: Sunday 14 January 2018 17:27 Nice. On tip for better readability (shorter lines) is to rename domoticz with dz.
Thank You.
By the way it would be great if the object "domoticz" to contain more information about information about environment. Especially the "port" on which the web server is running, then it would be possible to set up the objects in script when it doesn't exits.
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by dannybloe »

Owh.. that's interesting. It is actually there but not documented. I made sure it is in 2.4.0. For now you can do:

Code: Select all

domoticz.settings['Domoticz url']
In 2.4 you can do this:

Code: Select all

Right now you can get the port:

Code: Select all

local port = globalvariables['domoticz_listening_port']
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by Eoreh »

dannybloe wrote: Sunday 14 January 2018 20:13 In 2.4 you can do this:

Code: Select all

Right now you can get the port:

Code: Select all

local port = globalvariables['domoticz_listening_port']
Nice to hear it.
I can not wait for the new version of dzVents
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by odutilleul »


I'm just discovering Domoticz scripting, and now the dzVent part... Very interesting !

I just managed to get a heating control script in Lua working, except my timers do not work for some reasons (OnTime planning configured on virtual switch), I'm still pulling my hair off and suspect this is a bug...?
But I'm also looking at dzVent option as well now...

So thanks for sharing your version.
Btw, I guess you made a small typo in the "function(domoticz,device,triggerInfo)", you probably have an "s" missing for "device"
=> function(domoticz,devices,triggerInfo) ?

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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by dannybloe »

No, that's not a typo. That parameter is the device that triggered the script.
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by renerene »

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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by TomBod »

Yes, it is an alternative in a way. But - in my opinion - our solution is more flexible and user friendly.
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by snuiter »

I love this script as it can be configured from dzVents.

Anyone using this script for the Anna thermostat? Got the first setup working but need to redesign a bit so the Anna thermostat temperature is altered when the script result decides to start the heating.
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by rrozema »

If I read this correctly, you're controlling the boiler temperature off the thermostat in your living room, with an alternative thermostat used only in case the 1st thermostat fails to deliver a temperature, right?

Have you thought of putting (z-wave) controlled thermostats (f.e. Eurotronic Spirit or fibaro's FIB_FGT-001) on the various convectors in your rooms, to achieve zone-heating? that way you would have a thermostat plus valve in every room, making it possible to set a preferred temperature for each room separately (for example, I like my bathroom to be warm in the morning, but it doesn't need to be heated the rest of the day). The main script would need to control the boiler temperature based on the demand from all of the rooms. I'm thinking of making this a next project of mine and am seeking for other person's ideas.
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by Eoreh »

rrozema wrote: Wednesday 06 June 2018 15:15 If I read this correctly, you're controlling the boiler temperature off the thermostat in your living room, with an alternative thermostat used only in case the 1st thermostat fails to deliver a temperature, right?
Yes it works only as backup. 1st.
rrozema wrote: Wednesday 06 June 2018 15:15 Have you thought of putting (z-wave) controlled thermostats (f.e. Eurotronic Spirit or fibaro's FIB_FGT-001) on the various convectors in your rooms, to achieve zone-heating? that way you would have a thermostat plus valve in every room, making it possible to set a preferred temperature for each room separately (for example, I like my bathroom to be warm in the morning, but it doesn't need to be heated the rest of the day). The main script would need to control the boiler temperature based on the demand from all of the rooms. I'm thinking of making this a next project of mine and am seeking for other person's ideas.
This script dont support multi-zone heating. It will be hard to achieve in its architecture (but of course you can try to adapt it to your needs)
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by alarm_guy1 »

Thankyou for sharing this project, I am a complete newbie and cannot code despite my best efforts.

I get this error when it runs, but have no idea how to trouble shoot.

2018-06-24 13:02:00.298 Status: dzVents: Info: ------ Start internal script: Heating:, trigger: every 2 minutes
2018-06-24 13:02:00.299 Status: dzVents: !Info:
2018-06-24 13:02:00.299 Status: dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************
2018-06-24 13:02:00.299 Status: dzVents: !Info: 1. Heating control - start debug ver -> 2.3
2018-06-24 13:02:00.299 Status: dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************
2018-06-24 13:02:00.299 Status: dzVents: !Info: On moment start script:
2018-06-24 13:02:00.299 Status: dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-06-24 13:02:00.348 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Thermostat Switch -> Off
2018-06-24 13:02:00.351 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Thermostat Temperature -> 20.9
2018-06-24 13:02:00.351 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): There is no device with that name or id: Current working status CO
2018-06-24 13:02:00.351 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): An error occured when calling event handler Heating
2018-06-24 13:02:00.351 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): ...i/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Heating.lua:184: attempt to index a nil value
2018-06-24 13:02:00.351 Status: dzVents: Info: ------ Finished Heating

I think I have setup correctly, but do you have a setup guide or similar


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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by Eoreh »

alarm_guy1 wrote: Sunday 24 June 2018 14:06 2018-06-24 13:02:00.351 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): There is no device with that name or id: Current working status CO
You have to create virtual sensor type "Text" with name "Current working status CO", for proper operation of the script
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by alarm_guy1 »

cheers ill take a look
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by alarm_guy1 »

