Reset GPIO script after Domoticz restart? Topic is solved

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Reset GPIO script after Domoticz restart?

Post by jevago »

I am using Domoticz now for more then a year to control my heating. I am running it on a Pi B+ and have a relay board connected on the gpio pins.

The issue which I have is that after a (re)start of domoticz one of the relais is getting activated, however the switch in Domoticz is not on. So when I toggel the switch on and off the relais is off.

I searched this forum but was not able to find a solution directly. So I was thinking about a workarround, can I put somewhere a script which is activated after a restart of Domoticz and toggles the switch (or all the switches) on and off?
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Re: Reset GPIO script after Domoticz restart?

Post by waltervl »

Are you using the GPIO pins as input or as output?

When using as output do you set the state 0 or 1 after export

When as input did you have the pin set to a defined state with a pull up or pull down resistor (not sure if the raspberry has those build in)?
Last edited by waltervl on Monday 27 June 2022 9:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reset GPIO script after Domoticz restart?

Post by jevago »

Thanks for the help, I discovered the problem.

For some reason the specific GPIO output was activated from the hardware list (light bulb was on). So that was the reason that Domoticz was enabling the relay while the switch was toggled off.
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