(2019-10-28 08:16:00.511 Error: dzVents: Error: (2.4.29) ...icz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Garage Door V2.lua:91: attempt to call field 'checkFirst' (a nil value)
2019-10-28 08:17:30.026 Error: dzVents: Error: (2.4.29) An error occurred when calling event handler Garage Door V2
2019-10-28 08:17:30.026 Error: dzVents: Error: (2.4.29) ...icz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Garage Door V2.lua:45: attempt to call field 'checkFirst' (a nil value).
This script has been running for several years without an issue. In one section of the dzvents documentation it says it's OK to use with uservariables (2.3.0), in another it says its only for switch-like-devices (checkFirst(): Function. Checks if the current state of the device is different than the desired new state. If the target state is the same, no command is sent. If you do mySwitch.switchOn().checkFirst(), then no switch command is sent if the switch is already on. This command only works with switch-like devices. It is not available for toggle and dim commands, either.).
What am I missing? Thanks is advance.
The uservariable is an integer, I'm running the latest beta version on a pi3 B+ using a usb drive instead of an SD card (seems more reliable).
Code: Select all
local function getMinutes(dTime)
local raw = dTime.rawTime
local a = {}
local i = 0
for v in string.gmatch(raw, "%d+") do
a[i] = tonumber(v)
i = i + 1
local min = a[1] + a[0] * 60
return min
local function canLights(dTime)
local min = getMinutes(dTime)
return (min >= dTime.sunsetInMinutes - 60 or min <= dTime.sunriseInMinutes + 60)
--return true --timing disabled for debugging purposes, when done comment out and uncomment out the above line to enable timing.
local function activateGarageLights(data,delay)
data.devices('Garage Lights').cancelQueuedCommands()
data.devices('Garage Lights').switchOn().checkFirst().silent()
data.devices('Garage Lights').switchOff().silent().afterMin(delay)
return {
on = {
devices = {'Garage Door State','Garage Motion','Lights Group','Garage Lights'},
timer = {'every minute'}
execute = function(domoticz,item,triggerInfo)
local tempDiff = 1.0 --Maximum satisfactory garage temperature differential (F)
local lightDelay = 5 --Garage Light turn off delay
if item.isDevice then --Device change scripts go here
domoticz.log('Script triggered on device change',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
if item.name == 'Garage Door State' then
--Turn on/keep on the garage lights if the door is Opening.
if (item.text == 'Opening' and canLights(domoticz.time)) then
domoticz.log('Garage door opened, switching on the garage lights',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
--Set close = 0 after the door is closed or someone may have closed the door manually.
if item.text == 'Closed' then
domoticz.devices('Door Auto-Close').switchOff().checkFirst().silent()
elseif item.name == 'Lights Group' and item.active then
--Turn on the Lights Group - pressing the number II buton on the garage door remote.
if (getMinutes(domoticz.time) >= domoticz.time.sunsetInMinutes - 60 or getMinutes(domoticz.time) <= domoticz.time.sunriseInMinutes + 60) then --allow script to run if it is between a certian time.
domoticz.groups('Lights Group Group').switchOn().checkFirst().forMinutes(20) --had added .silent() but there was an issue with another script.
domoticz.log('Lights Group Group activated for 20 minutes.',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
elseif item.name == 'Garage Motion' then
if item.active then
--Abort the auto-close function is there is motion.
domoticz.devices('Door Auto-Close').cancelQueuedCommands()
domoticz.devices('Door Auto-Close').switchOff().checkFirst().silent()
--if motion is detected and is dark emough, turn on/keep on the garage lights for 5 min.
if canLights(domoticz.time) then
domoticz.log('Motion detected, switching on the garage lights',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
elseif not item.active then
--Turn off lights if no motion detected after a while, after a delay
domoticz.devices('Garage Lights').cancelQueuedCommands()
domoticz.devices('Garage Lights').switchOff().checkFirst().silent().afterMin(lightDelay)
domoticz.log('No motion detected, turning garage lights off after ' .. lightDelay .. ' minutes', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
elseif item.name == 'Garage Lights' and item.active then
--set timer if light switch is manually activated
domoticz.log('Manual activation of garage lights detected, switching off in ' .. lightDelay .. ' minutes if there is no motion',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
--send an email an set a log event if the garage door auot close function has been on too long
domoticz.log('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< No device events triggered! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
elseif item.isTimer then --Timed scripts go here
--domoticz.log('Script triggered on timer',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
--Check if we need to auto-close the garage door, based of house-garage temperature differential
if (math.abs(domoticz.devices('Garage Temperature').temperature - domoticz.devices('House TempHum').temperature)) > tempDiff
and (not domoticz.devices('Garage Motion').active)
and (not (domoticz.devices('Garage Door State').text == 'Closing' or domoticz.devices('Garage Door State').text == 'Closed'))
and domoticz.variables('autoCloseStatus').value == 0 then
local wait = domoticz.time.isDayTime and 30 or 15 --this is not wrong, it's LUA's ternary operation (A ? B : C) 25 or 10
domoticz.devices('Door Auto-Close').cancelQueuedCommands()
domoticz.devices('Door Auto-Close').switchOn().checkFirst().silent().afterMin(wait)
domoticz.log('Garage door Auto-Close set for ' .. wait .. ' minutes from now',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.variables('autoCloseStatus').set(1).checkFirst().silent() --this variable is also set in the BT Occupancy event.
elseif (domoticz.devices('Door Auto-Close').lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 3) and domoticz.devices('Door Auto-Close').active then
domoticz.log('Auto-Close timed error event',domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log('Garage Door Auto Close Error, Sending Email...',domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
domoticz.email('Garage Door Auto Close Error!','Please check the garage door, it has tried to auto close too long unsuccessfully.','[email protected]')