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by mikelelere
Sunday 03 September 2023 10:39
Forum: Heating/cooling
Topic: X2D decoding attempt
Replies: 175
Views: 55236

Re: X2D decoding attempt

Do any of you guys still have the software CD that came with the mydomokit USB dongle? I've bought one secondhand without the CD, and it cannot be found anywhere online. Thanks in advance
by mikelelere
Saturday 26 December 2015 13:58
Forum: Heating/cooling
Topic: X2D decoding attempt
Replies: 175
Views: 55236

Re: X2D decoding attempt

It seems to me that the rtl_433 app is Manchester-decoding the data LSB first, while it seems that the actual order should be MSB first. Just reverse each data byte and you'll find the same preamble and frame delimiter reported by poloalexis. Still, I think that further coding is required for this ...