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by kallej
Thursday 19 September 2013 9:30
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: Events system thread (questions and feedback)
Replies: 308
Views: 144660

Re: Events system feedback thread


Some more information on this one.
seems that this happens only when I'm trying to evaluate humidity and it actually had something to do with my device
after swapping the thermometer, everything seems to work nicely.
by kallej
Thursday 05 September 2013 22:49
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: Events system thread (questions and feedback)
Replies: 308
Views: 144660

Problem using temperature in events

Hi, I have created an event using the block editor, it goes like this: If "Höyrysauna" temperature < 26 do set "ventilation" on both above devices are working nicely and I can get the temperature and control the ventilation, but once I activate the event i start to get following log entries every ...