How to, create a cleaning-knob (or scene)?! Topic is solved

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Re: How to, create a cleaning-knob (or scene)?!

Post by Kedi »

BarryT wrote: Sunday 28 January 2024 19:28 But i miss the full bright "knob" in this script.
The job in the script has to do 2 things:

normal mode = motion activated > lamp on to 50% dim with color: very warm white and lamp OFF after 3 minutes no motion.
cleaning mode = motion disabled > lamp has to stay ON with 100% brightness with color: cool white until we do clean-knob OFF and goes back to normal mode with motion detection
That has to be done in a script when the DummyTestFull get activated. That is the full bright knob.
You should have 1 full bright script, and change the 'motion' scripts accordingly.
Read carefully what I wrote about the window cleaner guy.
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Re: How to, create a cleaning-knob (or scene)?!

Post by BarryT »

Kedi wrote: Sunday 28 January 2024 19:33
BarryT wrote: Sunday 28 January 2024 19:28 But i miss the full bright "knob" in this script.
The job in the script has to do 2 things:

normal mode = motion activated > lamp on to 50% dim with color: very warm white and lamp OFF after 3 minutes no motion.
cleaning mode = motion disabled > lamp has to stay ON with 100% brightness with color: cool white until we do clean-knob OFF and goes back to normal mode with motion detection
That has to be done in a script when the DummyTestFull get activated. That is the full bright knob.
You should have 1 full bright script, and change the 'motion' scripts accordingly.
Read carefully what I wrote about the window cleaner guy.
It sounds like the perfect script what i need as well, but do you want to share these scripts?
I might have some time this weekend, looking forward to do some testing then!
Thanks :)
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Re: How to, create a cleaning-knob (or scene)?!

Post by Kedi »

Can't share, because I have to remove a lot.
But in above/previous post there should be enough.
And you signature states: A lot of scripts and many more.. So you should be comfortable to nit the snippets together. ;)
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Re: How to, create a cleaning-knob (or scene)?!

Post by BarryT »

Goodevening, i'm back again, and this time again with a finished script that works..:
Last months i did not had time enough to do crazy things in Domoticz and about this script, but today i had an idea to create something..
It was really simple and it works great :)
If motion and its dark enough in the room, the lamp goes to its normal value of 30%.
If Cleaning! knob is ON, it does not look to the motionsensor anymore, but turns on all lamps in the group to 100% with WW+CW on fullest.
If Cleaning! knob is OFF, it goes back to normal mode (with motion).

If you like, here is the script:

Code: Select all

commandArray = {}

if (devicechanged['BewegingTest'] == 'On') and (otherdevices['Cleaning!'] == 'Off') then 
	commandArray['LampTest] = 'Set Level 30'
elseif (devicechanged['BewegingTest'] == 'Off') and (otherdevices['Cleaning!'] == 'On') then
	-- Just do nothing for now since we already activated the group...
elseif (devicechanged['BewegingTest'] == 'Off') and (otherdevices['Cleaning!'] == 'Off') then
	commandArray['GU10Test'] = 'Off'
return commandArray
I had to make 1 virtual switch named Cleaning! wich will turn on / off a group by a blocky script to overrule the group itself otherwise the group will turned ON after the lamp goes ON. Not that handy ;)
Last edited by BarryT on Monday 17 June 2024 23:02, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: How to, create a cleaning-knob (or scene)?!

Post by BarryT »

Kedi wrote: Thursday 01 February 2024 19:21 And you signature states: A lot of scripts and many more.. So you should be comfortable to nit the snippets together. ;)
I do have a lot of scripts and things, but did i say that i made them ALL by myself? ;-)
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