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Advice, another garage door project

Post by gamlebardun »

I'm about to finally do my garage door controller project, and I'm looking for advice.
For several reasons (replay resistance, range ..) I have chosen adafruit feather 32u4 433MHz units at both ends, and intend to use airspayce radiohead library instead of mysensors to handle the radio part.
The missing piece is then having my serially connected arduino board talk to Domoticz.
Since I am in full control on the arduino-side, I consider pretending to be a mysensors gateway as this is supported by domoticz.
Another alternative is writing something on the domoticz side and use either the api page of domoticz, or say MQTT, to interact with the controller.
Before I start the final work - have I overlooked a better alternative?
Thanks in advance for tips, advice and any comment.
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Re: Advice, another garage door project

Post by waltervl »

What is the hardware your Domoticz is running on, a RPi? How is the Arduino going to talk with the server, through USB, Wireless?
You could also think of connecting 2 wires between the GPIO of the RPi and the Arduino Digital I/O. 1 for the open/close command to the Arduino and if necessary 1 for feedback of the Arduino that the Garage door is opened or closed (if you have a sensor detecting this)
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Re: Advice, another garage door project

Post by gamlebardun »

Hi @waltervl
Thanks for the feedback
The hardware part is sorted. I was wondering how to interface a (USB) serial to Domoticz.
I think I have found a way - Python plugin looks promising.

Kind regards
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