Dashticz - Dial - UpDown - +/- buttons do nothing Topic is solved

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Dashticz - Dial - UpDown - +/- buttons do nothing

Post by kamal »


I am trying to create a Dashticz dashboard and I am willing to use the block type: Dial and subType: upDown for my thermostat.

I have defined a block with:
blocks['thermtempupdown'] = {
idx: 71,
title: 'Thermostat',
type: 'dial',
subtype: 'updown',

This block will look like:
I believe it should not have the orange circle but it should be gray.
Also the temperature should appear with "°C" on it.
And finally, the +/- button do nothing.

The same IDX in a standard blocks is working fine.
It is also working fine in a "dial" block that is not "subtype: updown". But I prefer the updown style of block.

My device is defined as follow:
"ActTime": 1710942810,
"AstrTwilightEnd": "20:48",
"AstrTwilightStart": "04:52",
"CivTwilightEnd": "19:29",
"CivTwilightStart": "06:11",
"DayLength": "12:12",
"NautTwilightEnd": "20:08",
"NautTwilightStart": "05:32",
"ServerTime": "2024-03-20 14:53:30",
"SunAtSouth": "12:50",
"Sunrise": "06:44",
"Sunset": "18:56",
"app_version": "2024.4",
"result": [
"AddjMulti": 1,
"AddjMulti2": 1,
"AddjValue": 0,
"AddjValue2": 0,
"BatteryLevel": 255,
"CustomImage": 105,
"Data": "17.5",
"Description": "",
"Favorite": 1,
"HardwareDisabled": false,
"HardwareID": 7,
"HardwareName": "Thermostat",
"HardwareType": "Nefit Easy HTTP server over LAN interface",
"HardwareTypeVal": 68,
"HaveTimeout": false,
"ID": "0010101",
"Image": "NefitEasy",
"LastUpdate": "2024-03-20 14:53:08",
"Name": "Temperature cible",
"Notifications": "false",
"PlanID": "2",
"PlanIDs": [
"Protected": false,
"SetPoint": "17.5",
"ShowNotifications": true,
"SignalLevel": "-",
"SubType": "SetPoint",
"Timers": "false",
"Type": "Setpoint",
"TypeImg": "override_mini",
"Unit": 1,
"Used": 1,
"XOffset": "890",
"YOffset": "590",
"idx": "71",
"max": 30,
"min": 15,
"step": 0.5,
"vunit": "°C"
"status": "OK",
"title": "Devices"
But I have the same behaviour if I create a dummy thermostat.

Can anyone help fixing this issue?
Thank you very much.
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Re: Dashticz - Dial - UpDown - +/- buttons do nothing

Post by Lokonli »

You are using the Dashticz beta branch?

It seems something went wrong in one of the recent changes on the beta branch.

Can you try the master branch? That one still should work.

In the mean time I'll analyze the problem in the beta branch.
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Re: Dashticz - Dial - UpDown - +/- buttons do nothing

Post by Lokonli »

Fixed in latest beta.
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Joined: Wednesday 20 March 2024 14:44
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Re: Dashticz - Dial - UpDown - +/- buttons do nothing

Post by kamal »


I am indeed setup with the beta version. Sorry that I didn't mention it before.

I made an update of my dashticz and it is indeed working correctly now.

Thanks a lot for the very quick feedback and correction.
Much appreciated.
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