Again as a newbie I am still struggling any further help greatly appreciated
What integer do I set and what are the other issues Cheers
2018-08-05 17:48:00.624 Status: dzVents: !Info: 1. Heating control - start debug ver -> 2.3

2018-08-05 17:48:00.624 Status: dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************

2018-08-05 17:48:00.624 Status: dzVents: !Info: On moment start script:

2018-08-05 17:48:00.624 Status: dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2018-08-05 17:48:00.673 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Heating Switch Hall -> Off

2018-08-05 17:48:00.678 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Thermostat Temperature -> 24.1

2018-08-05 17:48:00.680 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Current working status CO -> Hello World

2018-08-05 17:48:00.684 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Comfort temperature -> Hello World

2018-08-05 17:48:00.687 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Economic temperature -> Hello World

2018-08-05 17:48:00.692 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Temperature for manual mode -> Hello World

2018-08-05 17:48:00.695 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Temperature HOLIDAYS -> Hello World

2018-08-05 17:48:00.697 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Heating - working days -> Hello World

2018-08-05 17:48:00.699 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Heating - weekends -> Hello World

2018-08-05 17:48:00.699 Status: dzVents: !Info: > HISTERESIS -> 0.3

2018-08-05 17:48:00.699 Status: dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2018-08-05 17:48:00.703 Status: dzVents: !Info: 10a. The thermometer does not report from 60 minutes, the system gets the temperature from an alternative thermometer!

2018-08-05 17:48:00.706 Status: dzVents: !Info: 10b. Alternative thermometer also does not work, I accept as temp_current 20 dg

2018-08-05 17:48:00.706 Status: dzVents: !Info: Boiler operation settings for mode AUTO:

2018-08-05 17:48:00.708 Status: dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2018-08-05 17:48:00.708 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): An error occured when calling event handler Heating

2018-08-05 17:48:00.708 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): ...i/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Heating.lua:124: attempt to compare number with nil

2018-08-05 17:48:00.708 Status: dzVents: Info: ------ Finished Heating

2018-08-05 17:48:00.948 Status: EventSystem: Script event triggered: /home/pi/domoticz/dzVents/runtime/dzVents.lua

2018-08-05 17:48:00.956 Status: Notification: Heating control - ALERT!!!

2018-08-05 17:48:00.958 Status: Notification: Heating control - ALERT!!!

2018-08-05 17:48:00.958 Error: Error updating variable HeatStatement: Not a valid integer
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by hoeby »

Are you variables set as STRING?
Looks like you made your variables as INTEGER, which is not correct

Just an example, don't look to the name of the variable.
But the variable type needs to be STRING, not INTEGER
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by alarm_guy1 »

Thanks for last reply, I have literally just seen it.
I appear to have only 1 user variable called HeatStatement that is now String.

I have rectified other issues and finally down to this now

2018-08-09 05:22:00.647 Status: dzVents: Info: ------ Start internal script: Heating:, trigger: every 2 minutes

2018-08-09 05:22:00.647 Status: dzVents: !Info:

2018-08-09 05:22:00.648 Status: dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************

2018-08-09 05:22:00.648 Status: dzVents: !Info: 1. Heating control - start debug ver -> 2.3

2018-08-09 05:22:00.648 Status: dzVents: !Info: **************************************************************************

2018-08-09 05:22:00.648 Status: dzVents: !Info: On moment start script:

2018-08-09 05:22:00.648 Status: dzVents: !Info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2018-08-09 05:22:00.696 Status: dzVents: !Info: > Heating Switch Hall -> Off

2018-08-09 05:22:00.699 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): An error occured when calling event handler Heating

2018-08-09 05:22:00.699 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): ...i/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Heating.lua:84: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'num' (a nil value)

2018-08-09 05:22:00.699 Status: dzVents: Info: ------ Finished Heating

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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by hoeby »

Sorry with this i can't help, i don't have that much knowledge of scripting

It looks like it gets no value for "num"
The function round makes a decimal whitout ','
when it gets a number 4,3, than the function makes it to number 4 (the 0,3 are cut off).
I think the problem is not on line 84 which your error says, but somewhere else in your script. But where, that's the question.

Did you made the 2 variables?
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Re: dzVents script for heating control

Post by Eoreh »

alarm_guy1 wrote: Thursday 09 August 2018 6:25 2018-08-09 05:22:00.699 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): ...i/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Heating.lua:84: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'num' (a nil value)
"Round" function in which the error occurs is used in the line with devThermometer_second in line nr 295

Code: Select all

 temp_current = round(domoticz.devices(devThermometer_second).temperature,2)
I think problem is with proper set "secondary termometer" in line 16

Code: Select all

	local devThermometer_second = 'Backup thermometer'           -- backup thermometer to control switch  when main thermometer dont work  (lastUpdate > max_time_last_seen) 
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