Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen Topic is solved

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Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by PietB »

Version: 2024.4
Platform: RaspberryPi 3
Plugin/Hardware: Aeotec OpenZWave USB stick
Browser: Firefox, Chrome
Since one week the web interface is not showing anything except a dark blue screen. Restarting the RaspberryPi does not help. The mobile (iOS and Android) app is working as normal.
When on the console of the RaspberryPi itself, the web interface shows some parts of the pages. But for instance:
- A log of a utility (energy) does not work.
- For scripts the list of scripts is shown, but when clicking on one, the source pane is empty.

The log file contains the next errors:
2024-12-16 22:43:41.210 Error: Default admin password has NOT been changed! Change it asap!
2024-12-16 22:44:58.013 Error: Aeotec hardware (2) thread seems to have ended unexpectedly
2024-12-17 00:00:03.289 Error: Error writing automatic hourly backup file
2024-12-17 09:50:09.188 Error: CheckAuthToken(3efcacf6ac70ec_ZGJiZDM5ZTUtNzdkMS00MGMxLWE5N2MtYWJkNjNiM2Q2Mjhk) : auth token mismatch

When looking into the webbrowser debug console (Firefox) the are:
- Uncaught Error: Script error for "angularAMD", needed by: app, app.routes
- Uncaught Error: Script error for "angular-animate", needed by: app

What can I do?
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Re: Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by waltervl »

I suppose something went wrong on the login (based on Error: CheckAuthToken).
Clear your browser cookies. Or try with a browser in private/incognito mode.

And there also seems to be something wrong with your Aeotec (zwave?) hardware gateway....
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Re: Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by PietB »

Tried browser in private mode. Also installed brand new Chrome. Still the same result.
I do not expect that the Aeotec hardware gateway is related since communication works fine since on my mobile device for instance lights can be operated.
Can it be related to JavaScript? See the script error for "angularAMD" and "angular-animate".
On the RaspberryPi console, scripts in Blockly are shown properly in the editor, but when selecting dzEvents, the editor shows a blank page.
On my mobile Domoticz worked fine, but after closing my web browser and reopening, I now also get a blank screen when accessing Domoticz.
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Re: Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by waltervl »

Could also be some virus scanner or proxy blocking javascript. Did you have for example Mcafee AV enabled in your browser?
It is strange it suddenly popped up without changing something on Domoticz. Did you change something else in your environment?
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by PietB »

I do not have an virus scanner on my Raspberry Pi. Can it be that an update of Angular causes the problem?

I decided to move to other hardware, a Raspberry Pi 3B+ which was lying around. I bought a new SD card with Raspberry OS and installed Domoticz as specified. This works. However, how do I move all my configuration and historical data from the old to the new device. The old pi has 32 bits, the new one 64 bits. I found a procedure at https://atsiekratsie.nl/migrate-domoticz-to-new-raspi/ but this assumes that both old and new device have 64 bits. Is there somewhere documented how to migrate from 32 bit to 64 bit platform? I used 2024.4 (January 2024)
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Re: Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by HvdW »

PietB wrote: Saturday 21 December 2024 15:11 Is there somewhere documented how to migrate from 32 bit to 64 bit platform? I used 2024.4 (January 2024)
To do so:
Delete domoticz from your new sd card, better and set up a new 64bit Raspberry Pi installation. I recommend using the light version, so choose Raspberrypi OS other and then the 64bit version.
If you don't have a sd card reader, buy one. It is handy for many purposes.
Copy the domoticz directory from your old sd card to the new sd card.
Rename the domoticz directory in the new sd card to something like domoticz.december (any name wil do)
Now install domoticz on your new sd card simply with the bash formula.
The new install will find the old install and copy the domoticz.db to the new install and set everything else.
That's all.
Bugs bug me.
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Re: Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by waltervl »

You only have to copy the database (domoticz.db) and the external scripts and python plugin folder to the new system.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Webinterface is only showing dark blue screen

Post by PietB »

Copying the database (domoticz.db) and the files in folder scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts to my new Pi did the trick. The Aeotec USB stick also worked immediately.

Thanks for your prompt suggestions!
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