Other Node ID, change IDX number Topic is solved

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Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by dzjr »

Hello all here at the Domoticz forum,

Today I connected my first Mysensors node to another gateway, I had combined an ethernet gateway and node, but now I have made RS 485 gateway because I want to connect more node's.

Now the node in the old situation had ID-0, and now ID-110.
So, with the result that the old "sensors" no longer receive an update, now you could say, with the new node ID you can still see the data, and that's right, but unfortunately I don't see the historical data from the sensors ( temperature and soil moisture)

Is there perhaps a possibility to import the log files from the old IDX to the new IDX?

Thanks for contributing ideas

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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by stlaha2007 »

- go to the temp/weather tab.
- click on the edit button of your new device
- then you chould have a popup window with a replace button
- Click it and sekecr your 'old' device and the thransfer into 1 with the history
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by dzjr »

@stlaha2007 ,

Thank you for your reply,

It all worked out, I have the old log in the new sensor!

Thank you very mutch !!
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by Toulon7559 »

Raises a question.
In the Manual for Replacing Batteries (see page 33), the reverse order is described:
- go to Edit for old device and select Replace by new Device

Are both descriptions correct, but applicable for different situations?
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by stlaha2007 »

Wrote it, straight out of my head.
Having a few devices(rfx433) that reset/change there ID, and therefor following that procedure regulary.

Used to have read the manual also, however it didn't work for me sometimes.

Ran into changed IDX's for Dashboards and so.

Perhaps the manual is correct, and i have memorized it incorrectly or just works both.
So the changed idx should be looked after, gonna test it today, i have to replace batteries today for 2 of those changing ID devices ;-)
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by waaren »

Toulon7559 wrote: Wednesday 24 April 2019 7:44 Raises a question.
In the Manual for Replacing Batteries (see page 33), the reverse order is described:
- go to Edit for old device and select Replace by new Device

Are both descriptions correct, but applicable for different situations?
The description in the manual is correct. On my system the sequence described in this thread leads to the loss of logdata. This only becomes visible after a cache refresh or domoticz / stop-start.

source device: [edit] [replace] choose target device ==>> logdata is transferred to target device. Source device is removed from database
Last edited by waaren on Wednesday 24 April 2019 15:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by EddyG »

So besides the 'replace' button a 'merge' button might be an idea?
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by stlaha2007 »

Just tested with an Alecto Rain sensor.

It doesn;t mather which device replaces the other. The last(higher number) IDX stays.

Replacing source idx 1668 to target idx 1670 becomes idx 1670.
Replacing source idx 1674 to target idx 1672 becomes idx 1674.

The log/device data get's merged either way. Or beter said: get the new idx-number in the database.

Conflicts (double data) appears to be solved by saving the latest.

Note: running on previous beta domoticz
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by EddyG »

So now I am confused. :? Who is right waaren or stlaha2007 :?:
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by stlaha2007 »

EddyG wrote:So now I am confused. :? Who is right waaren or stlaha2007 :?:
I would say: i'm ;-)

I have tested both ways. So it showed the Manual and mine DO work.

I recommend you to follow the directions according to the Manual.

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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by waaren »

EddyG wrote: Wednesday 24 April 2019 11:34 So now I am confused. :? Who is right waaren or stlaha2007 :?:
Just checked the source for this and it is fair to say @stlaha2007 is right.

But the function acts a bit different than I expected; it checks which of the two (source and target) has the most recent date/time in the LastUpdate field and considers that device as 'newest'.
Then all references in the database to the 'oldest' device will be changed in a reference to the 'newest' device (this includes effectively a merge of the historical data) and as a last step the 'oldest' device will be deleted.

Hope this clarifies
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Re: Other Node ID, change IDX number

Post by EddyG »

Tnx, for the clarification. :D
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