run script with parameter from switch or switch selector error 32512 Topic is solved

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run script with parameter from switch or switch selector error 32512

Post by Xenomes »

I am struggling with a script to get it running from a selector switch with parameter it keeps error out on 32512.

Here is the script, it runs fine in the cli.

Code: Select all


case $1 in
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Tuin/set -m "{\"state\":\"Off\"}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Tuin/set -m "{\"brightness\":130,\"state\":\"On\"}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Tuin/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 1/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 2/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 3/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 1/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 2/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 3/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 4/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 5/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.46400,\"y\":0.41149}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 1/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.64000,\"y\":0.33000}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 2/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.31273,\"y\":0.32902}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 3/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.15000,\"y\":0.06000}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 1/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 2/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.15000,\"y\":0.06000}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 3/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.31273,\"y\":0.32902}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 4/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.64000,\"y\":0.33000}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 5/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 1/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 2/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ voortuin\ 3/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 1/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 2/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 3/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 4/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
mosquitto_pub -h $Host -t zigbee2mqtt/Lamp\ achtertuin\ 5/set -m "{\"color\":{\"x\":0.54299,\"y\":0.40704}}"
echo don\'t know
setup in Domoticz 2022.2 in the selector switch i use this command 'script:// On' (On, Off, Default, Vlag or Oranje)
2022-11-12 10_34_10-Domoticz - Devices_808_LightEdit – Mozilla Firefox.png
2022-11-12 10_34_10-Domoticz - Devices_808_LightEdit – Mozilla Firefox.png (363.49 KiB) Viewed 2609 times
As test I create a script line without a parameter then there is no error.

Code: Select all

2022-11-12 08:55:33.695 Schakelaars: Light/Switch (Tuinverlichting keuze)
2022-11-12 08:55:33.690 Status: User: Admin (IP: initiated a switch command (808/Tuinverlichting keuze/Set Level)
2022-11-12 08:55:33.925 Status: Executing script: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/
2022-11-12 08:55:56.812 Schakelaars: Light/Switch (Tuinverlichting keuze)
2022-11-12 08:55:56.807 Status: User: Admin (IP: initiated a switch command (808/Tuinverlichting keuze/Set Level)
2022-11-12 08:55:57.044 Status: Executing script: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/
2022-11-12 08:55:57.050 Error: Error executing script command (/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/ returned: 32512
HP T630 (32GB SSD/8GB Mem) - Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64Bit) - Domoticz 2024.7 with Machinon theme - RFLink - KaKu - Sonoff - Tasmota - Shelly - MQTT2Zigbee - OpenTherm Gateway - Tinytuya - IR Blaster - P1 Smart Meter - NPN Watermeter - Google Assistant
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Joined: Tuesday 27 November 2018 19:05
Target OS: Linux
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Location: Netherlands

Re: run script with parameter from switch or switch selector error 32512

Post by Xenomes »

Problem Solved! The answer is easy afterwards the code 32512 meen kinda 'file not found' or 'executable not found'
I have installed mosquitto by Snap for some reason Domoticz can't run or find mosquitto_pub executable and on the CLI give no problem.
But after editing my file and changed mosquitto_pub to /snap/bin/mosquitto_pub the script runs fine now!
Hope it helps others to solve running scrips issues.
HP T630 (32GB SSD/8GB Mem) - Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64Bit) - Domoticz 2024.7 with Machinon theme - RFLink - KaKu - Sonoff - Tasmota - Shelly - MQTT2Zigbee - OpenTherm Gateway - Tinytuya - IR Blaster - P1 Smart Meter - NPN Watermeter - Google Assistant
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